Fight! Fight! Fight!

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I smiled as I saw my new friend, Mad, waiting for me under the bell. "Hey Mad!" I said over enthusiacly. "Ha, hey Sam. Did you hear about the contest?" She asked. "Yeah actually. Do you wanna work together?" I asked. Mad's smile told me enough but her answer was the best. "Of course! Actually, I have a song that might work." She said. "Really? What's it called?" I asked. "It's called Do you Even." She said. I nodded since I've heard that song before. But, before I could agree with her, I was shoved to the ground. "Oh look guys, The bunny boy's made a girlfriend." Dom said with a laugh. "Hey!" Mad snapped. "Back Off!" Dom turned to her. "And what is a girl gunna do against the amazing Dom Wow!" Dom turned back to me and kicked me in the stomach. I watched in horror as Taurtis and Grian grabbed my arms and held them behind my back as Dom began punching me in the face. After about ten punches, Dom was knocked off me. My vision was blurry, but I saw Mad on top of Dom throwing punches all over his face. After about a minute of this, she stood up and turned to Taurtis and Grian. "You Want Some To?" She yelled. My two old freinds dropped me and ran. Mad turned to me and held out a hand to help me up. "Fudging sexist." She muttered under her breath. She picked up her phone which she had set down and checked something. "And we're all good." She said with a smile. I turned to see Mrs.Okami, PufferfishPete, Rowen, and Paul_Blart circling around Dom, Mad, and I. "Before this sexist Baka tries to lie to you about me attacking him first, I have video proof of what happened." Mad said with a smile as she clicked on her phone several times. She held up the video so everyone could see Dom attacking me then Mad quite violently getting him to stop. Mrs.Okami nodded and grabbed Dom and talked to Mad and I. "Sam and um," She started off. "Mad. I'm new." Mad answered. Mrs.Okami nodded and continued talking. "Sam and Mad, you guys are allowed to take next class easy. Rowen nodded at this and walked up to Mad. Both started at each other for a good thirty seconds. "GOOD JOB MAGGOT!" Rowen said. Mad nodded at him and turned her phone back off. "Thank you Sir." She responded picking up her bag. Rowen, Mrs.Okami, and Paul_Blart walked off with Dom behind them. PufferfishPete stayed behind and whispered something to Mad. I watched as Pete ran off. Probably to abuse Pepe. "What did he want?" I asked nervous he was talking about me. "He told me that I did great in computer lab." She said with a smile. "See! She's liein to you. She's gunna leave you. Like everyone else did. It's better I'd we show them the enemy. I really wish I could yell at him but that would be weird. "Anyways, you know the song?" Mad asked like nothing had happened. "Yeah actually. Well, I know the male singing." I answered. "That's perfect. Because I know the female parts so we can do that." Mad said happily. We both looked over at the gym and realized that lunch was over. "Do you think since this would be free time for us anyways, we can just go home?" Mad asked. "I dunno. Wanna ask?" I responded. Mad smiled and responded with a "RACE YOU!" I started laughing and ran after her. "Hey!" I yelled chasing after her. "No Fair!" Mad just yelled over her shoulder. "C'mon Man. Your a rabbit. Don't let me win." As we both entered the gym, I only saw Rowen. "Hello Gym teacher Rowen." Mad said. Happy she had won. "HELLO MAGGOT AND SLIGHTLY LESS WIMPY MAGGOT!" He yelled. "Since this is a free class for us anyways, are we allowed to just go home?" Mad asked. "OF COURSE NOT AS WIMPY MAGGOT! ALTHOUGH I WAS CURIOUS IF YOU COULD HELP ME WITH AN EXAMPLE OF WHAT THE CLASS IS DOING!" He yelled. "Sure. What is it?" Mad said agreeing to help. As if on que, Everyone else walked out of the locker room. "ALRIGHT MAGGOT'S THIS NEW MAGGOT AND JTS WILL BE GOING AGAINST ME AS AN EXAMPLE OF WHAT'S GOING ON IN CLASS TODAY! TODAY WE ARE DOING DOUBLE TEAM FIGHTS! I DON'T WANT ANYONE FIGHTING UNTIL THE TWO MAGGOT'S ARE DONE!" Rowen yelled. I looked around to see other people's reactions. "Most of them we're looking at Mad like 'Nice Knowing You.' Mad just smiled as she plugged in one of her headphones and started some music on her phone. Mad, JTS, and Rowen stood in the middle of the gym. Rowen on one side and Mad and JTS on the other side. "ONE!... TWO!... THREE!" JTS charged at Rowen while Mad circled around a bit. I watched as JTS was knocked to the ground. Then, Mad charged him she knocked him to the ground while JTS got up to help. Mad was knocked back and back flipped away as Rowen punched where Mad had been. Mad and JTS made a plan both charged Rowen. They knocked Rowen to ground. "MATCH OVER!" Rowen yelled as Mad and JTS shook hands. "Mad walked up to Rowen and held out a hand to help him up. "GREAT JOB MAGGOT!" He yelled as Mad helped him up. "WHERE DID YOU LEARN TO DO THAT?!" He asked. Clearly amazed. "Um, I picked up some moves here and there." She answered. "YOU SEE MAGGOT'S! IF THIS NOT AS WIMPY MAGGOT CAN BEAT ME! THEN YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO WIN AT LEAST ONE MATCH!" He yelled. Mad smiled and walked out the door singing. "SCREW THIS CRAP I'M OUT! SCREW THIS CRAP I'M OUT!" I quickly ran after her laughing waving goodbye to gym teacher Rowen. "Hurry Up Sam!" Mad called out. "I'm coming!" I yelled back. I saw that everyone was staring at me jelously. I don't care what they think... I'm just happy to have a freind.

Mad:Hello everyone I am just here to say tha-
Taurtis: SO COULD YOU!
Everyone else: ONE DAY!
Mad:I hate you all.
Sam:What's wrong? Please don't be Sad Mad.
Mad:Ok, Light I give you control of My body
Light:Finally Dearie
Sam:Oh Crap
Yuki:Really Sam.
<The scene turns staticy...>
<If you look hard enough, you see a faded face.>
<See you next time...>

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