Bad News

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~Sam's P.O.V~~~

I walked down the stairs to see Mad sitting on the couch watching TV. "Hey Sam." I smiled. "Hey Mad. What's On The News?" Mad Shrugged.

"Natural Disasters, Murders, Wanted People, and there's gunna be news about a car crash in a few. If These Adds Would End That Is."

I nodded. "Did you have breakfast?" Mad shook her head no. "Not Hungry." I Was Confused. "How Are You Not Hungry?" Mad Turned To Look at Me.

"Long story short, I am a species called Shadow. Shadow's only need one meal every three days, eight hours of sleep every week, and one gallon of water every three days."

While she had talked, the news had come back on. I walked into the kitchen to grab a snack while Mad continued to watch.

'Something Bad happened... I Can Feel It.' What was up with Mas? He Never Talks to me except to scare me. A Warning? "What Mas?" I kept my voice down to not let Mad hear.

'Something Bad has Happened. I Can't Tell What, But I Know Something Happened.' I was about to continue my questions when I heard Mad Yell. "SAM! SAM COME HERE!!!" She sounded panicked.

I ran over to see the problem. The TV had been paused on a clip of a girl who had been in a Moyer cycle crash.

She had brown hair covering one eye, her other eye was closed. She looked a lot like Mad. The caption below her said. "Cocoa Shadow Hit By Car. Is Currently In Hospital."

Mad was wide eyed. "My sister... That's my Sister..."

~Time Skip to Hospital~~~

"I'm Here To See Cocoa Shadow." Mad said to the receptionist. She looked at Mad before speaking. "Only Family Can Visit Now." Mad shook her head annoyed. "I am Family. She's My Little Sister."

The receptionist shook her head no. "Her Sister is already inside. What's Your Name?" Mad looked ready to attack this woman. Through gritted teeth she spoke. "My Name Is Kapya Trelós Shadow." She sighed.

"Go ahead or whatever. In room 103." Mad Grabbed my Arm and started off before turning to the receptionist and yelling. "BURN IN HELL BAKA!" Then proceeded to drag me after her.

I snickered a bit. "Quite the temper, huh? Your In A Rush." Mad shook her head. "Me and Cocoa have several siblings. Each of them want to rip off our heads. They could kill Cocoa."

I rushed along with Mad. After walking for a few minutes we made it to Cocoa's room. There were three people who looked extremely similar to her. Two boys and a girl. Mad clearly had no idea who they were.

Cocoa was unconscious and looked more machine then human. "Hey! Who Are You?" The girl looked at us. "Hello. Who are you?"

Mad crossed her arms. "I asked you first." The girl sighed. "I'm Colin and these are my brothers Leo and Jasper. Including Cocoa, we're a group of Quadruplets."

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