Yakuza Dance Party

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~Mad P.O.V~~~

{This chapter takes place the night After J got shot}
I let out a sigh. I couldn't sleep. I never could. Sighing, I slowly stood up. My bed creaked as I hopped off. I always hate it when you try to be quiet and everything sounds like 50% louder. I crept across the bare stone floor of my room. Most people wouldn't like living in a stone cold basement, but I honestly enjoy it. The dark quiet gave me the sense of peace. I even felt a bit free. Odd I know, but I appreciate it. I glanced over at the large box where Alice slept. She was breathing steadily. I stepped passed her to the stairs. My one problem. Smiling, I focused hard enough to use my telepathy like abilities. I floated off the floor over the stairs. I felt a strain on each of my muscles as I floated myself to the top. As I reached the top, I froze. "Where are you going?" It was Alice. I didn't move. "You stupid Cheshire cat you." I never knew she slept talked. Cool! I continued my escape. The only room between me and the exit, is the living room where Sam is. Crap! I could easily pull a library and book it, but I doubt that would work. I looked around the room. Thinking. When I heard it. Music. The type of music you play at parties. I quickly noticed Sam's ears twitching. So, slowly, I stepped in rythem of the beat drops. When I was half way, Sam turned over in his sleep. I really hate myself for letting J use his bedroom instead of mine. I watched Sam turn back over on his couch. I continued to creep towards the door till I got there. I was about to open the door and leave. Maybe go flying. When I realized something. My keys were on the coffee table. GOD'S DANGIT! I didn't even wanna try it. I lifted up my hand and felt all my muscles tense up. My keys flew across the room into my hand. The cold metal feeling refreshing against the palm of my hand. I opened the front door. Not turning away from Sam. I slowly stepped outside and closed the door behind me. Now that I was outside, the music was much louder. I looked around for the source. Finding it was coming from the Dorito company across the street. I noticed that Sookie and Soul weren't there. I shrugged it off until I saw Mr.Dorito talking to some Yakuzas. "That's odd." Mr.Dorito gave the Yakuzas something. The two snuck out the window and started walking towards the train station. I snuck through the ally ways and followed them. It would normally be hard to follow three people on a train you can't ride, but I just extended my wings and flew after them. I watched as they snuck around town. I silently followed them. I was shocked to see them enter J's house. I smiled as I saw the entrance to the roof. J must be trying to build some type of ufo. I snuck downstairs and saw them stealing from his potion collection. I was confused. When no one was looking, I used my powers and stole one of each potion to me from Marthy, and ran outside. "Like ability and Hatred Potions?" I asked aloud as I heard someone say. "Hey kiddo. Wanna play a game?" Marthy had grabbed my arm but I pulled away. I couldn't fly, my wings would make me stand out. So, I ran. I ran on my little goat legs. Until they gave up and I followed them. Galexy pulled out a set of keys, and opened the Dorito HQ Door. I followed them inside and saw them poor the potions into the next, maybe fifty batches? They also poured some into fifteen boxes of Pokey, grabbed the snacks and left. I followed them to the train station where I rode on top of the train this time. They snuck back into Mr.Dorito's house, and gave him the sour snacks. Mr.Dorito passed out all the snacks and I sighed. Knowing I would have to fly back to J's house and use his lab to find out who's DNA was in these. That's gunna be fun.

~Time Skip to The Present~~~

"Hey Mad." Sam said as I stepped out of Rowen's office. "Hey guys. Sorry I haven't been able to talk all day." I said as I went to stand in the Girl line which had Me, Silly, Sookie, and Soul. The boy's line had only Sam, J, JTS, and PD. "Hello Maggots!" Rowen yelled as he stepped out of his office as well. "Today Since There Are only Eight Of You, You Will Have Free Time!" He yelled as We all ran outside. "I wonder where everyone is?" Soul said as Sookie walked past her to talk to PD. "I dunno." I lied as I looked around. I thought for a minuet and smiled. "Hey, I need to talk to Sam. I'll be right back." I quickly walked over to Sam. "Hey Sam, is it ok if I invite Soul and Silly sleepover tonight?" I said as He thought for a minuet. "Sure, but you better not forget about me." He said in a jokey matter. "Hey, you can still have J and JTS over." I said as I rubbed his back. "Ima go invite Silly and Soul. You go invite JTS and J." I said as I walked over to Soul. "Hey Soul, you wanna sleep over at my house?" I asked her. As I looked around for Silly. "Sure. Who else are you inviting?" She asked as I located Silly. "Silly. And Sam's inviting J and JTS." I explained as I started walking towards her. Soul followed. "Hey Silly. Mad's having a sleepover. Wanna come?" Soul asked for me. "Let me ask my parents." She said as she ran off. "Welp, I can't wait to come over." Soul said as I saw Sam Talk to J and JTS. "Yeah."

~ ~

Mad:Looks at Views.*
Mad:Oh my Gord. How do I have 195 views? Thank you all so so so much! You guys are the best! Thank you!!!

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