X-Mas Gone Wrong

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~Sam P.O.V~

Mad, Taurtis, Grian, Yuki, Chan, Ellen, J, and Myself were all sitting in the living room, talking, when Chan asked Mad when she was leaving. "Well, I was gunna get out of here before four." Mad said with a shrug. "What? But Isn't that less than an hour away?" Taurtis asked, disappointed his new friend was leaving. "Need help packing?" Grian asked. He, for one, didn't like Mad. "Nah. Already did. I told you guys when I had to leave it had to be quick." Mad looked around until her eyes landed on something I could just barley make out behind Yuki. "I am gunna miss you all though."

I couldn't help but smile at the silhouette of Mas and Light who were blushing and sitting together. Despite Mad being thirteen, her Anti Light was about seventeen. Perfect for the two. Mad looked away so either no one would notice but I didn't in time so when Yuki turned to ask me something she thought I was starting at her and looked away. I looked away as a blush cover every bit of my cheeks.

"Aww. Does someone have a crush?" Chan asked from where she was next to Taurtis. I was about to ask who she was talking to when the windows were busted open. We all stood up as Yakuza Karu walked into view. His employees surrounding us. He was glaring at Mad, surprising. "Hello, Miss Kapya." Mad shrugged. "Yakuza Face. How was working with Vincent going, just out of curiosity?"

He glared. I sent a glance at my friends who were all nervous. 'You Know, I could Easily Take Care Of It, Sam.' Mas said as he walked freely. I slightly shook my head and he shrugged. 'I'll still be around.' I ignored him as Mad sighed. She seemed to have been talking to Karu. She turned to look at us. "Welp, I guess I'll be going then. Hey Sam, make sure to remember that MAS-sive thing we talked about." As she said Mas, she slightly nodded her head to Mas. 'Cover Me.' She mouthed to me. At the same time, she winked at us.

I looked at Mas who had a knowing smirk on his face. Mad had privately discussed with me if anything went south, she would run to the highest point in town and cast a spell that would make everyone think this was only a weird dream. I muffled a sigh and nodded as Mad ducked under Karu's arm. I allowed Mas to take over and was shoved out of control. Only thing I was able to do was watch.

~Mad P.O.V~~~

As Sam gave me the 'Go Ahead' look, I ducked under Karu's arm and jumped out the window behind him. Knocking down the Christmas tree in the process. As I landed in the alleyway two stories down I heard the smash of all the ornaments falling and shattering. I yelled up at them something smart. "OOPS! SORRY!" And took off running.

I ran as fast as I could. 'This Isn't gunna work ya know.' I rolled my eyes. "Shut... Up... Light..." I gasped out. The tallest point was on the opposition side of town which would take even the best runners fifteen minutes. I was pushing for seven. I glanced at her as she was floating above me. Not needing to move. After several long minutes of her side comments, I made it to the top of the mountain. I stood on the edge of a thin ledge, my back to the town It was facing. I turned towards the town and caught my breath. A minute later, I spread my arms and yelled out the spell.

"Ego, Mad Shadow, Chrisimopoiíste Ti Dynamí Mou Gia Na Kánete Káthe Kátoikos Aftís Tis Pólis Na Chásei Káthe Mními You Mísous Sam Gladiator Kai Me Gnorízontas Étsi Skéftontai Típota Perissótero Apó Aftó Sti Synécheia Éna Óneriro!" Which Roughly Translated to I, Mad Shadow, Use My Power To Make Every Inhabitant Of This Town Lose Every Memory Of Hating Sam Gladiator And Knowing Me So They Think Nothing More Of Than A Dream!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2018 ⏰

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