Earlier That Night

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~Mad's P.O.V~~~

Tonight we were starting the next step of the plan. I was walking around town when I suddenly felt light headed. I knew what was happening and that I can't be in public when it does. I pulled out my phone to text a friend.
(M=Mad J=Jess)
M:Hey Jess, I'm getting another view. Can I come over?
J:Also, did you see Twitter?
M:What? No. Why?
M:And don't you mean Twotter?
J:Remember Lukas? Your Crush?
M:I never liked anyone. But yeah. Why?
J:Check his Twitter page.
M:It's Twotter. And why do you watch his Twotter?
J:Just check it on your was over here.
M:Kk. Coming now.
I checked his Twotter out of curiosity as I walked.
Today, Fifteen years ago, A girl named disappeared. For whatever reason, her guardians and sister don't remember her. I almost forgot about her to. Until I found a journal with her picture in. I assume she rest in peace now. So let us all say Goodie Bye to Mad.
As I approached Jess's house, I noticed something about his pictures. He looked the same as he did Fifteen years ago when I first escaped my family.
How? Was it possible he wasn't human either? I shook away these thoughts as I stepped towards Jess's front door.
I gave two knocks and smiled as Jess opened the door and quickly pulled me inside.
Once inside, I sat down on the couch and pulled off my goggles. I saw my vision project onto the table.
The first thing I saw was a flash through of Images. First was me in my goggles and mask. Like I was fighting or ready to fight.

The second person was a girl. She had black hair with gold streaks, tan skin, black eyes, and was wearing a black coat with a grey undershirt, black shorts, black shoes, and grey and black striped socks. She was also wearing a green cap and had wolf ears and a wolf tail. She was probably a year younger than me. As well as she was holding a knife with a red snake handle.

The third person was a boy. He had brown hair, pale skin, and brown eyes. At least from the small amount of his eyes I could see since one was mostly hidden by his hair and the other by bandages. He also had a red bandana that looked like it was originally white. He was the same age as the girl. He was wearing a white shirt with red sleeves, blue jeans, and brown shoes. I could tell he wasn't human either.

The third person was another kid. A boy who looked a lot like the other boy. Same hair style and hair color,same chocolate brown eyes, same pale skin. He was wearing a black t-shirt with white sleeves and collar, a blue vest sorta thing, blue kackie shorts, brown sandals, and a blue baseball cap with a heart.

The next person was a girl. Same age as the other kids and similar looks to the other boys. She had brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, and pale skin. She was wearing a white shirt with yellow sleeves, black jeans, brown shoes, and was wearing a yellow duckie hat.

After her, was an old man. He had pitch black skin, scaley black wings, horns, grey hair, black eyes, a white t-shirt, blue jeans, brown shoes, a black mini top hat, and a black tail.

After him was another old man. He had tan skin, grey hair, furry white ears and tail, black eyes, and glasses. He was wearing a lab coat. Like he was a doctor.
Last was Discord. He has tan skin, green hair, gold eyes, and a third green eye. He was wearing a Dapper suit and top hat though.
The last thing I saw, was a image of me standing in front of, and protecting the kids from Discord. (Image at the top)
I looked at Jess confused and she shrugged. I was about to start talking when I got a text from Sam.
(S=Sam M=Mad)
S: Hey Mad, quick question
M: Shoot.
S: Um, the first five we we're gunna get was Grian, Taurtis, Pielord, Hidden, and Gracie.
S: Right?
M: Correct... Why?
S: Um, I went to get Grian but...
M: But what?
S: He's gone.
S: His phone is on the ground, his door is open, and there's a few drops of blood on the ground.
M: WHAT?!?
S: It's the same at Taurtis, Pielord, Hidden and Gracie's!
M: What? Why would someone want those losers?
S: Mad!
M: Sorry man
M: I'm just speaking the truth.
I heard laughter as Jess read over my sholder. I smothered my own giggles as we kept texting.
S: they are still good people.
M: I know, I know.
I thought I heard something and locked eyes with Jess. We both nodded and she pulled out her phone to text Mark.
M: I'm gunna check something out. I'll talk later.
S: Bye
"So Mark can't come because he's on a date with Shelby, but." I gave her a confused look. "But?" She smiled and counted down from three. "Three...Two... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnndddddddddddddddddddddd."
As if on cue, Randy busted through the door. "Jess said we we're gunna break into the Yakuzas building and I have nothing to do since my little sisters on a date. Also, I found a anime can Gunslinger girls you might like."
I face palmed. "Two things. One, please don't screw this up. And two...
~ ~
Mad: Hey guys, I will be getting back into schedule next Monday. And since, I'm gunna make my closer really short. That said, Goodie Bye my Star Troopers☆☆☆

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