The "Pink" Man

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~Dom's P.O.V~~~

Monday. It is Monday night and my head is spinning. All day I kept jumping at the slightest things. And every time someone mentioned how someone wasn't hear, Mad would smiled.

I gave a jump as I heard someone slam the door downstairs. Dad's home. "Dom! Come Downstairs Now!" He yelled. I ran downstairs and saw he was having a quiet conversation with two other people. Two men. A man in pink I didn't recognize, and Yakuza Kuru.

The pink man must have said something because it made both my dad, and the Yakuza freak out. "S-son. Would you m-mind telling everyone what has been g-going on at school?"

~Mr. Dorito P.O.V/Earlier~~~

I walked out of Dorito HQ to see Yakuza Kuru and Mr. Pink standing outside. "Gentlemen." We started walking and talking plans. "Well, my daughter keeps saying that the girl, Mad, is killing everyone one by one." Kuru said. I Nodded.

"My son Dom says the same thing." Mr. Pink though a minuet. "Well, why don't we go visit young Dom and see what he has to say." He didn't wait for an answer as he started towards the train.

I noticed Yakuza had that same nontrusting look aimed at Mr. Pink. He had explained how he wouldn't be doing this if he didn't have his daughter to look after.

When we got to the train station I bought a ticket, but before I could grab it, Kuru snatched it. I rolled my eyes and payed again. Again, he grabbed it then ran towards PufferfishPete. I paid for a third ticket and Mr. Pink took it. I paid a fourth time and finally, finally, had my own ticket.

I hopped on the train and sat down glaring at Kuru and Mr. Pink."

~Time Skip~~~

I walked inside and let Yakuza and Mr. Pink in. I yelled up the stairs for Dom to come down and continued listening to Mr. Pink. "I'll be simple. I know neither of you trust me so, if you don't do it, I'll kill both of your guyses kids."

I was shocked. And so was Kuru.

~Yakuza Kuru P.O.V/Time Skip~~~

I didn't get home till well after midnight. But when I did, Yuki was sitting on the couch watching Attack On Titan. "Hi Daddy!" I smiled at her, but Mr. Pink's threat was still sharp in my head.

Yuki must have picked up on my nervousness because she grew concerned. "Are You Ok Daddy?" I gave a nod and smiled. "Of Course I Am Princess. Just Tired Is All." She smiled and gave me a hug.

"Good. I don't want to have to worry about you." I hugged her back and stood up right. "I'm pretty sure It's past bedtime. What are you doing up?"

She smiled. "Waiting for You Daddy." I gave a really look. "You Sure? Because It Seems To Me Like Your Watching Attack On Titan."

I would rather die then lose my daughter. And I will.

~ ~

Mad: Aww, protective Dad. Wish I had that. Though I might technically. Anyways, that's all so Goodie Bye my Star Troopers☆☆☆

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