A Plan or A Pizza? Which would you pick

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"Ok, first off, these guys." Mad pointed to the five behind her. "Ok, so I know these guys because when I was twelve I ran away from home and six months later was murdered in a Pizzaria along with some of these guys. Long story. Second, one of my freinds who's not here, his name is Jax, he has a cure for whatever the hell is still control. So, these guys, own that Pizza place. They are will to let us use the Pizzaria as a location to not only cure them, but also scare the Crap out of them." As if to explain, the five behind her each morphed their form so they looked robotic. "But please know. My plan takes a lot of time and acting." Paul cut her off. "As long as I get my daughter back to me and normal, I'm in." I nodded. "I am to." Soul and Sookie seemed to agree on something. "Now that Yuki is always out with Dom, she's not that fun anymore. We also can't kick her out because her dad will hurt us. I want the old Yuki back." Soul said. Mad smiled as her friends morphed back to their human form and everyone else gave their reasons to why they would help. "One more thing." Mad said. "We can either visit the Pizzaria tonight, or Wensday night until we start this. Any other time and there's a risk of something bad happening." We all looked between each other as I wondered what it was. "Why Don't We Go Tonight Not As Wimpy Maggot!" It was Rowen. Mad and the other five looked between each other as if considering something. "Ok, but I'm gunna need about ten minutes to do something." I looked at Mad who dropped a piece of paper and smiled at me before a large purple orb surrounded us all. I closed my eyes as I felt as if I was floating. This lasted about five seconds before I landed on the ground stumbling a bit before falling on my butt. I opened my eyes and looked around to see that Mad and her robot friends were the only one's still standing. "Oh Crap! Are you guys ok? I forgot how rough it was the first time someone teleports you. Sorry I didn't worn you." I shook my head as a sudden wave of dizziness over wellmed me. "Wait..." J said as he looked around our new location. " teleportation? I've been trying to make a teleportation device for years! How did we?" Mad smiled and glanced to Mark. "Ask Mark. I don't know how this crap works." I looked around. It was a generally crapy looking Pizza place. There was an elevator in view and the place had the distinct smell of pizza. "I gotta go do something. I'll be back in a minuet." I watched in confusion as Mad ran off in quite a hurry

~??? P.O.V~~~

I ran into the abandon sewer tunnels I had seen that Insain Little Rabbit Boy run into. When I ran in, I was shocked to see... no one?!? "HOW?!? I FRICKEN SAW HIM RUN IN HERE?!? THE TUNNELS ARE FRICKEN BLOCKED OFF! HOW IN THE NAME OF GORD, IRENE, AND EVERY SINGLE GOD AND GODDESS AND TITANS OF HELL DID HE GET OUT!?!" I sighed in annoyance. "The boss is not gunna be happy about this." I looked around and noticed a slip of paper on the ground. I picked it up to read it.

Dear ******* ****, ?????? ????, and ^^.^^^^^^. I am sick of you three fricken butts messing with me. I know that ?????? and ^^^^^^, you two have been pains in Sam's side since before you knew *******. My Advice? Get rid of that pain. He will use you and kill you. My advice for  *******? Leave. Me. Alone. You have been a pain in my side since I was born. Screw off before you regret it. You have been ruining my life for years. If not for some help from one of my Dad's step sisters, You might have actually got me. To bad for you. How about you quit ruining peoples life for once. That's like the only thing I've ever seen you do.  I feel like you should get a different for hobbie. I feel like you should quit all your little shenanigans before it's to late. This is a warning. If you don't stop, something bad will happen. You've seen the subtle hints and warnings I've left at two of you guys bases. Those were a laugh. Just remember. This warning is your last. Also, *******, If your curious why your daughter hasn't answered your calls and/or text, she decided to give me a little visit. Don't worry, we had quite the party. But, I don't know if she survived me throwing her off a building after throwing her through a wall. But, I mean, I had fun stealing both hers And your's credit cards. Oh! I forgot, you may be in debt about fifty thousand dollars. Have fun with that. And with all that said, Goodie Bye You Dead men walking. 

Sincerely, The burden of all your lives, ~Mad~

I smirked. This girl was talking a big game. I quickly text the others a picture of the note. This girl is becoming a pain. She better be taken care of. Soon.

~ ~

Mad:  Heyo guys, First off, shout out to @Greek_Geek7 who answered one of my fan shout out questions. And decided to wake me up and pester me about it last night and this morning. Thanks. -_- Either way, with that being said, Goodie Bye my Star Troopers☆☆☆

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