A New/Old Freind

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~J's P.O.V~~~

When I woke up I had no idea where I was. Until memories flooded my thoughts. And not just of today. I saw The Yakuzas taking stuff from my lab. My likeable potion, my unlikeable potion, and my amnisa potion. I heard shuffling and looked to my left. Sam was putting clothes into his wardrobe. "Sam?" He looked over at me. A little nervous. "Hey, your awake." He said with a nervous smile. "I wanted to take you back home... but Mad said it was to dangerous. Which makes sense. She's downstairs in her room. I honestly didn't even know this place has a basement." It was hard to see and Sam soon realized I was squinting. "Oh. Here." He held out my glasses. I took them and saw I was in Sam's bedroom. We sat there in silence for several ocward minutes. Until... Mad peeked in. "Oh. Your awake. Perfect timing. We have say... four hours till school. So we all best get ready." I noticed she had a sort of accent. "What is that accent if you don't mind me asking?" She gave me a confused look until she realized what I was talking about. "I honestly don't know. I've been told I have a British accent multiple times. But I never really hear it." She said with a shrug. I nodded as she closed the door.

~Time Skip~~~

I was sitting on the couch. Mad was changing into her uniform still and Sam was cooking. "Hey Boy-o." Mad said as she stepped around the corner. Her hair was wet from her shower. But her smile was bright and dry. "Hey Mad. Why out of curiosity is your nickname Mad?" She gave a smile. "My real name is so embarrassing I just go by my middle name in English." She said as Sam stepped out of the kitchen. He had two Mtn Dews, two apple juices, and three bagged lunches. "I have food!" He said holding the bags up higher. "SWEET!!!" Mad yelled with a laugh. Sam held out a Mtn dew and lunch bag to me. He also gave Mad a lunch bag the two apple juices. "We ought to go." Mad said as she checked on her pocket watch. I stood up as Mad opened the door. She smiled at Sam and said. "Ladies first." Sam started laughing and said in a female voice. "Thank you good sir." I laughed a bit two. As I stepped outside and felt the cold morning air. "It's cold this morning." She said as she closed the door. "Agreed." Said a smiling Sam. Mad and Sam started walking till they realized how far behind I was. "You coming?" Sam asked with a smile. "Yeah..." About twenty minutes later we got to the school. Mad ran off after saying she would text us during class. The second I got to Mrs.Okami's class I realized that Dom, Taurtis, and Grian weren't here today. Actually... the only people who we're here was Sookie, Soul, PD, Silly, and JTS. The second I sat down, Mad texted us both. She apparently created a chat group for us three.
(M=Mad J=J S=Sam)
M:Hey guys
J:There's nothing going on
S:Mrs.Okami's class is always boring
S:What r u doing?
M:Besides Using proper grammar?
J:Get wrecked bro.
S: -_-
M:Hia J
J:Hia Mad
S:You both Suck
M: Do you see the man waving his arms?
M:in the word Lol. It's a waving man.
(Shout out to RiveriraBlack for that image)
J:I see it
"J?" I realized Mrs.Okami was talking to me. "Yes?" I asked nervously.
S:Mrs.Okami called on us.
M:Tell me what your doing in class
Mrs.Okami.What are you doing?
S:Studying Aphspeare
M:J! Say your looking at the Romeow and Meowuet E-book
(Shout to Empress_Aphmau. Thanks Aphmau)
"I'm looking at the Romeow and Meowuet E-book."
J:What if she wants me to read it?
"Could you read us some?" She asked. Crap!
M:I know some.
"Um... Sure..."
M: Meowuet stood in front of the ally cats from O'Catsiss with her claws out. It started to rain and the scene became like cool anime pose. But just then Romeow using his last ounce of strength used his most pawerful and before anyone could blink he defeated his opponents.
I quickly copied what Mad had texted and Mrs.Okami went back to class. The homework we got was to write a report on our favorite story by a famous yt writer. Mad had finished her lunch before we even got downstairs to the lunch room. "Woah man. Why the rush?" Sam asked. "I gotta talk to Gym Teacher Rowen before class." She said as she stood up. "See ya." And she walked off.

~Mad's P.O.V~~~

"Hey Gym teacher Rowen." I said as I saw him. "Hello Not-So-Wimpy-Maggot! What's Up?" He said. "I have a lead." I said as he stared at me. "I'll get the others. Head in my office." He said as he ran off to get Okami, PufferfishPete, Sillu, and Paul_Blart. "I stepped into his office. I bought a juice and some BBQ chips from his vending machine. "What us this lead?" Silly asked as they walked in. "As you know, I emailed you all about being attacked by the Yakuzas." I started as I ate some of the chips. "Yes. And?" Pete was get squirmy. We all are. "Last night when I went out, I saw some weird activity at Mr.Dorito's house. You saw how many people weren't here today. Most of them we're at Mr.Dorito's house. But not only that...Some of the Yakuzas were there. Marthy and Galaxy. I followed them to the other town where the broke into J's house. They went down to his lab and took two potions. The also broke into the Dorito HQ. They poured the potions into the dorito mix and took some back to the party. I checked the potion lables. Expecting poison or something. I was wrong. I found something worse." If,they were sitting they'd be on the edge of their seats. "What Was It?!?" Rowen yelled as I pulled out the two empty viles I had stolen off of Marthy. As they read the names the froze. "Like ability potions and hatred potions? Why would the Yakuzas steal those?" Mrs.Okami asked. "I tested the dna that put in em. The like ability one has DNA of Dom. The hate has Sam's DNA. Whoever set this up is smart. I give em that. "But what about Grian? He doesn't eat Doritos." Silly said. "I thought about that. I went back to the party and saw that Grian ran out of Pokey. Mr.Dorito has been suplying Grian with Pokey." They all looked between each other then back to me. "Wait... you we're eating Doritos last night when we talked." Silly started. "Why arn't you controlled?" I could see what Silly was getting and and didn't blame her. "In all honesty. It probably has something to do with my gene's." I said. "What do pants have to do with this?" Paul said. "What?" I asked. "You said jeans." I laughed as I understood what he was asking. "No. Gene's as in what you aquire from parents. My dad's basically created a lot of potions that put people at ease and such. Most potions don't work on me." They understood easily. "Plus... the effects don't last forever. Why do you think people keep eating so many dorito's. We have a few options. Wait till the effects wear off. I have some friends who could make them immune. Or, my personal favorite, blow up every dorito factory and dorito bag in all of Japan." The bell rang. I went to leave when I heard Rowen ask. "What kind of friends?" I smiled. "I'll take you to meet em when I take Sam. So this Friday. Just... don't shoot em. Ok?"

~ ~
Mad:Hey guys. If you've seen the post I sent on May 19th then you know I'm not happy. Anyway I'm with a friend M_Cipher
Mad: M started WattPad not that long ago and is one of my real life freinds and wants to know what the third story she should do is.
M: options are
1= A creepy-pasta school story
2=A torture story (Like the one by moa)
3=Jurassic park
4=Zombie apocalypse
5=Sky media school
6=Redstoner (by House_Owner who is awesome. Check him out)
Mad:So just comment one of the numbers and I'll give M the results. Have a good day my star Troopers ☆☆☆

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