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~Sam's P.O.V~~~

Thursday. I hate Thursday. Always mocking how we have one more day till the weekend. One more day till the sleepover. I quickly sat up in my bed. J and I were taking turns with the bed. And making sure Mad had a bed the whole time. "SAM AND J! GET YOUR LAZY BUTT'S OUTTA BED BEFORE WE'RE LATE FOR SCHOOL! C'MON GUYS, WE TALKED ABOUT THIS!" I jumped outta bed. "Sorry Mad!" I heard J yell as I yelled. "Don't Say Sorry! Get Moving!" I quickly changed into my uniform and ran down stairs. "Hey Mad." I said as I noticed  the packed lunches. "One sec," She said. "J! HURRY UP! WE SHOULD A LEFT BY NOW!" She glared at the bathroom door. "Hey Sam, wazzup?" I gave a laugh. "Not much. How's life?" She started pulling on a pair of boots. "Late. Lame. Late and Lame. Lame and Late." J opened the door. "I feel ya man." I said. "We gotta go J." Mad said as she started towards the front door. "You guys coming? Or?..." I smiled. "Yesh man, chill out!" Mad let out a laugh. "If we don't, like, Run. We will be late." And me and J ran after Mad. I couldn't stop laughing since last night me and her decided to troll J by making him think we're late to school. When we got to the edge of the parking lot, Mad stopped, making me and J collide. "What?" J asked. Mad pointed to where everyone who wasn't at school yesterday, was crowded around Dom who was yelling about how he was gunna kick, Mad and mines butts for 'treason'. Mad quickly jestered for Me and J to follow. We snuck into the back of the school and up to J and mines class where the teachers were. "Good morning Sam, J, Mad. Why are you guys around so early? School doesn't start for another half hour." I heard J growl and started laughing. "Well, Mrs.Okami," Mad started as she smothered her own giggles. "The fastest way to explain it... Dom's had another outburst." Mrs. Okami nodded in understanding. "Your not the only one looking for refuge." She moved to the side. Allowing me, Mad, and J to see everyone from yesterday in the class. "Oh Oh!" Mad said as she started thinking. "What is it?" I asked. "One sec, Mrs.Okami, can it just be us in class today and make Dom and everyone else down their go to Gym all day. Where we can, like, make a club?" She thought for a minuet. "Ask Rowen if he's okay with dealing with them. If it's fine for him, I'm good." Everyone smiled. Excited. "I'll run down." Mad said as she started towards the door. "I'll go with her." I said as I followed after.

~Time Skip~~~

Everyone in class was on the edge of their seat as we came back. "He said..." I smiled as they all froze. "Yes." Mad said cutting me. "Gym teacher Rowen said yes." I couldn't help but laugh as Sookie fell out of her seat. Mrs.Okami went to tell everyone down their that they must all go to Gym instead of their normal class. "Who votes we make this a club. The school rebellion or something." Soul said as she stood on her seat. "I laughed as everyone except J raised their hand. "You know what..." J said after a minuet. "I'm in." Mad smiled. "So, who's club leader?" Half of us voted Me, the other half Mad. Twenty minutes after school started, we voted me. Another twenty minutes, and I was forced to give a speech. "Screw Dom." I started. "Screw him and His Whole Team Of Misfit Bakas. I KNOW, That They Turned Us Against Each Other. I Know, That I, would have given up if not for Mad. So, first, Mad's in charge whenever I can't be around, (Mad got a little idea now) and second, we need ideas on how to Stop Dom and his quote on quote friends. WHO'S WITH ME?!?" Everyone clapped. Even Mad, who was also... Laughing? I quickly realized Mad had activated the projecter and pasted the Japanese flag behind me. "Also," Mad said. "I forgot to mention this, but I have a way to both fix everyone who's been cursed by Dom, and get the sweet, sweet taste of revenge." Everyone stared at Mad in shock. "What?!? It slipped my mind." I stared at Mad. "Wait, you haven't told anyone this plan. What is it?" Mad smiled. "If you wanna know, here isn't safe. Meet me in the abandoned subway tunnels in the other town tonight at nine. I need to go call some people. Tell them where to meet. Get some costumes. Stuff like that. You know where to meet me. And, I'm out." Mad ran out the door as the last bell singling everyone to leave the school. I ran out the door to look for Mad, but she was already entering the train station.

~ ~
Mad:Hi guys, It's me. Sorry I took so long. My sisters phone broke and most of the time she won't give me five minutes to write. That and me not being able to laugh or smile considering without feeling pain. :'( Yeah... Either way, Don't forget. Anyone who makes a monster can submit

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