Wierd-o's at The Door

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~Sam's P.O.V~~~

I was sitting on the couch watching TV with Kuku, Sookie, Soul, and J when my phone buzzed.

(M=Mad S=Sam)
S: WHAT?!?
M: Hi.
S: Really?
M: I found your missing friends.
S: Wait, You Did?!?
M:Yes, Yes I did.
S:Where Are You?
M: I'm at Jess's house in the other town with Randy, Taurtis, Jess (Obviously) and Grian.
S: I'm coming now.
M: Sam, Wait.
S: What?
M: Stay there. The Yakuzas are a bit peaved at me.
S: The Yakuzas? Why?
M: I might or might not have broken into two buildings, shoved Yuki into Galaxy, broke the windows, helped your friends escape from them, and yelled to them at the top of my lungs 'DO EVERYONE A FAVOR AND BLEED TO DEATH IN A HOLE WHY DON'T CHA!'
M: Hey. I said Maybe.
S: -_-
M: C'mon buddy ol pal.
S: -_-
M: Rly Bruh.
S: -_-
M: Okay. I'm gunna go. Goodie Bye White Rabbit☆☆☆

I put down my phone and turned back to the TV when I heard a knock at the door.

"I got." I said as I stood up. My legs felt numb from sitting on them for so long, so I wobbled all the way to the door.

"Hello?" I asked as I opened the door. There we're five people about Mad's age. Four Girls and a boy.

The person who knocked was a girl. She had blond hair in two ponytails, Light Blue eyes framed by some blue square glasses, and  pale skin like mine. She was wearing a pink dress with a black end and separate red sleeves. Along with black boots with pink socks. She was also wearing a furry white fox ear headband. (Big thanks to my classmate Emily who doesn't have a WattPad account)

The girl behind her had pitch black skin, short grey hair with Purple horns, red eyes, and red cheek tattoos. She was wearing a black jacket and shorts with white bandages, and was holding a blue and purple fan. A small little boy dressed like the grim reaper was following behind her. (Spirit is just a random person. Not an entry)

The third person was the boy. He had brown hair covering one eye, green eyes, and tan skin. He was wearing a Dapper suit with gold trim. (Thanks to StephenMcNeil for Loko)

The fourth person was another girl who had black and purple hair, galaxy blue eyes, tan skin, and white rabbit ears and tail. She was wearing a black version of a Yandere outfit with a black headband. (Thank you to Micboss177 for Elizabeth.)

And the last person was a girl with Purple and black hair, Purple and black eyes, pale skin, and was wearing a purple and black mask. Along with a purple and black jacket, and black skirt. (Thank you to Haluza07 for her character Silver)

"Hello." The blond girl said smiling. "I'm Sirena and these are my freinds. Spirit, Loko, Elizabeth, and Silver. (If Anyone Wants More Information On The Competition read the bottom) We we're curious if you knew anyone named Mad."

~Mad's P.O.V~~~

"Really Mark? Why!? Did you forget how crazy Loko and Sirena can get?" I asked him in annoyance. He had just gotten back from his date with Shelby and had told me he had invited some old friends.

"I mean, Silver, Elizabeth, and Spirit are good, but Loko? Remember what happened last time he had sugar?"

"Woah, Woah, Woah. What happened last time he had sugar?" Grian asked. I started at him. "Do you know of the grand Canyon National Park?" He nodded. "Last time Loko had sugar, he actually created a version of that, only BIGGER, under water. In five minutes."

Taurtis spoke up. "Ok. So I Know why your not a Loko fan. But what's wrong with Sirena?" I stared at Taurtis. "She. Ships. EVERYTHING!"

Randy laughed. "And you don't?" I turned my attention to him. "Hey! Hey. I ship things that are worth shipping. Like Mithross (Mithzan Max × YourpalRoss). Septiplier (Markiplier × Jacksepticeye). And Redney(Thatguybarney × RedVactor)."


~Meanwhile in Washington~~~

Max: Did you guys hear something?
Barney: Likes whats?
Jack: Did it sound like a shipper Lad?
Max: Yeah actually.
Red: I didn't hear anything.
Mark: Me either. You probably just imagined it.
Ross: I'm a Squirrel.
Max: Shut up Ross.

~Back With Mad~~~

"Hey guys. What's up?" Shelby asked as she entered Jess's house. "MITHROSS!!! SEPTIPLIER!!! REDNEY!!!" Shelby smiled and squealed with Jess at the ships.

"OMG! SHUBSCAPEPRO(Shubble YT ×Newscapepro)! SKYMAU (Skydoesminecraft × Aphmau)! SAURTIAN! ( Samgladiator × Taurtis × Grian)!"

Taurtis looked at me. "There is no way Sirena can be worse then this." I smiled. "Multiple this by ten... Hundred... Thousand. And you have a fraction of how bad Sirena can be when it comes to ships."

Grian clearly doubted that. "There is no way that's possible." I smirked. "She's the one who created the Internet ship of you, Taurtis, and Sam."

There was no way to describe how he looks. So I'll add an Image.

I knew I had him. "Trust me when I say. You do NOT want to give her any ideas for shi-... Crap. You two and Sam being together in a group."

I face palmed. "I'm gunna order some Aphrodite Fan-girling proof ear muffs from Hermes." Randy spoke up. "Mark will pay for yours if you order for both of us." Mark nodded then froze.

"Randy, Why me?" Randy shook his head. "No. You pat for Mad's and I pay for yours and mines." Grian stared at him. "You are some how a bigger idiot then everyone in this town combined."

No One is allowed to talk about Sweet, Kind, Goofy, Randy. "HEY! Hey! Don't Talk About My Friend Like That You British Brat!"

~ ~

Mad: HEY-O GUYS! It's Mad. And, Information regarding the competition, I am still taking sub-
Sam: YO YO YO!
Mad: Sam. No.
Sam: What?
Mad: No. Just Quit. Please.
Sam: Why?
Mad: Anyways, Guys. I'm Still Taking submissions for the Competition. Th-
Taurtis: Hello Internet Peoples Of The Internet!
Mad: Really Taurtis?
Taurtis: What?
Mad: Back to What I Was Sa-
Grian: Hel-lo everybody.
Mad: That's All I Have To Say So Goodie Bye my Star Troopers☆☆☆
Mad: Sam. Just... Just Shut Up.

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