~Joke Chapter~

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Samgladiator Updated His Status
~Who Else Hates Life RN?~~~
Mad_The_Proxie & 4 Others Liked This Post.
Mad: I Always Hate Life.
Taurtis: Who Doesn't?
Dom: Me, The Amazing Dom Wow!

Mad Updated Her Status
~Should I Make An Ask/Dare Book?~
Samgladiator & 9 Others Liked This Post
Jess: Who Else Would Be In It?
Mad: Me, Darkiplier, Antisepticeye, PewDiePie, Natemare, & Mad_Pat. Maybe some others.
Samgladiator: Like Me?
Mad: I Dunno.

Taurtis Updated His Status
~One Year Since Salex Died. May She Rest In Peace~
~Sookie & 3 Others Liked This Post
Major_Ellen: Taurtis. Do You Realize That Salex Haunts The School?
Taurtis: Yeah I Know.
Sookie: Y Don't U Visit hr?
Taurtis: Teacher Gareth Will Kill Me.
Mas: I Hope He Does.

Mas Posted A Picture

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Mad: Dude... What The Heck
Sam: Who Else Has To Tilt The screen in order for the image to make sense?
Yuki: Me
Soul: Me
Jthestar: I do
Grian: It's An Image Of A Little Girl Hanging. Why Are You Talking About Having To Turn The Screen?!?
Mad: Yo Mas. What's That Little Girls Name?
Mas: It's Like Aria Or Something.
Mad: hmm... That name sounds familiar... Whatever!

Mad Updated Her Status
~Tell me In The Comments If I Actually should Make A Ask/Dare Book That Takes Place In The Future. That's All so Goodie Bye my Star Troopers☆☆☆

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