Last Night

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~Sam's P.O.V~~~

I Chased Dom and Yuki down the hallway that led to the security office. I knew it was impossible I would  catch them, but we had five minutes till six am. I bolt down the hallway and was about to grab Yuki's hair when the door shut. Locking them in and me out. I stood at the window and watched. They both started dancing and Dom started shouting insults.

I got angry. We We're So CLOSE! I started pounding on the window. Dom and Yuki started laughing. I was ready to give up until I saw Snowflake -the blue and white destroyed cat animatronic- helping Mad climbed down into the security office. Snowflake gave me the 'Keep Rolling' motion with her hands.

I kept pounding on the window as Mad snuck up to Yuki. She pulled a needle from her hand but I focused on Dom. I sent a quick glance to Yuki right in time for Mad to shove the needle into her neck. I focused on Dom as Yuki fell unconscious. Mad laid her down then went to Dom and pulled out a second needle. He must have noticed something was wrong when he turned around saw Mad.

He turned to the door to consider escape but there were like ten animatronics in the way. He turned to the nearest vent but Sammy -Shelby- was in the way. While he was trying to escape Mad grabbed his arm and injected the liquid that broke the mind control. He lost conscious as the bell rang out. Signifying Six AM.

The security doors opened and the lights all came on. Mad smiled as I fell to the ground laughing in triumphant. "Mad." Max said as he stood over me. "I think we killed Sam." Shelby walked over and smiled. "Can I Have His Snuggle-Muffins Then?" I shot up while yelling 'No'.

The others laughed as something was dangled in front of my face. I quickly realized it was Kuku~Chan dangling Snuggle-Muffins In my face. "Well, You Better Catch Me Then Sam." She took off running with me at her heels.

"Run, Kuku, Run!" Mad yelled as she impersonated That scene from Forrest Gump. I laughed and stayed just out of reach of Kuku for several minutes. Pretty Soon, after though I was able to catch up and tackle Yuki. As I ran back to my laughing friends, I realized someone wasn't happy.

"Mad? Are you Ok? You Look... Sad." Mad gave a half shrug and smiled. "Don't Worry. It's Just That I'm Leaving Tomorrow." Mad's friends nodded in understanding and my eyes widened. "What?!? You Can't Leave Yet!" I exclaimed. Mad sighed. "Sam. I Never Able To Stay In One Place For Then A Few Months. I Have to leave for the safety of this town.

I sighed... They I thought of something.

~??? P.O.V~~~

I watched through the cameras as the White Rabbit's ears lifted and a smile came to his face. "Mad! Can You At Least Stay For Christmas!?! Please, Please, Please!?!" Mad thought a minute and her gold eyes shone. She huffed out and nodded. "Fine Sam. I Leave In The Afternoon Of December 25." Sam fist bunched the air and Mad's friends started cheering out. I grabbed my phone and texted someone that I'll meet him at lunch around lunch. After that, I proceeded to call someone. The Person On The Other End Answered.

"Hello, This Is Arksward Asylum. How May I Help You?"

~ ~

Mad: Hey Guys. So, Head's Up, I'm Gunna Post A Christmas Chapter On Christmas And Then That Will Be The End of The Series Then The Following Friday Will be The First Chapter Of The Sequel. Which My Friend SSSEEEENNNNPPPIIII Has Helped Me Name Mas Destruction. Basically All The Chapters Between Now And Christmas Are Basically Filler Chapter's. Also, Before I Go, The Competition Is Still Going On And Thank You To Everyone Who Submitted. It Means A Lot. That's All so, Goodie Bye my Star Troopers☆☆☆

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