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~Sam P.O.V~~~

When Mad finally got back from the hospital it was almost time for school. It didn't take long for me to notice she was Mad. Especially since she slammed the door so hard it shook the whole house and woke me up.

I sat up from the couch and looked at Mad who had a bloody nose, black eye, and busted lip. She also looked like she had a migraine. I raised my ears in curiosity to hear what Mad was mumbling. "-pacifist my foot- Oh. Hey Sam." I smiled. "Hey. What's up?" She grumbled in annoyance.

"Nothing. Just gunna head out. I have some... business to attend to before school." I nodded. "See ya Mad." She waved as she left. "Bye Sam."

~Mad P.O.V~~~

"I regret everything involving you." I muttered to myself. 'Hahahaha. If you hate me, why did save me?' I shook my head.

"Because, Cocoa wouldn't have wanted me to forget her. She was still alive so I don't think she would have liked the idea of me taking one of her fingers.

'Hahaha, I can vouch for that. Unlike you. Your cool. You lost your whole fricken arm And had a new one built to replace it. That's... FRICKEN AWESOME!'

I sighed. "I can't wait for you to have your own body. Until then, I'll see what I can do." Vanilla sighed. 'So, Where are we going?' I smiled. "I gi ton kataskevastón." 'Wut?'

"The Land Of Makers. You can go there, and make anything for a temporary use. Least until I can get access to Kósmos tis Exargýrosis." 'Huh?' "The World of Redemption. You can go there to create a new version of yourself."

'Really??? I Can't Wait!' I sighed. "One step at a time. We need to get you a fake body so I don't need to deal with you  twenty-four seven. (24/7)" 'you Really expect me not to do anything?' I smirked.

"No, It's Not That. I Just Figured That Telling You, You Have A Babysitter Would Get You Annoyed." She laughed. 'You Got That Right! So, Where do we get this new body?'

"Just shut up. We're almost there." She sighed as I walked into a park. I quickly walked up to the dead willow by the lake and smiled. "This, Is how we get there."

'It's a tree.' I held down a snicker. "It's the Entrance to I gi ton kataskevastón." '...It's a tree.' I shook my head. "The entrance is in the tree. You IDIOT!"

I punched the side facing East with my robo arm and a purple mist  started up. I jumped through and spread my wings. I would have crashed if I hadn't glided downwards instead.

But, by the yelling sound coming from Vanilla, Ima guess she didn't fly. Which was more hilarious then I could imagine. As I landed I started snickering.

I smiled as she sent a glare at me. "You Have One Hour To Design Your Body. Make Sure You Like It Since I Won't Be Able To Change It For About A Month." She smiled and went to work.

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