Secret's Revealed

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~Sam's P.O.V~~~

Run. All I can do right now... is run. I lost control. I hurt Mad. She probably thinks I'm a monster. 'If she does, she's smart' I felt tears streaming down my face as I sped up. I'm a monster...

~Flash Back~~~

"Shut up Sam! Mad's face was a bright pink tone from me trying to ship her with her friend Daniel. "C'mon Mad! Your ship name could be Maniel!" Mad rolled her eyes. "Just wait till a girl catches your fancy. Not like any has before." I grew angry. "Shut Up Mad! For Your Information, I Have Fallen In Love With Two Girls! One Rejected Me Instantly, The Second I Was Really Serious About And Now She Can't Control Herself!" Mad shook her head. "WELL THAT'S NOT MY PROBLEM!" I yelled back but, I didn't say anything. I was watching myself and Mad argue. I saw my body morph. My hair turned darker. My eyes turned Red. My teeth sharpened. I grew claws. Mad didn't step down. "Well At Least I Know What Color My Eyes Are!" Mad yelled back. "AT LEAST I DIDN'T GET REJECTED BY A LAKE MONSTER!" Mad realized what she said. "Sam... I am so sorry! I didn't mean it! I got blinded by my a-" She was cut off by Mas slicing her eye. Knocking her goggles clean off. She reached up to try and stop the blood flow. I gained control again. "Mad... I-I..." I ran

~Back To The Present~~~

I slowed to a stop. Looking around, I realized the horrible truth. I was lost. No biggie, I'll use my phone GPS to find where I am. I reached into my pocket yo grab my phone except it wasn't there. "Crap!" I yelled as I looked around. I looked down and saw a green gem. I looked up and saw they made a path. I started walking the path and realized they led into a beautiful garden. The trees we're cherry blossom trees. Beautiful flowers were feeding places to butterflies. I could hear birds chirping and a water fall that probably led to a little stream. I continued to follow the emerald path. I passed a stream and saw tiny little fish inside. I looked up at the sky and froze. THE SUN WAS SETTING?!? HOW?!? How long have I been here?" I raised my ears in curiosity as I heard a new noise. "Is... Is that... a flute?" I asked as I headed towards the sound. Something was playing a soft song on... I don't know if it was a flute, but some wood wind instrument. I looked around and found a circling of cherry blossom trees. There were two people. A girl and a boy. The girl was animatronic. Was she one of Mad's friends? (The girl has different looks animatronic and human. Just a little FYI)
The girl was meditating on a rock. She had red cat ears and tail, black hair, fair skin, and was wearing a black cat mask, a black shirt, and a gray skirt. The boy was human. He was sitting on a cloud, playing a flute, without opening his eyes. He has blond hair, a tie dye shirt with just blue, pink, and green. He had dress pants and black shoes. I was considering meeting them when the boy stopped playing his flute and opened his bright blue eyes to look at me. "Ah, Samgladiator. It is nice to meet you finally. Mad has told us all about you." He said. The girl smiled at me. Letting me see her eyes. Her left one was green, her right was black. "Hello, I'm Cat. But you can call me Cocoa. The boy smiled. "And I'm Cloud. It's nice to meet you." They were both super kind. "Hello... so, I didn't mean to get here... I got a bit lost." Cocoa smiled. "Ok, well... what were you doing that got you lost?" I looked down. "If it's a long story, we got time and this is a place of no unfair judgement."


"And that's how I got here." Cloud nodded. "Well, don't tell Mad we told you this, but she has a secret of her own. She hides it to help people. She'll probably tell you to make you feel better. Don't worry about it, Mad doesn't blame people for crap like that." Cocoa nodded in agreement. "As for getting you home, Cloud can handle it." I smiled. "Thanks for that..." Cocoa nodded. "Ok Sam, I gotta show you something. Follow me." She started walking off. Cloud waved bye as we walked off. "Ssssooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... Where are we going exactly?" I asked. "A place." She pointed to a waterfall ahead of us. "More spacifically, that place." As we continued to walk, I could see a dark shadow behind a large portion of the water. I watched as the water moved away from her and we entered a long tunnel. After walking for five minutes, we entered a large room. There were probably ten or eleven pedestals in the shape of a circle. Each had a colored gem floating in the middle. In the middle of the circle, on the floor, was a mirror. "Sam, would you please stand on the mirror." I slowly walked the middle and stood on the mirror. As I did, each gem glew brighter. I said the colors to myself. Red, Light Blue, Dark Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Purple, Pink, White, Black, and Light Gray. Cocoa smiled. "Each color represents a different trait. Red, Determination. Light blue, Patients. Dark Blue, Integrity. Green, Kindness. Yellow, Justice. Orange, Bravery. Purple, Perseverance. Pink, Fear. White, Love. Black, Hate. Light Gray, Insanity. Looking at your soul, Mas has half, and you have half. Mas has hate. Obviously. But Sam, your half is Green." I didn't get what she was talking about. I looked down and saw it. You ever see one of those pictures of the broken hearts by little kids? Well, my soul looked like that. Half black. Half green. "Sam. You've got a kind soul. Instead of being scared of Mas's Hate, have hope for your own kindness." I nodded. "One question, what are those Light Grey cracks on the Green side?" Cocoa smiled. "You can't know what those are yet. Sorry Sam."

~Mad's P.O.V~~~

I was pacing Sam and Mine's living room. 'I always thought Sam had an Anti but now I can be positive about it.' My eye had been taken care of and I had a pad of Gauze over my left eye that stuck out under my goggles. "How cute. That rabbit boy reacts to his Anti the same a three year old would." I rolled my eyes. "Shut it Abyss. It just means he's never been properly trained." I could hear Abyss roll her eyes. "Yeah yeah, It's still kinda adorable." I shook my head. "Shut up before I call Cloud on you." When I got no response, I continued my pacing. "Why are you pacing? I'm getting a headache just watching you." I didn't answer and Instead listed to a wierd noise. FZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. I looked around as a cloud started to form in the middle of the room. I smiled as Cloud, Cocoa, and Sam teleported in. "Sam! Your Alright! Where we're you?!?" I asked. He looked away. His bunny ears were all droopy. "Hey sis." I turned to Cocoa. "Hey Cat. How are things going protecting the Zone of Hope?" She smirked. "Clearly not well considering Bunny Boy got in without a problem." Sam muttered Sorry. "Sam, don't worry about Cocoa Cat. Once she has her coffee she's as kind as Goldie." I turned to Cloud. "Hey dude. Wazzup?" He smiled. "The Sky." I muttered something I was sure he would hear. "Ok possie of Daniel." He glared at Mad. "And we're out of here." He grabbed Cocoa's arm, much to her distaste, and teleported away. I looked back at Sam who was looking at the gauze that was outside the goggles. "Mad..." He clearly felt bad. "Mad... I'm sorry... if you don't want to talk to me anymore... I'm fine with that." "That is so adorable. He feels bad. And the sad eyes and ears make it so cute." I ignored her and sat him down on the couch and sat next to him. "Sam... I'm not leaving you. I'll tell you something if you tell me something. Who... was that who attacked me. I know it wasn't you. Your to kind to do that." He sighed. "His name is Mas. He hates me... but he doesn't normally bother me when your around. Mostly just snide comments every now and then." I nodded. "Just as I thought. Sam, Mas... that thing who's been plaguing you your whole life. He's called an Anti. And if anything... your lucky to have him." He arched his ears up. "What?!? How?!? He Has Been RUINING My Life! How Is It Lucky?!?" I smiled sadly. "Cuz you don't have two of them." His eyes widened in confusion. I grabbed my goggles and started to pull them off. "Do you trust me?" I asked him. He nodded.

~ ~

Sam:I'm not gunna do the song today.
Sam:But that's just because you left it on a cliff hanger.
Mad:Speaking of which, I didn't post anything Thursday, Friday, or Tomorrow. Because my WattPad tried to post my first draft of this for twelve hours straight. Then it deleted it. One sec
Mad:Walks back* and I'm back.
Sam: Did ya enjoy your little break through?
Mad:Yeah actually. Suprisingly me destroying your Sookie Shrine helped me.
Mad: Anyways, I'm gunna go.
Mad:With that said, Goodie Bye my Star Troopers☆☆☆

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