Don't Get Caught

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~Dom's P.O.V~~~

The three walked off and I rushed forward to see what they were doing and froze. Taurtis was next to pop up. "Oh. My. God. She's a murderer." The desk had robot parts and two bodies. Sam and Sookie. "We need to leave. Now." I jumped at the sound of a new voice. "And why would you wanna do that? I mean, it's not like you should be here anyways. But why leave?" I turned to face Mad. My friends hiding behind me. "Hahaha... you guys thought that I would have someone like you around and not send out a spy? You are two pathetic. I even hinted at how I knew what was going on with your little plan." Shelby now had on the same bow that rabbit rat thing had. She smiled and waved. "Hello!" She sounded sweet. If not for the Mad girl (Punz) with a knife glaring at me. "So, this is the punk who was ruining our sister time with those stupid text." Said the other girl. Mad nodded. "Ya got that right Cocoa. The new girl was still holding the chain connected to the spike ball. I could now tell though, that the spike ball thing was alive. It let out a wierd little hissing noise. "Hmm, I like that Idea. What about you two. Mad didn't answer. "Get. Out. Of. My. House." We all started running. I felt my breath hitch as she said something else. "I can't wait to explain to everyone how this idiot cursed the people of this town.

~Soul P.O.V~~~

I was at my house alone. Sookie was at Mad's because Shelby, one of the girls Mad introduced us to, (See chapter 10 which is titled as Beginning of a plan and Bad puns) And Mad needed Sookie to hide so Dom didn't find her and put two and two together. Yuki was with Dom who was breaking into Mad and Sam's house. Me? I was walking Breaking Bass with Power Dragon who was actually a girl. I looked up as Dom, Taurtis, Grian, Chan, Yuki, Invader, and Ellen busted in, and slammed the door shut. The girls all look ready to cry. Everyone looked like they had just run a marathon. "Hey guys... what's up?" Yuki sighed. "Sookie is... she's dead." I remember Mad reminding me if I couldn't act, to leave the room. I did just that. I ran to mine and Sookie's room, went on my phone, and played a video from you crab that made it sound like I was crying. Really, I was reading a book. The Altered Adventure book by some dude named Gizzy Gozza. I smiled as I saw everyone leave. Besides PD that is. So, I walked downstairs and kept watching Breaking Bass.

~??? P.O.V~~~

I looked up as my daughter walked in. "Ahh, hello Princess. I see you brought your friends over." She looked nervous. "Princess, what's wrong?" She sighed. That new girl in town, Mad, she... she killed both Sookie, and Sam. She said... she said she's gunna take this town out... what do we do?" I froze. "Give me one minute princess. I ran downstairs into the secret bunker and texted the others.
(???= Yakuza Kuru ¿¿¿=Partner 1 ?!?= The Boss)
???: Guys, I have news
¿¿¿: What? I'm very busy.
?!?:This better be good.
???: Sam's Dead.
¿¿¿: WHAT?!?
?!?:Finally. What did you do?
???:I didn't do anythings. My daughter just ran in and said Mad killed him along with another student.
¿¿¿:Wait... REALLY?!?
?!?: how amazing. To think she's been claiming to be nothing like me.
???: That's not all. She also said Mad's gunna hurt everyone else in town.
¿¿¿: And I'm in danger now.
?!?: Your be fine.
???: No, I'll be ok. I'm the only one who doesn't live in the same town as her.
¿¿¿:True. I'm moving
?!?:That'll make it suspicious.
I left the chat as I heard a scream from upstairs. I ran upstairs to see A rat like rabbit animal with a pale pink bow around it's neck, a white tiger cub with red ears and tail, and a blue cat with black ears and tail and little ribbons and bells around it's ears. They all ran around grabbing pieces of metal and whatever weird stuff was around. Just as soon as I saw those three, they ran off as fast as they could. Carrying what they had. The cat dropped a piece of paper as it ran. I ran forward picked it up. I read it. 

To Do List
#1 Kill Sam Gladiator 
#2 Work on robots to hide evidence
#3 kill everyone (started)
Mad. Will murder. Everyone .

~ ~

Sam:Shut Up! Your so annoying.
Mad:I'm just gunna go. Goodie Bye my Star Troopers☆☆☆

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