The Plan

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~Dom P.O.V~~~

People kept disappearing. Every time I try to get Mad to tell me something, she would smiled and respond, "Your See soon." And walk away. It was starting to get on my nerves.
I looked at my phone as I got a text.
(T=Taurtis, G=Grian, J=J, Y=Yuki, I=Invader, E=Ellen, C=Chan, D=Dom)
C:Hey guys.
G:My phone is gunna blow up
I:Can it Blondie
J:Dude, Invader's right. Quit complaining
Y:It's a way to deal with the whole "Mad killing everyone and no one believing us problem."
T:That's not my fault.
T:Yeah! I Told all you guys I didn't wanna do it but you made me anyways!
I:I'm on Taurtis side.
W:Me to. Ever since that night, the spirits have been angry
D:Chan, what do you have to say?
C:I go where Taurtis Goes
J:I'm In Dom.
Y:Me to!
D:Fine! What's the plan?
Y:We sneak into Mad's house and record it and show it to Gym Teacher Rowen and Mrs. Okami.
J:Smart Plan.

~Grian P.O.V~~~

I had gained control back by have my friend Lizzy send Pocky straight to my house. I also knew when Taurtis ment he was out of helping he meant it by not dealing with Mad. He had no control.
I looked at a picture of Sam, Taurtis, and I.
It was a Halloween picture of when we were younger. Sam and Taurtis were ten and I was twelve.

I was dressed as a White priest, Sam as a pirate captain, and Taurtis as a Cowboy

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I was dressed as a White priest, Sam as a pirate captain, and Taurtis as a Cowboy. The only bad part was when I found out the pop gun Taurtis had shot someone with, was actually a real gun.
I looked up as I got a knock at the door.

~Third P.O.V~~~

As Grian answered the door, someone hit him over the head with a bat. Meanwhile, the same thing was happening at Taurtis, Pielord, Hidden, and Gracie's homes.
Whoever was at Grian's house talked into a walkie-talkie. "Astéri kapetán to lefkó kounéli. You there lefkó kounéli?" "I'm Here Astéri Kapetán." "Ok. Everything good Lefkó Kounéli?" " Everythings good Astéri Kapetán."
"Astéri kapetán to Kynígi agápis. You read me Kynígi agápis?" "Everything is A Ok Astéri Kapetán." "Carry on Kynígi agápis."
"Astéri kapetán to Spóros kakáo. You there?" "I'm Here Astéri Kapetán. I had a small problem but I'm good." "Ok. Carry on Spóros kaká."
"And Astéri Kapetán to Perpatóntas rompót. You done?" "Yeah Astéri Kapetán. I've been waiting at the place." "Ok, I'm coming now. The camra's are all ready. Correct?" "Yeah. We're all ready" "Good. I'll see you there."
"Operation Stop the Madness... Is a Go."

~ ~

Mad:OHAIO! SO Sorry it's so short. I started school last Thursday and I'm not the best at that. So please don't be to harsh on me. That said... I gotta go so GOODIE BYE MY STAR TROOPERS☆☆☆

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