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~Samgladiator's P.O.V~~~

     I was cleaning up one of the Pizzaria rooms when Sookie walked in.
     "Hey Sam." I nodded to her nervously.
    I remembered something Mad told me when I explained the Sookie problem.
     ' Well Sam, you may not be able to actually date Sookie, but if you try you can at least be friends.' She said as she switched on the T.V. I agreed with her. 'I know Mad, but I probably completely ruined it!"
   Mad considered this a second before she continued channel surfing."Just... try clearing the ice. Tell a joke... then say your fine with her decision and ask to still be friends." I thought about this. "Maybe."
     Tell a joke and ask to be friends... Easy! 'Or so you think.' I just ignored it and turned to Sookie.
    "Knock Knock." She smiled and asked. "Who's there?" I smiled as I continued my joke. "Daisy." She stopped picking up trash and responded. "Daisy Who?" I kept my face emotionless as I finished. "Daisy me Rollin. They Really hatein." We both started laughing.
     "Hey Sookie." I started as we continued cleaning up the room. "Hmm?" She hummed out. "I kinda feel like things have been kinda odd between us. And... I respect your decision to be with Soul and was hoping we could still be friends."
    I froze when Sookie didn't answer. 'See, I told you. Didn't I tell you. Who would ever wanna be friends with yo-'
     I raised my ears up as Sookie answered me. "I'd love to be friends again Sam. And thanks for not being to crushed by me choosing Soul over you." I smiled as I said something to myself.
     "Sookie... She would wanna be my friend."

~Time Skip & Mad's P.O.V~~~

     I quickly looked over my sholder for the twenty-fifth time as I scurried into the private party room.
     'No one's here. Good.' I sighed as I entered the room, closed the door, and locked it.
     "Ok. You've been bothering me for the past hour and a half. What do you want?" Light appeared in front of me and smiled.
     She had a different outfit. Her light blue hair seemed to have gotten paler. She had two black horns. She was wearing black glasses over her eyes. She now had two feathery black wings. And was now wearing a black coat with some red on it. A white undershirt, black pants, and red boots.
     "Hehehe... I figured I would remind you of that little deal you made." I looked behind me as Abyss teleported in.
     She was different looking to. Her red hair was still in a braid to her waist, it was just hard to see because of her wing. Speaking of, HOW THE FUDGE DID SHE GET WINGS?!? Besides that, her eyes were still red with black whites. Her goat ears were still white and her horns were still white and better then mine. ='(. And her outfit changed. She now had a red dress and a black coat or cape, Red and white laced shoes, and a heart choker.
     She walked so she was next to Light. "Oh yeah! I remember That! You really need to be careful Mad." I shook my head and glared at the two.
   "I guess I should remind her. This should be fun." I covered my eyes as a bright light flashed.
    When I looked back up I was in an abandoned and destroyed castle. This place. Light and Abyss were gone.
     I sighed and walked towards the main hall. As I walked down one of the side hallways, knowing I wasn't allowed to leave till I quote on quote remembered my little deal.
     As I walked I realized that I had a way to get something I had been missing since this place was destroyed. I smiled and tapped a brick next to a blue tapestry with a red X.
     The wall opened to reveal a secret passage. I smiled as I ran down it. Determined to get these little totems.

~JTS P.O.V~~~

     "Hey JTS," I looked behind me to see Cocoa and some other girl. "Hey, have you seen Mad? She's been gone for quite a while."
     "The last time I had seen Mad, she had been in quite the rush. Almost knocked me over and didn't even look back." I answered as the two girls looked between each other.
     "Ok, thanks JTS." I nodded as the two ran off in a different direction. I saw PD walk in right as they left.
     "Hey PD." I said as I continued my job which was making sure all the chairs and tables were good and not covered in mold.
     "Hey JTS. What's up?" I watched PD start blowing up balloons and tieing them down.
     "Not much. Cocoa and her purple haired friend were acting very odd." PD nodded before answering. "Yeah. I talked to them a bit. The purple haired girl is named Bella. And she meet Mad when her older brother and her went to a school before this. Quite odd."
     I nodded in agreement as Daniel walked in. It was really obvious he liked Mad and I was curious why he didn't make a move. I asked him that same question and he sighed.
     "I'm sure you have all realized how Mad is... Odd. But that's just who she is and how much her life has sucked. He mom was a drunk. Her siblings were abusive. And so on. When she met her dad, she at the same time fell in love with a boy. They loved each other... until her oldest brothers daughter popped up, and framed Mad for something she never knew existed. The same girl also made Mad's boyfriend cheat on her and break her heart."
     "I know that Mad hasn't really looked for anyone to be more then friends since then. Plus, I probably couldn't make her happy anyways. I'm happy enough to have a friend like Mad."
    Me and PD just watched as he walked away.

~ ~

Mad:Yo Yo Yo what is u-
Mad:You weren't using it.
Sam:Really? T_T
Mad:Don't think for a second that I won't hesitate to give you Amine eyes.
Sam:You wouldn't dare.
Mad:Get over here and I will.
Mad:I'm gunna go make some Rabbit stew So Goodie Bye my Star Troopers☆☆☆
Mad:Runs after Sam*

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