Hidden Totems, Deals, and Secrets

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~Mad's P.O.V~~~

     I quickly rushed to my old bedroom. As I entered I searched frantically for some of my old things.
     I had left this place when my dad and the other God's destroyed it when I was framed. Despite the bad memory, I smiled at the revenge I had gotten.
     Hearing Baily scream made my heart lift. Course, she died when the gods made  the dungeon cealing fall in.
     The first thing I found was Yugi. A Japanese mini statue that represents continuous energy. I was given it by my friend Maxy from when I lived in the Underfell universe. It was small enough to fit in the palm of my hand and was a darkish blue color with a gold Japanese symbol on the forehead, a gold goat tattoo on the back of its head, and  gold surrounding it's eyes.
     A grabbed the second totem as soon as I saw it. It was a Yin and Yang necklace. A gift from the Dark Angel. It was the normal Yin and Yang symbol and the string was just a black band. I still apretiate it none the less.
     I located the third totem and grabbed it. It was a multicolor striped bounce ball. I was given it from the twins. Fire and Ice. Despite that, they loved each other. Not only did they give me this bounce ball which healed a person, they gave me Alice. They were so innocent.
     A grabbed the next of the six items I was looking for. The items I was looking for was inside a small drawstring black bag. I quickly pulled it open and checked that nothing broke. The contents were tiny gems, and a few rare stones of types. The first was a gold square. Second was a rectangular emerald. Third was a round diamond. Fourth was tear drop shaped ruby. Fifth was an oval-shaped amethyst. A small rectangular sapphire. A Turritella fossil. And finally, an Agatized Coral Fossil.
     I sat back on my heals and looked around. I was missing two things.
     I smiled as I grabbed a small bag with a drawstring and I could wear over my sholder. I popped it open and let out a whistle. A small ghost girl with black hair covering part of her face popped up.
     "Spirit! I am So Sorry For not coming back So Soon!" She just hugged me and smiled. "Can you tell the others I'm back please?" She smiled. "Of course... and Mad... thank... you..." She vanished back into the bag as I looked around for my last item.
     About five minutes later, I found it. It was a picture of me and the Dark Angel. The day I got my first Sprite. He had brought Scorpion, his Sprite, and I had been so happy. Dark Angel was such a kind and mysterious person.
     I grabbed my stuff, and rushed down the hall. I froze as I saw a misty version of me and Herobrine.
     "₩€|| M@d. D0 ₩€ h@v€ @ d€@| 0r @r€ ¥0u r€@d¥ f0r ¥0ur  $¡$t€r t0 d¡€¿" He had a knife to Cocoa's throat. "Let me get this straight. The deal is, you let Cocoa go and leave me and my friends alone as long as the Guardian Monster's, aka Daniel, Astara, Kuku, and myself, don't battle you. But if you attack us the deal is broken and if we break the deal we go back to the Pizzaria until we get blood from a human monster hero. Correct?"
     Herobrine nodded. "Deal." He released Cocoa who ran over to me. "¡ $h@|| t@k€ m¥ |€@v€." He turned to leave. "Hey Herobrine. That includes none of friends like Entity 303 to. Right?" "0f c0ur$€ ₩h¥ ₩0u|dn't ¡t¿" "No reason. Just leave. And don't come back." He left. And I left the memory.
     I sighed as I got back to reality. I made a deal that ruined both my friends and my own life.

~Sam P.O.V~~~

     I looked up as Mad popped back up. "Hey Mad." She smiled. "Hey Sam." She looked down at her phone as she got a text. "Hey, I gotta go. The last person for this project needs help with something. I'll be back in a few hours." "K bye." She walked off.

~Later @ Sam's House~~~

     "Hey Sam! We're back!" I walked downstairs to see who else was here. "Hello. I am Kuku~Chan. But you can call me Kuku.
     She had black hair, red eyes, pale skin, and was wearing a red flower crown, a pink and white shirt, white skirt, and pink and white socks with white shoes.
     "Hello Kuku. I'm Sam it's nice to meet you." She smiled. "So, who do you want to save first?" I shrugged. "I... don't really know." She nodded and pulled a scroll out of her purple backpack. "It's a chart of everyone you know, who needs to be saved, and is saved.

Name   | Yes | No
Chan    |        |✖
Dom      |        |✖
Ellen     |       |✖
Gracie  |       |✖
Grian    |       |✖
Hidden  |       |✖
Invader|       |✖
J            |✅  |
JTS       |✅   |
Mad       |✅   |
Necra   |✅   |
Patty    |✅   |
PD         |✅   |
Pepe     |✅   |
Pielord |        |✖
Sam      |✅   |
Silly      |✅   |
Sookie  |✅   |
Soul      |✅   |
Taurtis |       |✖
Yuki      |        |✖

     "This... Is very organized and planned out. How long did it take you?" She shrugged. "Thirty-two minutes fifty-seven and six tenths of a second. Not that I'm counting." Mad laughed. "Kuku here is kinda... Kuku for  knowledge... If you're picken up what I'm throwing down that is."
     "I won't deny. My want for knowledge is... all Knowing if you get what I mean." I shook my head. "Well this is a pun-tastrife." Mad shook her head. "Is this my punishment for being late?" Kuku nodded. "Your timing was a little off." Mad laughed. "THE PUNNEST! ARE TAKING OVER! WHAT A WOR- Oh! Sushi!"
     She walked over to the container of fried rice I had gotten her as me and Kuku laughed harder. "Welp. This was Rice." She said as she started eating her rice with chopsticks. "Mad, there is no way you can eat all that with chopsticks." Kuku said. Mad smiled.
     "I guess we're just gunna have to Sushi."

~ ~

Sam: Hey guys Mad isn't... Here right now.
Mad:Knock Knock*
Sam:Who's there?
Sam:Mikey who?
Mad:Mikey doesn't fit in the key hole so let me in Sam!
Sam:But I don't know anyone named Mikey.
Sam:What are you gunna do if I don't?
Mad:Breaks same window Sam broke earlier* That.
Sam:Um... So Mad,whatarethewonderfulpeoplereadingthisgunnacommenttoday! PLEASEDON'TKILLME!
Mad: smiles* The second that camra goes off your dead. And please comment your favorite knock knock joke. Best one gets a shout out.
Sam:That's nice... should I run?
Mad:Hell yeah. That said-
Sam:Runs out broken window*
Mad:That said... Goodie Bye my Star Troopers☆☆☆ SAM! YOU HAVE FIVE MORE SECONDS!

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