Beginning of a Plans and Bad Puns

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~Sam's P.O.V~~~

I looked around the train station. I was waiting for the train to arrive to take me to the other town. Mad wasn't answering her phone or even responding to text. "All Abord!" I quick looked up and realized that Dom, Taurtis, and Grian were coming. I quickly ran over to PufferfishPete, handed him my ticket, and literally jumped onto the train. I was on the side farthest from where Pete would be driving. I jumped into the caboose and ducked down. The window let me see Dom, Grian, Taurtis, Yuki, Chan, Ellen, and Invader. I silently waited. This is gunna be a long train ride.

~Mad P.O.V~~~

I quickly pulled out my phone as I started towards the train station. I had finished everything and it was perfect timing. I was in the town with the abandoned subway tunnels. I dialed a certain number. I listened to it ring. One ring. Two rings. Three rings. An answer. "Hello?" I smiled. "Hey you pain." I heard laughter. "Good to know every time I call you guys put me on speaker." I heard people start laughing. "She's got you there Mark." (Not as in Markiplier. A different Mark) I snickered l. "Hey Randy. I assume Jess and Shelby are with you. (None of them are YouTuber's.) I heard two more people laugh before I got some answers. "Hi Mad." "Hey." I smiled. "Hey guys, I assume Daniel told you about our chat earlier this week. Either that or you guys were stocking him." I heard shuffling. "Yeah, he told us." I heard Jess say. "You stalked him." I heard Randy and Mark die of laughter. I waited for them to stop before I continued. "Either way, I assume you guys know I need your help." I looked around the street to make sure I wouldn't be hit. Ya never know. "Yeah, we know. So where are ya gunna be." I looked around to make sure no one was around. No one was. "I'll send out the homing signal when I get there. Have Jax help out. He always was good at helping out with stuff like this." I smiled as I approached the graveyard. The graveyard had been built on top of the subway tunnels. The entrance was in the back of the graveyard. "Hey Mad," I heard Shelby say. "Hmm?" "Did you just enter a graveyard?" Shelby was always wierd. "Yeah actually." "I could tell because the spoopy-O-Meter just went up 50%" I looked around and smiled. "Hey guys. Why didn't the Skeleton go to the prom?" I asked. "I sware to whoever is up there, if this is what I think it is-" I cut Mark off. "IT'S NOT! C'mon man." I took a picture of something and sent it to Mark's phone. (Picture)

"Because he had No-body to go with

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"Because he had No-body to go with." There was nothing on the other side. "Ya get it?" I heard Randy, Shelby, and Jess start laughing. "Hey, where'd Mark go?" I asked. "Shelby who was still laughing, said. "He left." I started laughing as I continued walking. "Did Mark see the picture?" I asked. "He did, that might be why he smacked the picture of you off the wall as he left." I heard Randy say as I smiled like an idiot. "Mad, Mad." I smiled. "Yeah Jess?" "I don't mean to be rude, but that joke... was a pun-tastrife." I heard Mark yell in anger as I started laughing again. I entered the sub way tunnel. Still laughing. "Ok, I'm sending out the signal now."

~Sam's P.O.V & Time Skip~~~

It was eight fifty and I had just entered the tunnels. The air was damp and smelled bad. I could hear dripping everywhere. I had been in here three seconds and already walked into a spider web. I was the last one here. All in all, it was Sookie, Soul, PD, Silly, JTS, Gym Teacher Rowen, Mrs.Okami, Paul_Blart, Pufferfishpete, FishkingFreddy, and Crabmancarl. "Ok, you guys are like ten minuets early, but I don't care." Mad said as she typed some things on her laptop. "First, meet some friends of mine." Five people stepped out of the darkness. Three boys and two girls. The first girl, had shoulder length blond hair, pale skin, brown eyes, and was wearing a pale rose bow round her neck, a red long sleeve shirt, gray flats, and black leggings. The second girl, had black hair to her middle back, black eyes, and skin like Mad. She was wearing a white skirt, black ballet shoes, a pink shirt, and a black choker. The first boy had crazy brown hair with purple tips, green eyes, and tan skin. He was wearing a purple top hat, a purple jacket, a gold undershirt, dirty jeans, and black high tops. The second boy had a blue top hat, yellow sweatshirt, black jeans, Tennis shoes, and had blond hair, brown eyes, and tan skin. The third boy had light blue hair, green eyes, a aqua t-shirt, light blue jeans, and brown shoes. But, the most unusual thing about some of them, is the first had rabbit like ears and a rat tail. The first two boys had gold bear ears and tails, and the last boy looked normal, besides his right eye was just black. "These are a few of the friends who will help us. This is Shelby," She pointed to the girl with the bow. "Jess," She pointed to the tutu girl. "Mark" She pointed to purple hair. "Randy." Blue top hat smiled. "And That's Daniel." One eye glared at Mad. Mad smiled back. "Ok, sooo... where do I start. Should I explain the plan? Or where these guys came from.

~ ~

Mad:Ok guys, thanks for wasting your time. I hope you enjoyed.







Mas:HA who am I kidding

Mad:Now let's not get overzealous here. Also, SHUT UP!

Sam:How much longer.

Mad:Wait what? Sorry the chapter just ended.

Sam:What? Wai-

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