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~Readers P.O.V~~~

Alice walked into a smoky grey room that seemed to have no floor, walls, or cealing and looked around. Seeing no one, she turns to the reader. "Hello. And Before You Ask, Yes I Can See You, Yes I Know You've Been Here The Whole Time And Yes I'm Not Here To Talk To Mad, Or The Yakuzas, Or Sam. I'm Here To Talk To You."

Your Eyes Widen and you open your mouth to say something before being cut off. "I Don't Wanna Hear Any Of This, Oh It's Just The Writer Trying To Give Us An A/N. It's Not. It's Just You, And Me."

"Well, What Do I Want? That's Easy. I Want To Talk." Alice snaps her fingers and grows to the size of a sixteen year old girl. "Let's Talk." Two plushy chairs appear out of nowhere.

You both sit down as a round, brown table appears with a tea pot of green tea and your favorite drink. Alice pours herself the tea and takes a sip and watches as you try to get your own drink. After a minute, you take a sip and Alice smiles.

"Sorry. Let Me Get Started. Well, Mad Is... Mad Is Close To Meeting Her Real Parents. You May Be Wondering Why That's Bad..." She pushes some of her blond hair out of her face.

"Your Understand In The Future. Anyways, I Will Say That This Story Is Reaching An End." She waits for a response which you give. "Yes, Some Important Questions Are 'What Do You Mean?' 'What Happens To Sam?' 'How Long Do We Have?' 'Who Is Pink Guy?' And 'Why Are You Leaving Us???'..."

Alice paused as if searching for the right words. "But Don't Worry. This Story Is Not Almost Over. Just... This Chapter. There Will Be A Sequel. Which I Have Taken The Liberty To Name. Mas Destruction." She chuckles at her pun before continuing.

"Sam Will Get His Friends All Back. But," Alice looks around behind her as if looking to make sure no one was around. She then leaned forward before whispering.

"Mad's Gunna Need A Little Help In The Future. Help I Can't Deliver. Which Is Why I Need You To Submit Your... Yourself And Whoever Submits The Best Person... I Will Request You Help Mad. Not For Her... But For Me..."

She looks down and frowns at something before looking back at you and talking at her normal level. "If Your Interested, Fill Out This Sheet." She hands you a piece of paper and a pen before pushing herself out of her seat and walking away. You flip over the paper and read it.

If interested, Fill Out Below

Markings (Tattoos):
Sacred Items:
Living Family:
Dead Family:
Fears (Must Have One):
Favorite TV show:
Favorite book:

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