The suit

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I woke up the next day after my shoot and checked my phone. I had a couple of messages and scrolled through my notifications on my lock screen.
"Facebook messenger: Lee"
"Email:Gleam head office"

I opened my phone and looked at my text from my dad.

"Hey Boo" that was his nickname for me and had been since i was young. "How did your photoshoot go yesterday if you get sent any snaps send them to me so me and your mum can have a look👀📸"
I chuckled to myself at his emojis. Parents and technology not the best match.

I next opened my Snapchat from Lucy.

"Meet me soon i miss you:(( don't forget me now you're famous ;))"

"Hahahha how could I forget you i might be able to meet today-when do you go back?" I replied. By back i mean back to uni. Lucy was the year above me but we met at school. We ended up going to the same uni-Bristol-but we studied completely different things. I took on a law degree and she did travel. I didn't know when she went back, I just knew I wouldn't being back at least not yet.

I then opened my Facebook message from Lee.

"Hey Y/N these are the pics from yesterday. I've already sent them on and it seems to good reviews so far. Also feel free to post on insta-considering thats how you started:)). Maybe meet for another shoot soon, was lovely working with you. L x"

"Thank you so much you've done such a good job, thank you so much for forwarding them for me I appreciate it so much. And also thanks for letting me post on insta ahhah"

I pressed send and scrolled through the pictures. There were so many, and I didn't look as bad as I thought I would(is that cocky to say that). I found one I really liked and saved it. I decided I'd post that one later on insta later.

I then opened my email it basically said Gleam had received my pictures and that we needed a face to face meeting soon to discuss the future. The gleam office was in London, I had never been to London before. Ever. But i knew someone who had.

And just as i was thinking of her she snapped me. I opened it and Lucy said she didn't go back until next week. Before i rang her to tell her that I needed to go to London and needed a travel buddy I sent on about 30 of the pictures to my dad like he wished. I was so happy he was supporting me with this. I know how much he wanted me to get my law degree but after the accident he knew it was just simply to hard to go back to Bristol any time soon.

After sending the pictures I exciting rang Lucy and told her of my plans.

"London yes. When? What are you going to wear? Where are we staying, are we flying or driving, how many nights?"

"Lucy calm down ahha I haven't really thought about it much. But probably three night and a plane there and back?" I replied more calmly

"Look leave it to me I'm the one studying travel remember, I'll book us a hotel and flights and make sure its a short distance from Gleam and also a short distance from the shops!!!"

"Ahahah okay, bye Luc, love you"

"Ciao babe love you more" she squealed excitedly

She was really in her element now.

I got myself showered and dressed. I put on a light covering of foundation, some mascara, highlight on my cheekbones and a baby pink lipstick. I wasn't planning on doing much today. I grabbed the hoover and pushed it around my small one bed flat. After hoovering I polished and then changed my bed. As i flung the dirty lien in the washing machine I realised the time it was lunch. I made myself a quick sandwich and watched tv. I was living the high life currently. I got a text from Lucy.

"Hey, we leave tomorrow lunch time from Newquay airport i got us a cheap deal so it will £200 I've paid so when you get the chance just transfer the money to my account. I will pick you up tomorrow morning about 9. I do not want to be late! Love luc xx"

"Amaze!!! This is why you are my best friend!! I better get packing. See you tomorrow!! Love you xx" I pressed send fireworks exploding in my stomach.

I was going to London tomorrow with my best friend to discuss modelling! This was a step up from watching jezza kyle on tv with a cheese sandwich.

I washed my plate up and went into my room. I pulled one of my suitcases out from under the bed and placed it on my clean bedding. It still had a couple of bits in it from when i moved back from uni.

The suit my dad had bought me for my first assisted case. I brought it out of the case. Its black tailored cotton caught the sunlight. I sat on my bed beside the case and grasped at the suit and burst into tears.

I should have been wearing this right now. I should have been writing up a report or something over the summer holidays but I couldn't. I couldn't because i had to drop out because after the accident and then after the sleaze ball Mark it had all gotten too much and I had to, trust me I had to drop out.

I was ripped out of my self pity as my door got a buzz. I threw the suit of me and ran to the phone.

"Hello?" I sniffed

"Y/N it's mum and dad we saw the photos and wanted to bring you some flowers. Are you okay sweetheart?" My mums voice brought waves of comfort over me.

"Oh mum, come up" i buzzed her and dad up and left my front door unlocked so they could get in. I could hear their muffled voices as they walked up the stairs.

"Boo?" My dad said as they both walked through the door. I ran towards them both in tears, and they both embraced me for a hug.

I explained to them that I was going to London with Lucy tomorrow and that I was about to pack when I came across my court suit. My mum took me in the bedroom and told me that while i was in London she would unpack up the stuff from uni that i couldn't bare to touch or look at. I hugged her tightly. In all honesty my mum was my best friend and I loved her so much. We packed my suitcase for London while my dad sat in my small kitchen/dining room/lounge watching the football.

It took me back to when i was younger me and mum would be cooking or doing a puzzle or reading and my dad would be watching tv. And i just loved it. We were together and even though we weren't all doing the same thing we were all together and i was so thankful.

My parents left at about ten after eating with me. I was packed and ready for tomorrow with lucy and was very excited.

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