Joe's 23rd party

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The uber pulled up outside Joe and Caspar's flat and me and Lucy clambered out. We shortly let in and greeted by a smiling Caspar in a red and black checked shirt and black jeans. He hugged me and let me in. Him and Lucy had some muffled words but I couldn't hear them as they were drowned out my the voices in Joes and Caspar's flat.

"Hey y/n thank you for coming" Joe said pulling you in for a hug.

His arms wrapped tightly around you, you could his heart against your chest, at this your heart rate increased until it seemed your hearts were in a race. It felt like you were hugging for years whereas in fact it was seconds.

"Where are Lucy are Caspar" Joe asked you in a hushed tone as he removed his arms from you.

"They were behind me, is there something going on?" I whispered.

Before Joe could reply they both walked in. I looked up and saw Joe's sister Zoe and her boyfriend-what was his name again???

Zoe was wearing a bright pink dress with black flowers on it. Her brown ombré hair was straight and reached the mid of her back.

"Y/n hi, you look so good" Zoe said pulling me in for a hug.

"This is my boyfriend Alfie he was at the meal, along with Marcus and Niomi" all three of them smiled and did a slight wave. "This is Oli he's one of Joe and Caspar's friends"

Oli was quite broad with a soft looking face and a shy smile. His brown hair was spiked and jelled to within an inch of it's life. He reached his hand out, took mine and shook it.

This is very formal I thought to myself.

"Alright mate you don't have to shake her hand" Joe chuckled coming up behind me and handed me a larger. "Sorry we don't have any other drinks is this okay"

"Yeah yeah thank you!" I replied.

We all sat on the sofa, well all of us apart from Lucy, Caspar and Oli they stood in the kitchen around the small breakfast bar talking in hushed voices. I had had two largers and Zoe had ordered a mini bus and a taxi to take us to the club in town.

Marcus, Niomi, Alfie, Zoe, Joe and me climbed in the mini bus and the other three were waiting for the other taxi.

We arrived at the club and it was packed. Sweaty bodies highly intoxicated swayed around banging into each other. Music from the DJ booth over took the whole bar and made it hard to hear yourself think. In the car Zoe hd said this wasn't her scene and that she didn't even drink but she had come down for Joe. The group seemed to disperse.

Zoe and Alf sat down and Marcus and Niomi went to dance. Joe took me by the hand and, lead me through the sea of drunk bodies dancing, to the bar. He ordered us some shots and we immediately downed them.

The lights shone onto his face causing his jaw line to look even better. His hair was all brushed over to the side. His eyes looked at everything so deeply. He stood behind me as i sat on a bar stool. His torso against my back and his breath on my neck. We spoke and drank for about 1 hour. He was so easy to talk to and could handle his drink better then me.

Everything felt uneasy as we walked back to the table everyone was sat there including Oli, Caspar and Lucy. Lucy was sat on Caspar's lap and they were only talking and drinking with each other. Joe shot me side eyes.

What was going on it was obviously something, why didn't they just tell us?

All the others were drinking and talking, me and Joe went and sat down with them we spoke for about an hour and drank a lot. Time seemed to only be distinguished by new rounds being bought, until a wasted Lucy came over, her skirt showing her pants, her hair a mess and lipstick smudged. I thought I was drunk, i was nothing compared to Lucy.

"I'm going gonna go back to the house. No ahah hotel with someone great party. Great booze" she stammered

"What no" I stood up suddenly scaring the other around me. Joe placed his hand on my back to support me.

"You can't leave with some random man Lucy, especially not so far from home" all 'drunkenness' had left my body at my best friends stupidity.

"He's not some random it's Caspar. You know what why did i bother to tell you. Remember I'm the older one in this friendship" her words slurred.

"Dont bring age into this. Yeah Caspar seems nice but so did Mark" I shouted. People started to turn around.

"Not everyone is as slutty as you as to stay in an abusive relationship just for the sex and attention!" Lucy spat. She turned grabbed her bag and Caspar and stormed out.

Now everyone turned around and looked at me. Standing there. My drunken body, supported by Joes outstretched hand, had stopped swaying at Lucy's words.
No one spoke a word.
The music stopped.
It seemed as though Lucy's words were echoing around the bar. I felt tears streaming down my face and as if something overcame me and i ran for the toilets. As i made my move everyone let go of their breath. Voices began again, but as i ran towards the toilets people cleared a path.

Wow well I've ruined Joe's birthday and my best friend had said possibly the most upsetting thing she could of.

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