I met someone called Joe

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The drive to gleam was short from the hotel to be honest, whether that was due to my excitement causing the time to whizz on or because our hotel was close. My stomach felt similar to when i had my first shoot. A cauldron of nerves with bubbles of excitement. Lucy was equally as excited-but for shopping. I said I would meet her after my meeting and shop with her.

As we pulled up to the gleam office my palms became sweaty I couldn't hold my phone without fear of it sliding out my grasp i placed it in my bag and reluctantly said goodbye to Lucy.

She'd always helped me through all aspects of my life. She was at Bristol uni when i got there so she helped me out. She was there at the hospital, there at the funeral, there on the night I finally called for help and there at court. It felt weird she wouldn't be there at this new chapter of my life. But maybe i did need to do this alone.

I closed the uber door and waved as she was driven into the busy streets of London. I turned to face the office. I walked up to the doors. But I couldn't get in. It was locked. And that made sense. But how did i get in i had no key. I looked and saw a ringer to buzz through there was Maddy's name. I pressed the cold metal button. It rang. And it rang and it rang and it rang. Until i got an answer.

"Hello, Maddy's busy right now who is it" a males voice came over the intercom.

"Err hi its y/f/n. I have a meeting with Maddy" I replied the nerves escaping through every stutter of my words.

"Oh yeah yeah she told us you were coming I'll buzz you in and come down to get you, this place is massive when you first get here" the males voice replied.

"Oh okay thank you" I didn't know what to think. The man said Maddy had mentioned I was coming, I wonder what she said.

The door unlocked and I opened it and stepped in. I could immediately feel the buzz as I walked in. The sound of keyboards and the hustle of voices chatting. It felt busy. I was on the ground floor. It was fairly empty, no desks just an arrangement of lime green sofas. I made my way over to one and perched on it. I could see the next floor from where i was. It was up a wood and metal stair way. I could kind of see the table legs of desks. That was where all the noise was coming from obviously.

Then from the stair way came a guy. Dressed in black skinny jeans and white short sleeved t shirt. He had it paired with a pair of white converse. Over his white t was a carci coloured bomber jacket. He came hopping down the stairs his brunette hair bobbing up and down as he did so. I looked down at my feet-I'd been staring too long.

God did I feel over dressed.

"Hey you must be Y/N. unless I've just let some randomer in here ahhaha" he said his voice echoing off the white tall walls

"Hi yeah im y/n" I replied.

"Sorry I'm joe. I urr spoke to you over the um doorbell thing. Maddy is back now she was just in the toilet . She'll kill me for telling you that ahha" he joked

"Hahah okay I won't mention it" I laughed.

"Anyway her office is just this way so um follow me" He pointed towards the stairs and we made our way up them.

I had no idea who he was, maybe he was an intern. Whoever he was he knew his way around well. He seemed to very cheery too if not a bit nervous he stuttered a lot.

At the top of the stairs stood a woman who I believed to be Maddy wearing a baby pink blouse and black cotton non fitted trousers. Looming over her stood a tall blonde man painted with a goofy smile he looked under dressed compared to Maddy in his blue jeans and white t. Either that or me and Maddy were over dressed.

"Hi you must be y/n. Lovely to meet you sorry when you called through i was otherwise engaged." Maddy declared.
When she said this i shot Joe a side smile and he giggled.

"Let me guess" she continued. "Joe told you? Nothing stays secret in this office I swear" she turned her back and indicated for me to follow.

I turned to Joe and said bye he said

"Catch it later"

I shot him a puzzled look

"I mean catch me no you. Errr bye" he stammered.

His taller friend burst into laughter.
"Bye joe" I smiled and passed it to the taller friend.

As I turned my back to walk away it must have been the taller one that said "Mate you were a mess of nerves" he laughed.

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