The flight to London

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I woke up the next morning after a night with my parents. We'd talked through my future and what I wanted to do. We talked about uni and we talked about modelling. We said that uni and Bristol were too much at the moment and that even if it was just temporary I should at least have fun with the modelling and see where it goes.

I woke up grabbed a shower and quickly dried my hair throwing it in a pony tail. I just applied a thin layer of foundation, some mascara and a small cat eye. I went for a daring red on my lips to be bold. I then chose my outfit. Blue distressed denim jeans and a striped blue and white shirt paired with white converse.

I'd already packed my suitcase last night with mum I just needed to do my handbag. I grabbed my everyday handbag and emptied it off the rubbish in it; like tissues and gum wrappers-you know the useless crap in the bottom.
I grabbed my purse, laptop and its charger, my dairy and a pen, a pack of tissues. I threw in my makeup bag and a couple of my brushes a hand mirror and hair brush.

It was about quarter to nine now and lucy would be here promptly. I checked my phone and saw the reply from Gleam to the email I'd sent last night to Gleam asking for a meeting today. Maddy agreed and said we could do today at 1 for a lunch time meeting. I replied saying that was perfect. I was beyond excited and i knew Lucy would feel the same. And just at the thought of her my phone rang and her name appeared, I answered.

"Hey, I'm parked at the cinema car park. See you in 10?"

"Perfect, I'll be down in two" I replied.

I put on my white rubbery type mac coat, grabbed my small suitcase, my black leather handbag, keys and phone. I turned around and locked my front door. I walked down the stairs and reached the glass door between my stairs that led to my flat and the streets of the town below. I unlocked that door, brought out my suitcase and locked the glass door once again.

I lived above a travel shop-first choice. They sold holidays i could only dream of going on, places bathed in hot sun brushed with warm seas and glazed with tropical palm trees. Maybe one day...

Whilst admits my thoughts of basking on golden beaches I'd reached Lucy's car and opened the boot. She had 7 bags, we were going for a couple of nights not months, she always did this, she always overpacked, and it never failed to make me laugh. I climbed in the passenger side of her car clutching my hand bag.

"Lucy how many bags do you need? Ahha" I questioned.

"Well we might get invited to some parties!!!" She squealed.

The rest of the short journey to the airport we sang to songs blaring on the radio. When we reached the airport we pulled up in the long term carpark. Lucy was so prepared she had already printed off the ticket and when she pulled it out her bag I chuckled. She grabbed a luggage trolley and placed her bags on it. I simply wheeled my small suitcase. We went through checkin and security smoothly. Our flight wasn't a long wait and we smoothy found our seats.

After about an hour in the air we reached London. And immediately it was different to Cornwall. Most people were in suits carrying briefcases, wearing leather shoes. People were on their phones not looking up at the world around them. As we left the airport to grab a taxi they blared past us. As we finally grabbed one of the black cabs Lucy told him the address we wanted to get to of the hotel. It was about a 30 minute drive and in that time Lucy said that she would get an uber to the gleam office with me and then go shopping and meet me after my meeting. Having Lucy in London with me was so reassuring. She was like a best friend and sister rolled in one.

We reached the hotel and booked in our rooms were next to each other and we quickly unpacked (well I quickly unpacked it took Lucy nearly double the time it took me to pull her way through seven bags).

After a huge discussion over my outfit for meeting my management team we finally decided on a black dress with a scalloped rim and small outs on the neck line. I stuck with the red lipstick and just freshened up my eyeliner and placed some highlight on my cheekbones. I switched shoes to a black heel and kept the same bag. We called an uber and headed in the direction of the gleam office

Can anyone guess where you might meet Joe??!! Next chapter out tonight hopefully!

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