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*thank you so much for 40+ reads may not sound like a lot but it means alot xx*

As we boarded the London eye I told Lucy we should go to wagamamas for dinner that evening and she agreed. There were about 10ish people in our pod. Including me and Lucy. There was an older couple who sat on the benches, holding each other tightly as we prepared to start. And then there was a group of about 6 teenage girls standing in the corner glancing down at their phones and occasionally looking over before diving into a deep conversation.

"What are they saying?" Lucy asked me. She hated being talked about it was her biggest pet peeve.

"Luc it's probably nothing" I answered "let me take a picture of you, you look gorgeous today" I said trying to change the subject. I opened my camera roll and snapped a couple. Lucy chose her favourite and I said I'd post in on insta immediately. I opened my app and I couldn't believe it.

"Lucy look" i said she came over

The picture Lee had sent me that i decided to post had 5 million likes.

"What the fuck" I said. "This is the same as last time. Luc this is crazy." My follower count had increased to 4 million.

"Y/n/n My best friend is becoming famous!!" Lucy squealed.

I post the pic of her- her back facing me and she was looking out of the window. I captioned it:

"London with Luc" -post

I checked my other post again and i saw comments saying

"Joe followed"

"Suggy followed"

"Omg he liked"

"Joe and Caspar both followed"

Lucy was looking over my shoulder as I scrolled through them.

"Why do people care so much if they followed you" she asked curiosity seeping through every word.

"Well they are famous I guess their "fans" noticed" I replied.

It was so weird. Joe and Caspar seemed so normal and down to earth. But all theses people cared so much about their actions.

"Y/N/N you've gained me 10,000 followers omg!!" Lucy announced.

"What?" I was so confused. These pictures were just me in my undies and one of my best friend on the London eye why did people like them so much. I wasn't famous.

We reached the top of the London eye and I could fully embrace its beauty. I would never ever forget this. It was gorgeous but it wasn't just the view that I wouldn't forget. I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder.

I was hesitant to turn around. Lucy was next to me both hand gripped onto the railings.

I presumed it was the elderly couple and I thought they would ask me to take a picture of them or something but i was surprised when I turned around and i saw the group of girls.

"Hi um we were wondering if we could get a photo" one girl asked.

"Yeah sure. Stay there. "She handed me her phone and i was about to take the picture of all the girls when she stopped me.

"No sorry i think you're confused" she said. I lowered the camera a puzzled expression plastered my face. "We would like a picture with you."

At this Lucy turned around "Here hand me the phone y/n" Lucy said I passed her the girls phone. I walked over admits the group of girls still dazed at being asked for a picture.

I stood in the middle of the girls and smiled wrapping my arms around the two closest ones.

"Thank you so much y/n" they all said in unison the picture was clearly texted to all of the girls by the girl who had first asked me for a picture.

"If you post that. Tag me and I'd love to post it girls" i said

"Oh my god thank you" they said

I walked to the other side of the pod with lucy leaving the girls

"What the hell just happened"i whispered under my breath to Lucy

"I don't know but i have a feeling its not the last time that will happen."

We ended the London eye and said by to the girls. On the 7th of September 2014 me and Lucy basically toured London. We went to big ben. The Houses of Parliament, the royal castle.

London was so gorgeous. But a different type of gorgeous to Cornwall. It didn't have beaches or surf shops. But it had gorgeous architecture and timely builds every last one so instagram-able. We had grabbed a quick bit of Lunch at a costa before returning to sight seeing.

I loved London. We ordered an uber back to our hotel to ready ourselves for our girls meal at wagamamas that evening.

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