Chapter 1 ~ How It All Started

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    Sam's P.O.V. 

 *Riinngg!* Ugh, I hate school, I mean I have good grades and all, just school can be a pain in the ass, sometimes. I closed my locker to find Nash Sanchez flirting with three other girls who look like they were going to a wedding or something. I'm not like them, actually nowhere near them. I'm not rich but I'm not poor either. I have what I need, I'm good with what I have.

 I realize one of the three girls was Gina Wilson, she hated my guts since 7th grade. Let me guess, you're wondering why, huh? Well in 7th grade she was a stuck-up bitch (still is, if you're wondering), and she would diss anyone she sees (not including the teacher and the popular boys) and makes a fool out of the people. She came up to me at one point in gym class and said I was sweating like a pig in a mud puddle. She didn't expect a comeback but I dissed her right back, I even remember exactly what I said, I said, "Says the one who is a pig and lives in a mud puddle. Oh, honey if you only own a mirror then you would understand the pain we are all going through looking at your fugly face." The surprisingly thing is that everyone said 'oohh' and was on my side. She got really upset that she didn't even have a comeback. Ha! Just kidding, she just didn't have one 'cause she was very surprised that someone actually stood up to her. Everyone respected me after that.

 "Oh, look, the fugly girl is staring at us, ew!" Gina said, snapping me out of my thoughts, ugh, I hate it when people do that! But it's not like they know I'm thinking. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know you were a princess want me to bow? Or even get a red carpet for you to walk on? Or maybe should I go get that pond of mud?" I remarked as she gaped at my response. It's funny how she remembered about that day in 7th grade. It's been awhile since I talked to her. I was so focused on what I was going to say next I didn't notice Nash and his crew of bad boys behind him, snickering. "I turned to them and said, "And you boys, is there anything I can do for you? Or how about you do something for me, like- " I was interrupted by Nash who said, "Give you a kiss? Sure why not? I would love to especially since your lips are looking hella fine!" He tried his best to seduce me and it obviously didn't work. Since I smiled and replied, "Aha, no thanks. I'll keep my lips reserve for someone special." I winked at him and walked away towards my first class, English, my favorite!

 I guess with my smart remarks, I got Nash's attention and made him follow me in order to get into my pants, ugh! Not every girl wants your smirky face, with your idiotic thoughts running through your brainless brain, Nash.

 Maybe I should tell you some thing about myself. Hmm where should I start? I guess I should start with my personalty, I mean for one I am mean. I just don't blab on and on about what I think. I only defend myself when I need to, and I guess I'm pretty good with that. I only have one friend well more like best friend or no that's not right. She's my sister. Not exactly blood sisters but hey, God knew our parents couldn't handle us as sisters so yea. 

 School finally ended, whew! I got to my locker and saw Gina standing there. Oh, great the princess has arrived, but why to my kingdom? "What do you want, princess or should I say piglet?" She again gaped at my response. I was waiting for her to say something but I guess I have to say something again in order for her to work that plastic brain of hers. "Look, I can see you have all day but I don't so if you would move out of the way that would do us both a favor. Oh and by the way you might wanna use a mint." She moved slightly until she realized what she was doing and blocked my way once again and said, "Um, no take that all back and then I will move." I was getting really tired of her bullshit, especially since she thinks she can just make whatever happen happen. "No. I'm not taking anything back. Just to make things clear, I'm not scared of your pink tiara.You either move or your plastic face wont be so 'pretty' anymore." I added, putting quotation marks around the word pretty making sure she knows not everyone thinks of her as a pretty person. She then moved, afraid t lose her 'prettiness' and stomped away.

 I finally got everything settled and went to the school's parking lot. I looked around to find my older brother, Justin and his truck but he's nowhere to be seen. I then realize I was the only one in the parking lot until I hear a beeping sound. I cocked my head to the direction to find Nash on his bike. "Hey, need a ride?" He asked with a big ass smirk on his face. I hate him. I hate his guts! He parked right in front of me almost running over my feet, on purpose, just to scare me. "Hey!" I yelped. "Oh, I'm sorry. I guess this little tiger isn't so scary, huh?" He's just testing your patience, all you have to do is get on his bike, tell him the direction to your house, get off, and leave without even saying 'thanks', I thought. "What's my little tiger thinking about now?" He asked smirking that annoying smirk. "I'm thinking of a way to kill you but make your death seem like an 'accident'." I replied. Mentally smiling to myself with that witty remark. "Oh, please. You want me and you know it." Actually that thought never occurred to me but whatever. "Alright get on." He said as he tossed his other helmet to me, gently. "Who said I was going with you?" I asked, making sure he understands that I have no choice but to go with him. "No one but you have no ride so I'm guessing you need one, besides I'm taking you whether you like it or not." He responded, lifting me up onto his bike by my waist. I honestly felt a little tingle when he did so but I ignored it. "Before we go can I borrow your phone?" He asked as he started his bike. I said, "Sure,". He had it for like a minute and gave it back. "OK, are you set?" I yelled, "Yes!" "OK, hold on to me and enjoy the ride! Here we go!" I did as I was told and I kinda did like the ride. 

 We finally rode up to my driveway. I didn't even need tell him where I live, huh weird. I took of his helmet and got off the seat. I gave his helmet back and he placed it on his handle. I got my bag and head straight to my front door. "Hey!" He yelled to me. I turned and asked, "What?" In an annoyed voice. He got off his bike and walked in my direction. When he finally reached my spot he leaned down and moved my brunette hair behind my ear and whispered in my ear, "You're mine now, Samantha Brown."


Don't worry , I didn't make that ^^ for like 10 minutes .-. 

Anyways I REALLY enjoy making this story ! !

There's Lily Collins as Sam Brown on the side !

Evey time I reread it , it makes me feel like I'm reading someone else's story and that their story is really good or something .-.

But anyways comment what you think , give me some feedback ?

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