Chapter 20 ~ Sorry

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Sam's P.O.V.

I wasn't paying attention to where we were going. Thinking that he would take me home but I was wrong. I looked around frantically, "Uhm, Travis where are we going?"

Travis stared straight ahead, "I know I was a dick to you, so I want to make it up to you." I checked my phone.

3:45 He's been driving for fifteen minutes.

Where in the world could he have gone to in fifteen minutes? "So, we're going to this restaurant." I raised my eyebrows, "Right after school?" I snorted, "That's smart."

"Hey, just enjoy the meal with me." Travis said. "But I'm not hungry, so take me home."

I crossed my arms. I don't care of I'm being a bitch, I still don't trust Travis after what he's done and I'm not going to cave in now.. Or maybe ever.

"Oh c'mon. Just one me-" I shook my head, "Travis I said no. Now take me home or I'm walking home."

I honestly wouldn't mind walking home. It actually seems like above day to walk.

Travis stopped the car abruptly, "Fine, you know what? You can walk your sorry ass home." I smirked, "Then I will. And my ass is sorry, just sorry for you."

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