Chapter 24 ~ Uninvited Guest ( Part 2 )

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Nash's P.O.V.

Maybe I should stay here longer..

"Oh, hey Travis. I came to open the door for ya. Come on right in." I said with a forced smile.

I can't really be rude since I barely know this guy but I already hate him. But I still gotta be nice.

"Hey, Nash. Were you just leaving?" Travis asked. I feel like he's hinting me to leave but I'm not going to. I just told him I opened the door for him why would I be leaving? Dumbass.

Why in hell would I leave Travis and Sam in the same house? Ha! I would be insane to do that.

"Nope," I said, popping the 'p'. "I'm here to stay for awhile." Travis walked in and I closed the door behind me.

I looked at Sam and shrugged. Hopefully she'll understand. If not, oh well.

I stood by the bar and leaned onto the counter. Just watching these two. Travis better not make a move or someone is going to the hospital.

"What are you doing here Travis?" Sam asked. Travis took a step forward towards Sam, "Look I know I was a dick when I kicked you out of the car to walk home but-"

I scoffed, he fucking kicked her out to walk, what a dick. how many times has he used that line.

They both looked at me. "Alright, I'll keep quiet." Travis glared at me, I'm not sure if he's trying to be intimidating but it's not working. "Yeah, you fucking better." he turned to Sam, "Who the hell is he anyway?"

"I'm Nash, Nash Sanchez." I said. Travis came over to me and glared at me. "Well, Nash Sanchez maybe you should leave for the better."

Travis was on the lean side, yeah. But I'm not scared especially since I've been boxing for twelve years. It's to release my anger.

"Travis, Travis, Travis, Travis. Who do you think you are to tell me what to do?" I looked back into his eyes as if daring him to disrespect me again.

He was about to swing but I stopped him with a quick swift move. I could see Sam coming behind Travis, "Travis, you don't need to start a god damn fight in my house.

He dropped his hand and I crossed my arms. Sam was actually on my side. Funny.

"Who is he to you?" Travis asked. "Why does it even matter?" Sam asked. "Just answer the damn question." Travis urged. "Not with that attitude." I murmured.

I looked around pretending I didn't say that but I felt two pairs of eyes on me. "What? Carry on, carry on."

"Travis I think it's best for all of us if you leave." Sam said with a sigh. He gaped at Sam. "What about this dude?" he pointed at me.

"Pointing is rude." I stated. I could tell Sam was trying to hide her smile. I'm so awesome. "Look Travis, just go." Sam said.

"If it's because of our past, just get the fuck over it!" Travis yelled. He probably had enough but by how Sam looked, I'm sure I'm going to witness hell.

"Get over it? You're telling me to get over the fact that you cheated on me with my damn sister?!" Sam yelled, probably waking up the neighbor.

Sister? What sister?

Right away when Sam said that Travis looked sorry for himself. I would feel sorry but hah no, he brought this into himself.

"You're telling me to get over the fact that my sister is dead because of you while drunk driving?! And you guys were going to a party! What kind of idiot are you?!" Sam huffed out a big breathe. In a much calmer voice she said, "Get out Travis. I'm tired and I want to go to sleep and so should you."

I looked at the clock hung up on top of the door and it read 11:23 pm. Wow we've been talking for awhile.

Travis walked up to Sam and was about to give her a hug or that's what I'm assuming. "Travis no." Sam said, sternly.

"Just one hug." He pressed. "Travis, fucking stop." He didn't. I instantly clenched my hand. This bitch.

I tackled him to the ground before he could give her a kiss. Is he drunk?! "Don't even try to make a move. I've been boxing for twelve years. If you don't want to get killed then leave. And if you do want to die, I'll gladly grant that wish." I said, having enough of whatever this is.

Travis gave a curt nod as he stood up and left with no other words coming out of his filthy mouth. I was too angry for my own good!

Breaking the silence I said, "Go get ready for bed, I'll be back in a bit." She nodded and trotted up the stairs.

I walked out into the calm, cool air of October. I can see Travis' car rearing out. I walked over to my bike and push it back into the backyard behind a bush.

Even if her parents could protect Sam, I still want to protect her from any danger, especially from Drew and Travis.

I walked back in the back door and locked it. Just in case. I didn't noticed how sleepy I was when I almost missed the last step up the stairs.

I walked into whom I'm assuming is Sam's room. I can hear the water running in her bathroom. Oh, what I could do to her in the shower.

No Nash, stop with those thoughts. I plopped onto Sam's bed. I could sleep but I need to pee really bad.

I walked into Sam's bathroom and peed. Sam stopped the shower and stood inside there.

I could see her shadow in there. Her shadow of hotness.

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