Chapter 32 ~ You Jerk

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Nash's P.O.V.

Sam's face was priceless, hence the video I took of her when she took the blindfold off.

"Nash, you jerk!" Sam said, practically screaming. I couldn't stop laughing that when I stood up straight I noticed that Sam was gone.

"Sam?" What the hell? I walked through the entry, passing kids with their parents as I go by.

"Sam?!" Where the hell could she be? First thing I see is a big tank that consist of small and big fish. So, obviously Sam isn't behind that. I looked to my left and see a booth with a man behind it, selling balloon animals. Right when I was about to turn right I felt hands on my shoulders. Next thing I knew, Sam was riding my back.

"Yee-haw!" Sam screamed, whipping her arm around and causing people to look in our direction. Some laughing and some saying 'aw'.

"And you say I'm embarrassing and annoying." I commented. I heard Sam giggle, "You are! But I'm more annoying and I can live with that."

"You're right. You are more annoying than me. That's one thing that's annoying about you." I said.

We walked for ten minutes and we're already getting weird looks from people. Sometimes they're smiling and sometimes they look annoyed. And from my observations, the annoyed ones were people who are with family or alone.

"You can put me down now." Sam said. "Why? I like carrying you. You're pretty light seeming how you eat." I said as I pushed her farther up.

"Because people keep staring. I don't mind the ones that smile. But the ones that disapprove makes me feel guilty." Sam explained. "And what's wrong with my eating?!"

"Just forget about them. And if you feel really uncomfortable then you can get off, only if you want." I replied. I don't mind carrying her, it's actually pretty fun. "And have you seen yourself eat?! You look like a giraffe."

"Shut up! And I would like to get down now." Sam said, getting off me.

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