Chapter 32 ~ Adorkable

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Nash's P.O.V.

After an hour of walking around the zoo, Sam finally became tired. "Can we go get something to eat now?" She begged me, looking up at me. "You don't need to beg, I'm hungry too."

We rode off to a fast food restaurant. We went through a drive through and headed off to a park.

"I had a great time." Sam said while opening her hamburger wrapper. I nodded in agreement,

'Yup, and I have a video to prove it. Hmm, I should upload it on instagram." I suggested, more to myself. I tapped on share and it look less than five seconds to upload and then it took less than a second before likes start flooding my phone.

Sam gaped at me, "You didn't!" she said, her mouth full with french fries.

Gotta take a picture if that. And bam! Totally gonna be my background on my phone. She even had a smudge of cheese on her nose! Is that even possible?

I was so concentrated on setting it as my background that I haven't even noticed Sam behind me. With a quick movement, I scooted to the side and faced her before she could swiped my phone from my hands.

I grinned at her. "Too slow!" I yelled as I got out of the bench and started for the tree that was by a pond near our table.

Sam ran after me and for a lazy girl, she was pretty fast. Too fast that she actually achieved my phone and ran back to our picnic table and grabbed another french fry.

I ran right behind her but she sidestepped me and I almost fell faced first onto the ketchup pile. Sam then ran behind a tree and stood there, peeking around to see if I was coming. But I was already four steps ahead of her.

She was looking around for me and didn't even bother to check behind her. I grabbed her by her skinny waist and just stood there, not wanting to let go. At least she didn't; have any other ideas.

"I don't have your phone!" Same exclaimed. "Uh huh, then where is it?" I asked, highly doubt that I have it. "It's on the picnic table. Didn't you noticed when you almost fell into the ketchup pile?"

I frowned, "Nope besides I like this better." I didn't mean for that to come out but since it already did, I don't care anymore. As weird as it may sound, I sniffed her hair and it smelt like watermelon and just overall good.

Sam turned around to face me and snuggled into my chest. I have no idea what the action meant but right now, I don't care. I liked the action and I'm not going to move. With her, I can forget all the bad memories and just be happy standing here with her in my arms.

"Oh! It's already getting dark." Sam said, interrupting out little hugging session. I frowned, I don't want this night to end. Even if nothing really happened, I enjoyed being in Sam's presence. "You're right. Let's head home." I said, even if I don't want to do so.

I dropped her off and sat in my car as I watched her get in her house, safe and sound. I then headed to my own home, which wasn't far. I unlocked the door and was hoping no one was home.

I walked through the dark kitchen and not even bothering to close the garage. "You're home late." I familiar voice said. I turned around and the lights came on. "Brody?"

"Hey, little man." Said my older brother. "Don't call me that." I said as I swatted his hand away from ruining my hair even more. He just chuckled and followed me to my room. "So, who's the unlucky babe?" He asked as we entered my room.

I turned on the lights and got my clothes to change into. I walked into my bathroom, completely ignoring his question and quickly changed into my pajamas.

I walked back out and Brody repeated his question. "One, she's not unlucky. Two, don't call her babe. Three, she has a name and it's Sam." I answered as I pushed Brody off my bed with a satisfying thump in response.

"Now get out. I want to sleep. I'll make breakfast while you ask questions tomorrow morning." I said as I got into my bed and rolled over so my back was facing him.

"Alrightio," Brody turned off the lights and closed my bedroom door. I wiped out my phone and went into instagram. 184 likes. Impressive. I scrolled into the comments and noticed one of my side chicks, who really needs to learn how to lay off, commented.

Ew, what are u doin with her?

Answer me!!!!!1

Are u ignoring me on purpos?

She can't even spell.

Ugh, fine eggnore me but dont text me sayin u want to see me naked. I'm busy this weekend.

I haven't even seen you outside of school, what the fuck? I scrolled down some more and found more comments. Some either stating that we're a cute couple and some that are asking why are we at the zoo. I ignored them all and went ahead and uploaded a picture.

A picture of Sam to be exact. The picture that I took today of her eating french fries with a cheese smudge on her nose. The picture that I'm in love with.

I tagged her onto the photo and thought over what the caption should be. I'm adorkable? Nah, too cheesy- wait! I got it!

 ~~~~ A/N ~~~~

Hey y'aall ! Okay , okay , I know what you're thinking . "Oh so now she updates after what? Half a year??!! Yes , i know I was lacking the updates but I've just been really busy and whatnot but let's forget about that!

I'm here to talk business. Fuck its not doing the bold shit, whatever.

Okay , so I'm going to be reaaaalll honest here . I . DON'T . LIKE . THIS . STORY .

Remember in the beginning I was like ; yeah I really like how it's going and I have so many ideas . Or somewhere along those lines , well , guess what ? I don't .. anymore . 

When I reread my work , I was pretty much cringing the whole time. I didn't like the writing and I hated the storyline . There was so many holes to fill and I just couldn't . Lately , I've been having a hard time on thinking . I just really hate to think .

No , I'm not deleting this story . I'm just going to stop after this chapter until Summer . It's not so far away . I just need to focus on school as of right now . Also over the Summer I will have more time to update . I'm only stopping on this story and maybe a few on the other but I will at least update one of my stories from time to time .

Don't worry , I'm not going to stop for good , you can't get rid of me that fast . Anyway , that's all . My bad for the lack of updates but there will be progress !!

@SkylarRefsland you happy I updated ?

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