Chapter 6 ~ Hey, It Rhymed

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    Sam's P.O.V.

 "Alright!" I said, as I got into my best friend's car. We're heading to the movies to put up some decorations. All green! My brother's favorite color. We got the decors beforehand to no need to stop at the store. We also asked the movies theatre if it was OK to have the small party here and they said it was OK. I'm pretty excited for this!

We never done anything different for birthday parties, it's always the normal with cake and candles and presents to the side with the birthday person blowing out the candles. This is the very first time we're doing something else that is different. My mom helped with the cake, well she baked it and then I help frost. My dad set up the little refreshments and chips and furniture to the side of the movie theater. And now it's up to me and my best friend, Drew to set up the decorations. 

Once everyone was done with everything it was 5:36 p.m. So now we can sit back and relax. The party doesn't start until 6:00 p.m. So we're good. The food is on the table. The cake is on it's pedestal and the movie is going to start. This is going to be awesome! 

I checked everything again at 5:48 and everything is set. This is going to be one awesome birthday he will never forget! At 5:52 I got a text, hmmm. Who could that be? It can't be my brother. He gave his phone to mom and is now blindfolded in a car that is heading this way. Maybe it's the people who are coming with his big present that couldn't fit through the doorway.

I opened my text and it read, 'Go outside the exit door of 11' That's odd, I remember seeing this number somewhere but I can't seem to remember exactly where. Oh, well, I better get going to door number 11. Let's see who this is. Right when I was about to turn the doorknob someone called my name. "Hey, Sam, where you going?" Asked Drew. I answered, "I'm just going out for some fresh air. You keep the party in tact for me, please and thank you!" I turned the doorknob and head outside. 

I thought the back of here was suppose to be dumpster-like. I thought wrong. It was just a small short sidewalk to a field of green grass. From the movie theater it seems like it's nighttime. But it's still daylight out. I walked a little bit farther but didn't notice anyone there. Huh, strange.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" Said a very familiar voice. I swirled around to come face to face with the most annoying person there is on this planet earth! "What do you want, Nash?" I asked as I took a step closer to the door but he blocked my way and said, "If I tell you, it would ruin everything so.. I'm not going to answer that question." He said. "OK, if you're not going to tell me the 'secret' then let me go back to the party, my brother will be here any minute." I said. Nash gave me a confused look. I thought he knew about the party. 

"You know, the birthday party for my brother, Justin." I said, just to decrease the confusion. "Oh, I thought you were on a date with your loser friend." He answered, clearly annoyed. What's his problem? "Nope, he's here to help me set up the party and since we're finished we're now waiting for my brother to get here. He should be here in a couple of minutes.

You're welcome to join us." I said, wondering why I just invited him but he is welcome. "Are you sure you want me to come?" He asked."Yes, actually I want you to come. You can meet my brother." I replied.

He smiled a small smile but I still saw the smile, it looked good on him. "Well then. lets go." He said as he put his hand on my back and ushered me inside. As soon my brother entered the theater everyone hid into a small spot. Since he came in after I did with Nash we had to hide in the same spot, which is behind a row of chairs. 

As we crouched down I looked over to Nash and he looked away, weird. As soon as my brother took his blindfold off we all screamed, "Surprise!" His face was priceless! 

"Oh my, I just have one question." My brother asked. I shifted nervously by Nash and he seem to notice I was a bit nervous. He then put his hand on my shoulder as a comforting gesture, and to be honest, it kind of helped. 

I don't know why I'm nervous. Questions are usually something I don't like. They're either too personal or too rude. "Go right ahead and ask." Drew said. "Who did all this, like who planned it all out and who had the idea of doing this? Because I have a big thank you for them." He asked.

"Sam." Everyone said. I was really surprised when everyone said that. Even Nash said that and he wasn't here most of the time. My brother walked over to me and gave a bone crushing hug. All I could muster was, "You're suffocating me." 

We enjoyed the night with smiles, laughs, and exchanging looks of pure enjoyment. It was 1:27 when everyone left. I cleaned up most of the stuff with the help from Nash, Drew and my best friends.

"You know, I never thought you could pull this off." Serenity said, picking up red plastic cups from under the table that held our food and refreshments. "Yea, who would thought she could plan and host such a killer party?" Selena asked, not looking for an answer on her part. "I'm still here." I said a bit annoyed but still enjoying them talking about me like that, in some sort of way.

Everyone laughed and we finished cleaning. Since it was a Friday, my friends wanted to stay over at my house. But since this party happened their parents want them to come home after the party, right away. I didn't have a ride back home. Justin went home pretty drunk, so my parents left with him. The guest were the guest and they went off after the birthday boy left. So it was just us 5.

After my best friends left it was just me and Nash, he knew I didn't have a ride so he offered and I took his offer. I didn't need to tell him the directions. Went off in the night back to my place, it was really peaceful. He rode up into my driveway and took his helmet off, I did the same.

"Thanks for the ride, Nash." I said as I got off the bike. "About time." He said, I was confused at his words. "Oh, don't play dumb, the last time I gave you a ride you didn't thank me." He said. "That was because I didn't want to. You were such a jerk back then I didn't want to say 'thank you' to some jerk." I said, waking to my door. Nash got off his bike and started following me. I sat on the bench in front of the house on the porch. 

"Well, gee, someone is nice." He said, as he sat down beside me. "I know, I can't help it. Lucky you." I said not really a comeback but I didn't know what else to say. "Oh, shut up." He said, bumping into my shoulder. Its weird how he's acting like a normal person rather than a big flirt.

"Well, I better get going inside. Thanks for the ride again, Nash." I said, getting up. He looked like he was thinking, I do that most of the time too. "OK, Sam. G'night." He said standing up also. I walked towards my door before getting pulled into a hug from behind. So pretty much his 'friend' was on my butt. A bit uncomfortable, if you ask me.

I laughed a bit. "Nash, what are you doing?" I asked, turning around to face him. "I just wanted to give you a hug." He said, looking down at me with his big blue eyes. I hugged him back then dropped my arms to my side again, he didn't let go. "Well, you got your hug, not you can let go of me." I said. "What if I don't want to let go?" He said, having a frown on his face.

"But I need to get inside." I protested. I rested my hands on his chest. He sighed, "Well, can I get a kiss?" I was shocked, why?- was all I wonder. "Fine." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Now let go of me." He did, thankfully. This is way to weird. "Well, sleep tight, Sam." "Yea, you too." I said, looking back once. He smiled and went off to his bike. A genuine smile.

Oh, if only he wasn't a player, things would be some much easier. 

That rhymed, huh.

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