Chapter 31 ~ One Hell Of An Adventure ( Part Three )

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Sam's P.O.V.

"Just kidding, we're here and we're safe." Nash said, cheerfully.

This bastard.

I got out of the car still blindfolded. "Can I take this stupid blindfold off now?" Nash hestitated a little and said, "Hold on. Let me get our phones and turn off the car"

I waited for at least two minutes. I felt really awkward standing in the parking lot of whatever this place is. I wonder if there's anyone watching me, thinking that I'm such a freak standing in a parking lot at a public place.

"Mommy, why does that girl have a blanket over her eyes?" A little girl asked her mom. I'm guessing the little girl is pointing at me.

"I think her boyfriend is suprising her." the mom said. I can feel my cheeks burn hot when she called Nash my boyfriend. But then I forwned when I remembered that Nash probably does this to every other girl.

No, don't think that. This week is suppose to be a good week. Try to enjoy it with Nash. Sure he can be a big flirt, but why don't we just look through that and pretend he's a nice guy.


I hear the car door slam. "Okay, I'm set. Okay, I'll manuevuer you around. Watch out for that rock in front of you." Nash said.

"Why would there be a rock in front me?" I asked, with an amused smile.

"Because we're going to see your ancestors." Nash replied. I scrunched my eyebrows, "My ancestors?"

Nash laughed, "Yeah, your ancestors. A lot of people visit them. They look awfully a lot like you."

"Nash.." I said, strecthing out the 'a' in his name. "Yes." Nash said, strecthing the 'e', imitating me.

"Where the hell are we?!" I asked, annoyed because I can't put my finger on where my ancestors would be.

We could be a a museum but my ancestors aren't even famous enough to be in a museum. So why would Nash bring to a museum as a date.

Because it's not a date.

"Okay, now you may take off your blindfold." Nash said.

My hand zipped right to my face to the blindfold, ripping it off.

I gaped, "Nash, you jerk!"

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