Chapter 4 ~ More Confidence

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~ A/N ~

So . . . are you liking the story ? I hope so ! Anyways I just want to say thank you for reading ! It means a lot actually to know someone is interested in my stories that I spend most of my day on ! I know it might be boring at times but give me some slack . We all have shit to go through and most of the time I don't want to do aaannyyythiiing but luckily for me I have motivation ! So yay ! Uhm . . I'm actually wondering how it's all going unravel but don't worry I will know once it hits me ! Its harder than you think to write like three or four stories at the same time and especially when you have a mom who yells at you for going on the internet and wanting you to do something else besides and I quote ' making up childish stories ' . * Sigh * I still write either way even if I don't have any idea what's going to happen next in my stories . Picture of Liam Hemsworth as Drew on the side . Just enjoy !

Sam's P.O.V.

Great, now I have to work with some douche-bag who's ego is bigger than the size of Mount Rushmore. But then again its not like I haven't been near him in fact I rode his motorcycle with him to school this morning.

I'm currently walking to the cafeteria meeting up with my friends. Serenity and Selena are like my sisters. We met in the 7th grade. We all bonded over the fact that we like black and stood up to Gina. Gina then, and still does call us 'The Freaks'.

Then Nash decides to come over with his groupie of bad boys. Are you serious? Now you're going to make the whole female population in our school mad at us? I seriously can't cope with that! Not with all the drama that I know for sure is going to happen at home. But nothing works, all my mental hoping didn't have a chance.

Nash walked over to me and draped his arms on my shoulders. "Could you like, not touch me?" I asked as I took a seat next to Serenity. My friends and all the other people who are close to listening distance gaped at me.

In fact, the people who I see a strangers stared at me. I was getting really uncomfortable and on edge at the same time. I decided to yell at some of them, "Take a picture, it'll last longer!". Everyone immediately went back to eating. My friends were smiling from ear to ear. Yea, we're pretty mean, but eh.

Selena was seated across from me with James at her left and Conner on he right. Which left a gap between Serenity and Conner. I sat next to Serenity on her right, with Nash by my right side and Adam on his right side.

I pushed away my tray towards the center of the only round table in the lunch room. It's normal of me to do that but I guess to Nash it's something else. He pushed the tray back to me and gestured me to eat, I did nothing.

Instead of listening to him because I don't listen to anyone I just stare off into space. He took it as if I was mad at him, and maybe I am and maybe I'm not. I really hate the fact that he thinks he could just do anything he please! Seriously, dude?

"I have to go to the bathroom." I said as I got up to leave. "I'll go with you." Serenity offered. But she didn't wait for an answer she left with me leaving Selena all by herself with the boys, poor girl.

As we were walking by Gina's table I got a glare from her, really? Is that all you can do? "What a fucking bitch I swear of she wants a picture of us she could just ask. We will even put an autograph for a bonus!" Serenity remarked, I couldn't help but laugh.

We entered the girls' bathroom and started to freshen our make up when the door swung wide open. "And here comes the queen bitch!" I half yelled and half whispered, if that's even manageable. "Oh, look two thirds of the freaks are in here." Gina said to her little bitches.

"Oh, give it up, Gina! We're not scared of you, it should be the other way around, and I'll make it stay the other way around if you keep pestering us." I replied, with more confidence than usual."Oh, please. You wouldn't hurt a dog if your life was on line." She's right.

"And you wouldn't give your life for you parents, because you're a conceited, self-absorbed, bitch!" I said, as I pulled a proud Serenity out of the girls' bathroom. I heard a clang from above but I ignored it.

We got back to our table and I noticed that Selena and James are somewhat closer, hmmm. I could be imagining it but who cares!? And Conner was gone, huh.

I sat in my normal spot which was the spot I was in earlier. I took note that Nash was checking out a lot of girls' ass when they walk by. What a whore! Lucky for me, I couldn't care less.

"Hey, are we still up for tonight?" Asked my boy best friend, who some people think we're secretly dating. "Uh, yeah, but I was wondering, why not the movies?" I asked him, looking up into his pretty brown eyes.

I may or may not have a crush on my boy best friend. "Hmm, OK fine the movies." He finally answered. I jump up into his arms, so happy that we could go to the movies instead of the park. I've been planning on surprising my brother, Justin. He's been wanting to watch a movie called, Mary, you have to die. It finally came out! We thought we could celebrate is birthday at the park but I thought otherwise.

"Awesome!" I said to Drew. He smiled broadly, which made me weak in my knees. He left after we talked about the decors and decided that it was going to be the color green. I sat back down and couldn't help but smile so wide that I'm afraid my lips would fall off any minute.

I looked at Nash and he looked mad, oh well. Justin is going to have a blast!

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