Watch out!

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We've been driving for about five hours, we've had little conversations here and there. Like future plans and trips. We have about three hours left until we get to Canada.
Riley - Where did Madison go?
Lucas - What do you mean?
Riley - Did she tell you she was going to Canada?
Lucas - No
Riley - Did you know she was gone?
Lucas - Riley, I live with her, of course I knew she was gone.
Riley - Where to?
I stay silent
Riley - You're stuck with me for at least another  24 hours, I will continue to bother the shit out of you.
Lucas - How's Maya?
Riley - Oh so you do care?
Lucas - Of course I do Riley. She was my friend.
Riley - And I'll never forget what kind of friend she was to you
I look at her, and give her the "seriously Riley?" Face
Lucas - You will never le..
I look back at the road and I see that there is traffic in front of me. I was going 75 mph, so I couldn't stop in time. I swerved to my left, luckily there weren't any cars in front of me. I put my arm in front of Riley so that she wouldn't hit he dashboard when I hit the breaks. But Riley is so light, that she did end up hitting the dashboard with her head. The car stopped, there was a moment of silence. I turn over to Riley.
Lucas - Are you okay?
Riley - Did that just happened?
Lucas - Let me see your face
She turns towards me, I examine her face, she had a cut on the top right of her forehead. I look into her eyes, I felt this feeling. I don't know how to explain it, but it's a feeling that I don't think I've ever felt before.
Riley - is it bad? Am I bleeding?
Lucas - Just a little bit. Luckily I have a first aid kit somewhere in here.
Riley - I can't believe that happened.
Lucas - Thanks a lot Riles.
Riley - Excuse me? How the hell is it my fault?
Lucas - Well if you weren't so beautiful I would have kept my eyes on the road
There was a moment of silence. I quickly realized that I said that out loud. I was too afraid to look at her so I unbuckled my seat belt and stepped outside to see if there was any damage to my car. My car didn't have any scratches or dents, thank god. I see the passenger door open and Riley steps out
Riley - is the car okay?
Lucas - Yeah I think so. Does your head hurt? You may have a concussion. We should probably take you to a hospital.
Riley - Lucas, I'm fine really. Your sister needs you. Let's go.
I open up the trunk and I find a little first aid kit. It just had a couple of bandaids, small and large, sanitizing wipes, and a little bottle of alcohol. I grab it and we get back into the car.
Lucas - Okay this is going to hurt.
Riley - I don't want it.
Lucas - What? Why not?
Riley - You said it's going to hurt. So I don't want it.
Lucas - Riley, you have a opened wound, we need to clean it.
Riley - Oh what's the worst that can happen? My skin will peel off? It'll turn green? I'm fine.
Lucas - This little accident was my fault, so let me fix you.
Riley - I thought it was my fault?
Lucas - Shut up, it was my fault. I was the one who stopped looking at the road. Come here Riley.
She turns her head towards me more, I get the alcohol and a paper towel and I start to put pressure onto her cut and I cleaned it. She didn't flinch, so it probably didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. I put the bandaid into her cut. I look into her eyes, I couldn't help it. She's starring back at me too. God, she's so beautiful.

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