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Farkle - You should know, I was the one recording this entire thing. Most of the time, no one knew of it. Lucas, Maya, Riley, and Zay have not seen the finished video. So it's entirely raw and uncut and real.
The video starts. Zay, Lucas, and Farkle are sitting down on the steps outside of our school.
Farkle - I never had friends like you guys.
Zay - What about Maya and Riley?
Farkle - That's a different story. I mean, I never had any guy friends. Then Lucas came along, and brought you.
Zay - I'm a little offended by that.
Lucas - We had lots of guy friends in Texas.
Farkle - Are you trying to rub it in my face how popular you guys are?
Lucas - We had lots of friends in Texas. But never a brother like you.
Farkle - You see me as a brother?
Zay - We see you as family Farkle.
Farkle looks down and smiles. He then gets up, takes the camera, and the three of them walk away from the school. They walk down the streets of New York, passing parks, street signs, stores, it shows small clips of it all. Then the camera points towards a little sign, Topangas. They walk in and Maya is sitting at the counter, while I am behind it.
Maya - Why are you here?
Farkle - Why are you here?
Maya - This is my home, I'm allowed to be here. Why do you have a camera?
Farkle - Why do you hate us?
(disclaimer this happened during the time when the gang was assigned the project)
Riley - What?
Farkle - Why do you hate us?
Riley - Farkle, why would you ask something like that?
Zay - We stopped being friends.
Maya - Would you turn off that stupid camera?
Farkle puts the camera down, but doesn't turn it off.
Riley - Just because we don't talk as much as we used to, doesn't mean we hate you. Why would you think that?
Farkle - Whenever i bump into you in the hallways, or make eye contact with you in the library, you don't even look at me.
Riley - That doesn't meant I hate you Farkle.
Farkle - Then what does it mean?
I remember that day. I remember not knowing what to say to him. He looked so hurt. I can't believe he recorded that.
Riley - Sorry guys you have to leave. Maya and I have to close up.
Farkle - Right.
The video jumps to the next part. It's Lucas and Farkle in Farkles room. They are sitting down in front of the tv playing a video game. The camera, recording, in front of them.
Farkle - Thanks for hanging out with me today.
Lucas - No problem, it's be a while.
Farkle - Yeah it has
Lucas - How's Smackle?
Farkle - She's great.
Lucas - That's good.
Farkle - She's great, but...
Lucas - What?
Farkle - She's not Maya.
Lucas - Isn't that what you wanted?
Farkle - I wanted Maya to stop cheating on me.
Lucas - You started it.
Farkle - Because I thought she started it.
Lucas pauses the game and looks at Farkle.
Lucas - You're an idiot
Farkle - I thought you were my friend?
Lucas - Which is why I'm calling you an idiot. Maya loves you, and you love her. You two were together, and you both fucked it up. And now we're all fucked up. We're all broken up, and fucked and just fucked up.
Farkle - So the group break up was my fault?
Lucas - Yes!
Lucas - No.
Lucas - It's Rileys. It's always her fault.
Farkle - I see you're still upset.
Lucas - Why wouldn't I be? She hurt us all.
Farkle pauses the video.
Farkle - Someone who we love, had hurt us all.
Zay - But we know she didn't mean to.
Lucas - And we know we shouldn't have blamed her for everything.
Farkle - Because it wasn't her fault.
Zay - She was just doing what she thought was right.
Riley - You all feel that way?
Zay, Farkle, and Lucas shake their heads
Maya - How did she hurt you?
Farkle - She left.
Zay - She left us all.
Maya - You guys left us.
Riley - Maya, it's okay...
Maya - no Riley, I don't like how they blamed you for this groups splitting up. It was all of us. We all left each other. You and I broke up, so that meant that we all broke up. We tried to make it work, but we couldn't. So don't you
Blame Riley for this.
Lucas - That's not the reason why she hurt me.
I look over to Lucas.
Lucas - You know how you hurt me.
Maya - You were the one who broke up with her, that was your fault.
Lucas still looking at me, ignoring Maya.
Lucas - you hurting yourself, hurt me. It hurt us all.
Cory - What do you mean Lucas?
Lucas ignoring him, still looking at me
Riley - Play the video Farkle.

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