Sun rise

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Rileys POV
Lucas - Tell me something
Riley - Tell you what?
Lucas - Anything.
I think for a second. You know when someone asks you something but your mind goes completely blank, that's how I was. It was like the only thing I was thinking was trying to think of something to say.
Riley - I've always wanted to go hiking.
Lucas - Really?
Riley - Yup. It's so.. artistic you know?
He chuckles a little
Riley - Why are you laughing? You don't have faith in me?
Lucas - no of course I do. You make it to the top, but I'm pretty sure I'd have to piggy back you all the way back.
Riley - Yeah, you probably would.
Lucas - Well go hiking one day.
Riley - Now you tell me something
Lucas - Okay. I'm not sure I want to go to school to be a veterinarian.
I was shocked those words even came out of his mouth.
Riley - Are you high? Drunk? On some major drugs? What are you talking about? That's like your dream.
Lucas - There's just a lot of issues going on.
Riley - Okay. So then what do you plan on doing after high school?
Lucas - Maybe go back home to Texas. I could help mama with the farm. I could take some class at a community college.
Riley - And what does mama think of this?
Lucas - I haven't mentioned it to her yet.
Riley - You do know she's going to smack some sense into you right?
Lucas - It's just, I've failed at a lot of things in the past. This is the one thing I don't want to suck at.
Riley - And you won't. And if you do, at least you can say that you tried. You can say that you gave it your all. Why are you so scared Lucas?
Lucas - because it is scary. Being on your own, being an adult, it's all so new.
Riley - New is good remember?
Lucas - New can be good, but New can be horrible too.
Riley - Guess what though, bad things happen all of the time. People still get through it, and that makes me invincible.
I look at him. As I say this. We're starring at eachother. We've always had moments, but this one was different. It felt, comfortable. Not going to lie I wanted to kiss him, but what if he didn't want that. Like what if he doesn't even like me like that. I always felt this way because I'm always the one who makes a move first. So I don't kiss him. Instead I notice that it started getting lighter. I noticed that his blue eyes were brighter. So I turn my head and the sun was rising.
Riley - Look.
I point to the sun. And we stare at the beautiful yellow sun rise for a minute
Lucas - I never actually looked at the sun rising. I mean we've looked at it after we were done drinking and smoking, but I've never looked at it.
Riley - You should probably go, we have to be in school in an hour, plus if my father knew we stayed up talking, he'd go ballistic.
Lucas - Wow
Riley - What?
Lucas - Look at you, using words like ballistic
Riley - What can I say
I say with a perky, sassy, confident look on my face.

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