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Flashback to the beginning of senior year
I was running late one day, I think it was a Thursday. I had to get my math book from my locker. I got my book, closed my locker and started to walk fast. I wasn't watching where I was going. I bump into someone. I drop my book, and Ronnie picks it up for me. I was running really late, so I just yelled out thank you and went on my way. Later on at lunch, I was looking for Maya, She was probably with a guy. I see the kid I bumped into sitting alone outside. I walk up to him and smile at him, He looked up and smiles back.
Riley - Can I join you?
He nods. I sit down. I was wearing a skirt, so I was sitting in a position where both of my legs were to my left side.
Riley - Sorry for bumping into you earlier, I was already late to class.
Kid - It's okay. I'm used to it.
Riley - I'm Riley. Riley Mathews.
Kid - I'm Ronnie.
I put out my hand for him to shake.
Ronnie - I'm in your history class.
Riley - You are? Since when?
Ronnie - A couple of days ago.
Riley - Was I not in class that day?
Ronnie - No you were. You were talking to Maya and Farkle.
Riley - Did my father introduce you to the class?
He nods yes
Maya - There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you, come on Farkles waiting for us.
Maya grabs my arm and pulls me away. I turn around to Ronnie and smile and wave goodbye to him.
End of Flashback. Present day
Riley - Ronnie. Hi
Ronnie - Hi Riley.
Riley - I haven't seen you around. Where have you been?
Ronnie - I was sick for a couple of weeks.
Riley - Are you all better now?
He nods yes
Ronnie - Where were you coming from?
Riley - Oh, there's a basement down there.
Ronnie - Seriously?
Riley - Yeah. It's where Student council meets up and hangs out a lot. But don't tell anyone, it's a secret.
Ronnie - No wonder I don't see them around much.
Riley - Yeah. They have a tv in there. It's like their own little club.
Ronnie - Why were you down there?
Riley - I was giving them the prom theme. It's going to be Disney Themed. Hey listen I have to run I haven't been home. But you should start thinking about who you're going to go to prom with!
I smile at him and tell him
And I walk home.

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