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3rd POV

'It's so crowded here I don't get why they go through this just to get club members.' A girl with (e/c) and (h/c) that reached her midback thought. She was walking right behind her friend who she kept an eye on. While at the same time she avoided all the people as he did.

"Hey, Tetsu you sure about this joining the basketball club?" She asked her light blue hair friend.

"Yeah, I want to prove something. What about you?" He asked as his light blue eyes made contact with her (e/c) eyes.

"I'll support you no matter what after all we live together since my brother and your parents approved it. Plus it was the one condition if we came to this school. So go on I'll just ask to be an assistant coach or something. Plus who else can tell where you are?" She said as she began to walk again as he followed her.


After her friend manage to sign both of them in he left and the girl didn't even notice him. While she waited she observed all the members of the basketball club.

'They're so different from the others I know but then again so were they. Each one specializes in something I'll just have to see them play once and I'll know what they can do.' She looked but sense something different a feeling that she hasn't felt in such a long time.

'Huh, what was that feeling I just got? It felt like I was nearby one of the miracles. Yet the only person that knows I was coming to this school is Shintaro.' She looked around but the feeling was gone.

'Probably my imagination.'

"You alright?" Her friend asks as she nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine let's just get to class." She said as she began to walk to their new school.

"You sure about the choice you made? Everyone else wanted you to go to their choice of school." He asked her without looking up his book.

"You know that I hate the way they play. Just because they never lost they became arrogant. Plus I prefer your way of basketball over theirs any day."

Time skip

Riko POV

I can't wait to see what Kuroko Tetsuya is like. Plus another girl is joining us as my assistant. Looking over our new recruits I could tell some are average, but Kagami is beyond average. Yet one of the recruits that sing up was missing.

"Is Kuroku here?" I called out but since no one came forward I dismissed it and decided to begin practice. At least someone answered my question.

 At least someone answered my question

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"Um excuse me I'm Kuroko." I looked and saw that he was in front of me. I scream at how he just stood there like nothing.

"How long have you've been here?" Hyuga asked.

"I've been here the whole time." He said. I looked to see his body but it below average. After practicing for almost an hour I never saw the girl come in.

'She never showed up.' I was about to give up hope but saw a girl with (h/c) looking at us.

'Who is she and why is she just standing there?' Just as I was about to call her out she began to walk away.

'She must have been looking for something. Oh well, no point of calling her out.'

"Excuse me can you tell me where the coach is at?" I turn and saw the same girl a foot away from me. Her figure is in a perfect state for any girl to be at. Even her readings were high like Kagami maybe, even more, higher than his.

"Oh that's me sorry are you lost?"

"No sorry I'm late but I had to observe everyone while they play. It's something I do, my name is Kurosaki (F/n) I wanted to be the assistant coach." She said as I blinked at her.

"Ehhhhhh!!!!" Everyone seems to stop to see what's wrong.

"Woah there's a cute girl here?" Koganei said as I could tell many were blushing from her mere presence.

"Hey, Tetsu you forgot your book on your desk. Honestly were you that excited about this club?" She said as she walked behind Kagami.

"Thanks for getting it. I didn't want to be late so I left in a hurry." We all looked and saw Kuroko coming behind Kagami.

"How long have you been there?!"

"He's been there for a while. Anyway here also what do you feel like for dinner today?" She said.

"Whatever you want." He said

"Are you two going out or something?! Hyuga said as many seem to blush from her.

"Oh, no were roommates our family's know each other since we were born. We're practically brother and sister since we grew up together and went to the same schools." She said.

"So your single then?" Koganei asked.

"Yes but I'm not looking for anyone to date right now. Not after my first and last break up from middle school. Don't take it the wrong way I just want to focus on some other important things." She said as many kept blushing from how polite she was.

"Alright so are you familiar with basketball rules?" I asked as she smiled.

"I know everything from game plans to fouls. After all, I retired last year for a reason."

Kuroko POV

She seems to handle her emotions yet I don't know how long she'll be able to hold back. Knowing her if it's a strong opponent she'll want to play. Just to get their moves for her to use. Still, I'm worried if she can handle her loss of the sport.

Flashback -

"Tetsu I'm quitting basketball" (F/n) said as she sat up from the infirmary bed. Her head bandages up as she held the ice pack on her head.

"Is it that bad for you to quit what you love to do?" She looked up and smiled sadly.

"It's the only option I have for now  I also have to end things with him as well. Things have changed ever since that day. Plus let's just face it they don't need me to win every game not anymore. They've lost my trust in every game we've won lately. Not once have I seen them enjoy the sport like we use to do. Aoi-kun has gone from bad to worse. As for Sei-kun, I don't even know him anymore he's changed so much. I'm scared of him now that it might affect my trust in the next team I might be in. So I decided that once I'm out of the club I'll only focus on ways to help you become a better player."

"Alright (F/n) I promise to bring them back to their reason for loving the sport," I said as held my fist up and she did the same.

"And I promise to help you until you fulfill your promise."


Whatever she has up on her sleeve she'll win either way. She was part of the greatest basketball team in Japan. The only girl who can match up to the other miracles. The Queen of the Court and the seventh member of the Generation of Miracles.

"(F/n) we made a promise remember so don't push yourself too hard to keep yours." She smiled.

"Should I remind you who I am? I'll keep mine as long as you keep yours."

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