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Camille's POV

I dress myself how I think I should look for one of Max's parties or whatever. I put myself in a dress that I bought for one of the dances last year and some strappy sandals. I braid my hair and throw on a tiny bit of makeup. I study myself in my mirror. I guess I look okay.
Now my next job is to get out of the house. I start to make a plan when the doorbell rings. I rush downstairs but my dad has already made it to the door.
When he opens it I'm surprised, it's Max himself.
"And who are you?" My dad asks
"Max Mills." He says
He sees me in the doorway and gives me a smile. I smile back.
"Dad he's here for the party I was telling you about?" I say
"Party? I heard nothing about a party." Dad says
"It's a small party with a few of my friends, no drinks or anything." Max says
Dad looks from me to Max.
"Alright be back my 10." Dad says
"Thanks sir." Max says
"Bye dad." I say
I grab my jacket and slip out the door.
"So how much of that was a lie?" I ask once the door is closed
"Only the small party, it's actually gonna be big I think." Max says
"Ah so no drinks?" I ask teasing
"We're 14 you really expect drinks to be at a party like that?" Max asks
"I'm kidding." I say
"Yeah I know." He says
I give him a look, he winks.
We walk along the sidewalk in the breeze. Pretty nice out for a Friday.
"I'll tell you now that my friends are kinda..a lot I guess, so just kinda ignore them if they're rude." Max says
"And why are you telling me this? Don't you want me to learn the hard way?" I ask
"Not exactly. But I'm warning you." He says
"Okay then." I say
We stop at a somewhat big house, music is blasting out, some people are hanging about outside.
"Max! You made it!" Someone calls
"Hey Jack!" Max says
They do a boy hug.
"And you must be Max's date." Jack says
"Oh yeah.. Camille." I say
"I'm Jack, or Jackson, enjoy the party." He says
We step inside the house. It's loud and people are all over the place.
"Meet me back here." Max says and disappears somewhere else
I make my way through the crowd and to the kitchen. A few girls are drinking soda.
"And you are?" One of the girls asks
"Camille." I say
"Cute, sit." She says
I hop up on the counter. One girl hands me a soda, I pop it open.
"I'm Calla, that's Becky, and down there is Millie." She says
I nod at all of them.
"Who brought you here?" Becky asks
"Um Max Mills." I say
"Oh we know him, he's a good choice." Becky says
I nod.
"What do you like to do for fun?" Calla asks
"Um draw?" I say
"That's cool, I'm pretty good at art myself." She says
I nod.
"Are you a goody goody at school?" She asks
"Yeah." I say shyly
"Hey that's not to bad, we have to have two sides of us." Millie says
"Yeah I guess." I say
I start to like these girls, they aren't rude at all and they understand me.

After a few drinks of soda a few sips of alcohol hidden in the cubby I feel better than ever. Maybe a little tippy too.
"Camille?..what are you doing here?" One of the girls from school asks
"Oh Sara, hey." I say a little high.
"How did you get here, you're a nerd.." Sara says
"Hey, don't be mean to Cam." Millie calls
"And who are you?" Sara asks looking at the girls behind me
"Calla, Becky, and Millie, we're friends of Camille." Calla says
Sara rolls her eyes and walks away.
I hop down from the counter and stumble a little.
"What type...I mean time..is it.." I ask
"10:30." Millie says
"NO! I'm so supposed to be home." I say
"Oooh hurry, we'll see you around." Becky says
"Bye girls." I say
I hurry out of the kitchen and into the main area. My eyes search for Max. I hurry into the front grass area stumbling a little.
"Cam?" Someone calls
I look over and see Max coming towards me.
"Oh there you are it's 10:30 I need to be home." I say
"Oh crap I'm sorry." Max says
"Bye guys." Max calls to his friends
We start down the sidewalk. I stumble a little.
"Are you okay?.." max asks looking at me
"Fine, fine." I say
"Did you drink?" He asks
"Pshh no." I say
"How did you even drink there was no alcohol." Max says
"We found some, I only took a few sips.." I say
"Sips. Yeah sure." Max says
"Okay okay..maybe like 2 cups." I say
"Cam that's a lot!" Max exclaims
"Why do you care?" I ask
"Because I don't want you to get in trouble!" He says
"Max I'll be fine." I say
I stumble again.
"Camille." Max states
"Max I'm fine so stop worrying about me. You're a bad boy, I'm a good girl. You're not supposed to worry about me." I snap
Max stares at me.
"Well maybe I want to, I'm allowed to worry about people." Max says
"Why me though?" I ask
Max doesn't answer me. We walk in silence for the rest of the way home. When we get to my house Max says goodbye and I trudge up the stairs to my house. I look behind me one last time, Max is gone. I sigh and slip inside.

(Fall)ing for Him // Max and Harvey FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now