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Max's POV

I walk down the road clearing my head after last nights news and being overwhelmed. I stop at Camille's house. I walk up the driveway and onto her porch. I slowly knock on the door. An older women answers the door.
"And who are you?" She asks
"Max Mills ma'am." I say
"Oh you're that boy that took my daughter to the party nights ago." She says
"Uh..yes ma'am." I say
"I'll get Camille." She says
She steps away from the door. Must be step-mom?..
"CAMILLE!" I hear her scream
"WHAT?" Camille screams
"MAX IS AT THE DOOR!" She yells
I hear footsteps and Camille appears in the doorway.
"Oh. Hey Max." She says
"Hey.." I say
"Now you two behave." Her step-mom says
She pushes Camille out the door, Camille rolls her eyes.
"Step mom?" I ask
"Yeah." She says
I nod.
"So what's up?.." she asks
"Um..I have to talk to you." I say
"Okay.." she says
We sit down on her porch. I dig out the letter and hand it to her. She opens it and starts reading. I watch as her eyes flow across the page reading every single word. I wait for her response.
"London huh?" She asks handing back the letter
"I actually haven't decided yet. I'm deciding tonight." I say
"You should go. That's a great opportunity. And she's right, you do have a great talent for drawing, you should use it." Camille says softly
"You really think so?" I ask
"Yeah. I've seen you Max. It's something you love. No one can hold you back from it. But it's your choice." She says
I nod.
"Thanks for being supportive." I say
"Always." She says and kisses me on the cheek
I smile.
"I think I'm going." I say
"That's what I like to hear." She says and smiles
We hug.
"When do you leave then?" She asks
"I don't know I have to call him tonight." I say
She nods.
"Just remember, say goodbye before you leave." She says
"Of course." I say
I get up and brush myself off. I hop off her porch and walk back down the driveway, I look back and she's standing there watching me. I wave and disappear down the road.
Harvey's POV

Since Laney isn't back yet and won't be back till later tonight I decide to go to Camille's. I walk up her driveway and she's sitting on her porch.
"Hey." I say
"Hey Harvey." She says
"Can we talk?" I ask
"Yeah of course." She says
I sit down on the porch next to her.
"I..um..got this yesterday." I say handing her the note
She nods and begins reading. I watch as her eyes read every single word. Probably why I like her, she's smart and doesn't skim over important words.
"Cali then?" She asks
"I don't know yet.." I say
"You should go. You have a great mind set, it would be good for some good things down there. You're a smart bean Harvey, don't doubt that." She says
"It's far though." I say
"Sure, but when will you get an offer like that again. Plus you can always come and visit during the summer." She says
I nod.
"Max got a letter like this for England." I say
"I know, he came by this morning." She says
"Oh so this is like old news for you then?" I say jokingly
She laughs.
"You two should do it. You're great people with amazing talent. And I mean how can you not pass up and offer like this?" She asks
"I don't know.." I say
"Exactly." She says
I nod.
"Thanks for talking." I say
"Of course. And hey if you do end up going, make sure you say goodbye." She says
"Of course." I say
We hug, it's short and sweet. I let go and stand up, brushing myself off. I walk down her porch and driveway to the main road. I look back and she's disappeared inside. I smile to myself and walk back up the road.
I carefully knock on her door. It flings open and she jumps into my arms.
"God I missed you." She says hugging me to death
"I missed you too." I say laughing
She plants a kiss on my lips.
"Were you bored without me?" She asks
"Kinda." I say
"Of course you were." She says
"How was your grandparents though?" I ask
"Great." She says
"Hey..can we talk real quick?" I ask
"Sure." She says
We sit down on her porch.
"I...um..got this yesterday in the mail." I say handing her the letter
She takes it from me and begins reading. She reads quickly, her eyes move quickly down and across the page. She stops when she gets to the end and reads it again this time going slower. She looks at me when she's done.
"You told him you're not going right?" She asks seriously
My face falls and I search her expression. She's dead serious.
"What?" I ask utterly stunned and confused
"I mean Harvey, be real, this is what?.. 4,000 miles away...I doubt you parents are letting you go." She says still being serious
My expression turns confused and a little bit offended.
"Laney..this IS real, I already talked to my parents-" she cuts me off
"Oh so you already discussed this without me? Is that how this is working?!" She says raising her voice
"You didn't even let me finish! I was saying I already talked to my parents about this, they said they're behind me in whatever my choice is." I say
"And you're choice is you're not going right?" She says seriously
I search her face once more, is she really not supporting me. My own girlfriend.
"Are you really not supporting me on this?" I ask still really confused
"You thought I would? Harvey this is so far away I can't believe you're even considering this! What does Max even think?" She asks
"Max actually got a letter for the London, England Performing Arts School of Talent." I say
"Max? Like Max Mills, bad boy. He got a letter? For even what?" She asks kind of laughing
I start to take offense for both me and Max.
"Excuse me? I can't believe you're saying all of this right now. Max is a talented drawer and he got recognized for it. And I'll have you know he's not much of a bad boy anymore." I say crossing my arms
"So is Max like going?" She asks
"He's making the decision tonight along with myself." I say
"And you're decision is you're not going!" She exclaims
"Laney you're my girlfriend! You're supposed to support me on this! Why aren't you supporting me?!" I sort of yell
"Because Harvey, this is god damn 4,000 freaking miles away from here, that's a LONG way. Think about it!" She yells
"That doesn't matter! What matters is I'm being offered this great deal! I'll never get something like this again!" I say
"GOOD!" She yelled
"LANEY!" I yell
"Where do you even stay anyway?" She asks rudely
"You stay on the campus." I say
"Oh what is it college?!" She asks laughing
"It's like college but it isn't!" I say
"Wow great description." She says sarcastically
"Why are you being like this? Why aren't you supporting me?! The Laney I know would support me." I say
"The Laney you know? What's that even supposed to mean?" She yells
"It means, you wouldn't act like this and you would support me." I say getting in her face
"Well news flash it's 'the Laney you know' and she strongly disagrees on this letter." She says waving the letter in front of me
I grab the letter from her and stand up.
"I'm done with this. Goodbye." I say
I walk off her porch and down the driveway without even looking back. When I'm out of view and I run back to my house as fast as I can.
Sorry guys you probably hate Laney now after just getting to like her😂😂 anyways will Harvey and Laney make up? And Max is going to his school! Yay! Don't forget to vote, comment, and share💗🌺

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