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Harvey's POV

The day kinda drags by. Something tells me I should tell my feelings but I'm not ready to face the consequences. It sucks because everyone goes for Max, not many people go for me. It's just the way it goes.
"Harvey wanna do something after school you need some cheering up." Laney says
"Don't you have practice?" I ask
"Yeah, I'll stop by your house at 4:30 okay?" She says
"Alright." I say
She smiles and heads off down the hall. Laney wasn't to bad, she's showing her nicer side, if that's a thing.. I continue down the hallway to class.
I tiredly walk through the door of my home. Seems to be no one home.
"Hello?" I call just to be sure
No answer. I throw my bag down on the floor and collapse on the couch. I close my eyes, all my thoughts flow through my head. It's actually kind of relaxing, almost to relaxing. I'm about to drift to sleep when the door bangs open. My eyes fly open.
"Sorry Harvey." Mom says
"It's fine." I say sitting up
"How was your day?" She asks putting away groceries
"Fine." I say
"How was that exam you had the other day?" She asks
"Good. I think I did well." I say
"That's good, here come help me put stuff away. Where's your brother?" She asks
"Um I'm not sure I walked home alone." I say getting up
"I hope he remembered to pick up Tilly from school." She says checking her watch
I nod.
"My friend and I are going out at 4:30 is that okay?" I ask as I put away the groceries
"Sure, which friend?" Mom asks
"Laney Johnson." I say
"Ohh wasn't she one of Max's old girlfriends or something of that nature?" Mom asks standing up
"Yeah." I say
"How is she?" She asks
"Good." I say
"I liked her. I wish she'd come by more often." She says
I nod.
"Mom I have a question." I say
"Hmm?" Mom asks
"Say my friend was dating this girl and I liked her too but I've liked her longer than the friend...but I stepped back when the friend told me they liked the girl, and they started dating but I still liked the girl what would I do?" I ask trying to hide what I was really saying
"I..um..I'm a little confused. So you like the girl your friend is dating?" She asks
"Something along those lines." I say
"Well I think you should tell your friend at least, and maybe work something out." Mom suggests
"But what if I don't want to ruin their relationship?" I ask
"Well you can say you didn't want to ruin anything." She says
I nod.
"Thanks." I say
She nods and glances at her watch.
"Where is Max? He's supposed to be home by now with Tilly." She says
"I'll call him." I say
"Thanks dear." Mom says
I dig my phone out from my bag and dial Max's number. It rings, and rings, and rings until finally he picks it up.
"Hello?" He asks half laughing
"Hey it's Harvey, mom wants to know where you are." I say
"Oh I'm out." He says
"You're supposed to bring Tilly home from school." I say
"I was? I thought you were." He says
I hear laughing in the background.
"No, I did yesterday." I say
"Oh shit then.." he says
"Max!" I exclaim
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, can you get her? I'll be home as soon as I can." He says
"Well I guess.." I say
"Great thanks." He says and hangs up
I turn to mom.
"Where is he?" She asks turning to face me
"He's out. And he forgot to get Tilly." I say
"God damn it Max. Out where?" Mom asks getting mad
"I don't know he didn't say." I say
"Well that's just great. I have to start dinner, can you get her please?" Mom asks
"Yeah I'll be back." I say
I check the time, 4:00, I can make it back before Laney comes. I stick my phone in my pocket and head out the door.
It's a little windy out, but it's quiet. I stuff my hand in my pockets as I walk. I think about Mom's advice. Maybe I should tell Max. At least Max. But I'm just not ready to face those consequences that I know will come. I turn the road to the elementary school, poor Tilly. She's probably scared as hell, no one there to pick her up. I start walking faster after that thought.
I reach the school in 3 minutes. Tilly and a teacher are waiting outside.
"I'm so sorry for making you wait, my brother forgot to pick her up." I say when I reach them
"Just glad someone's here, she's been worried." The teacher says
"Thank you, sorry again." I say
I take Tilly's hand and we start back down the road.
"Why were you so late?" Tilly asks
"Max forgot to pick you up." I say
"Bad Max." She says
"Yes bad max." I say
"He's probably to busy with Camille to even remember me." She says
"Tilly! That is not true. Max just forgot that's all." I say
"Yeah.." she says
As we step through the door it smells like pasta. I breathe in the smell.
"Oh good you're back. I'm sorry Tilly, Max forgot to pick you up." Mom says
"It's okay." She says and shrugs
She drops her bag to the floor and runs upstairs. I pick up her bag and hang it on the hook.
"Did max say when he'd be back?" She asks
I shake my head.
"That boy needs a talking to." She says
I nod. I glance at the clock, 4:24, Laney should be here soon. Then there's a knock on the door, I open it but it's not what I expected.
"Are your parents home?" He asks
"Yeah.." I say
Mom appears next to me.
"Hello officer how can I help you?" Mom asks
"Are you the mother of Max Mills?" He asks
She nods slowly.
"Please come with me then." He says

Hey!💗 first thank u so much for 200 followers! I appreciate it so much!
What do you think is going to happen? Why is there a Police Officer at their door? Comment what you think. Also Tilly is quite the savage 😂😂 don't forget to vote and share!

(Fall)ing for Him // Max and Harvey FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now