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Sorry for the time jump but there's honestly nothing exciting that really happens between when they return from England and Harvey's school tour😂 unless you want me to just write about both boys love lives then 😂🤷🏻‍♀️
1 week later

Mom and I jump into the car on our to the airport for the second time to Cali. Only me and Mom this time because Tilly is still deathly sick so Max and Dad have to stay home with her. Poor girl, so we'll only be gone 2 days.
"Are you excited?" Mom asks
"Yeah I guess so." I say
"I'm sure you'll love it." She says and smiles
We make it to the airport in 1 hour, we go through the same process as going to England, check in, get our tickets and off to the gate. We have 2 hours until the plane comes so we sit and wait and wait and wait. I almost fall asleep but then people begin lining up for the plane. Mom and I stand up and get in line, I hand the lady my ticket and she rips part of it off and gives it back to me. I walk through the tunnel to the plane, I find our seats and get in by the window. Mom joins me a second later.
"Ready?" She asks
I nod.
"Welcome aboard flight 29076 to Los Angeles, California. Please make sure all phones are turned off and trays are up for take off and landing.  Seat belts must be fastened all times and make sure you have located the water floats underneath your seats in case of emergencies. Thank you again for choosing American Airlines."
The intercom clicks off and a second later the plane starts moving down the runway. I watch out the window as we lift off into the sky, my ears plug then pop when we level out. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.
Max's POV

I sit on the couch listening to Tilly cough repeatedly from upstairs. Poor girl has strep throat and it hasn't gone away yet, in fact it's kind of getting worse.
"Dad are you sure this just strep?" I ask
"That's what the doctor said." He says
I sigh.
"If you're tired of hearing her cough then get out of the house for a little while." He says
"That's not what I was saying." I say
"Yeah but you were thinking it." He says
I get up and put my sneakers on.
"I'll be back later." I say
I slip out the door, wow I guess it does feel good not to hear someone coughing for once. I pull my phone out and text Chara.

11:30 am
What are you doing rn? I'm free
Poor Tilly is still sick

[read] 11:32am
Nothing want me to stop by?
Tell Tilly I said feel better! ❣️

[read] 11:33am
I'll come over instead
And I will thanks💞

I put my phone back in my pocket and begin walking up the road to Chara's. I walk up her driveway and knock on the door. She answers herself.
"Hey Max." She says smiling
She slips her shoes on and joins me outside.
"Hey Chara." I say
"Harvey leave this morning?" She asks
I nod.
"Hope he likes it." She says
"Me too." I say
"So where to?" She asks
I shrug. She picks up the basketball laying in her driveway, she dribbles it a few times then shoots, it goes in.
"Yeah! How about a game of horse?" She asks
"Okay." I say
"You can go first." She says
She tosses me the ball, I catch it and begin dribbling it. I move to the place where I wanna shoot, I toss it up and it goes in.
"Ooo, nice but that's to easy." She says
"What?" I laugh
She dribbles it and tosses it up, I watch her form, nice throw, nice bend of the wrists, damn she has nice form. I watch as it goes in.
"See?" She says
"Okay, okay, then how about you try a hard spot." I say
She moves farther away from the net, she dribbles it, I watch her focus, she tosses it up and it goes in.
"Ohh! Try that." She says smirking
"Indeed Miss Chara." I say
She rolls her eyes and hands me the ball. I get into her spot she was in, I dribble it, I toss it up and I miss.
"Dang." I say
"Nice try but your frorm.." she trails off
"What about my form?" I ask
"Needs some work but that was good." She says
"Well then." I say handing her the ball
"And that's an H." She says smiling
I roll my eyes. She moves to a different spot on the court, dribbles, tosses and goes in.
"Good luck." She says
I stand in her spot, I dribble, toss, and it goes in!
"All the luck I need." I say smiling
She rolls her eyes. I move farther back on the court, I dribble, toss, and goes in!
"Try that." I say
"Please." She says
She dribbles, tosses, and misses.
"Oh what was that? That's an H." I say mocking her
She rolls her eyes.
The game goes on for another good 20 minutes, Chara wins but it was a close game.
"Nice game." I say
"I learned from the best." She says
"Aww." I say
"I'm talking about Harvey." She says laughing
"That's rude." I say
"You're both the best." She says gently punching my arm
I punch her back.
"Lets go get ice cream!" Chara cheers and pulls me down the driveway
And off we go to get ice cream.
Oops this is kind of a short chapter too, my apologies, these coming chapters will be somewhat short. Some Mara action for everyone, also the game of Horse is a fun basketball game you can play in the US, not sure if they do it in the UK🤔 anyway sorry if they did some of it wrong I don't quite remember how to do it so no hate please! Don't forget to vote, comment, and share! 💗💕

(Fall)ing for Him // Max and Harvey FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now