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"Hey.." I say
"W-what are you doing here?" She asks griping the door handle
"Um..I wanted to talk." I say
"O-o-okay.. come in I guess.." she says stuttering a little
I step in, kicking my shoes off, she leads me to the kitchen, just as I remember.
"Char, honey who's at the door?" Her mom calls
"Um..Max." She says looking down at the floor
"Max? Max who?" She asks
"Mills." She says
"Max Mills?" She asks
She comes into the kitchen a minute later, she stops when she sees me.
"Max.." she says
"Hi..." I say
"What brings you here?" She asks
"I'm...um here to share some news." I say
"Oh really?" She asks
I nod.
"Well sit." Ms. Paella says
I pull out a chair and take a seat along with everyone else.
"So what's your news?" Ms. Paella asks
I dig out a paper from my pocket and slide it onto the table. Char grabs it first and begins reading. I watch as her eyes read each word, she slides it back into the table when she's finished. Her mom takes it and begins reading. She puts it back down when she's done reading.
"That's wonderful Max." She says
"Yeah..great." Char says quietly
"Char got the same letter." Ms. Paella says
She gets up and pulls out a letter from a pile on their table, she hands it to me. I read it, it's almost the same as mine. I put it down when I finish.
"I figured you got one too." I say
"Yeah but I'm not going." Char states sharply and crosses her arms
I look at her mom.
"I tried to convince her, it's a great offer, but she's not going for it. But now maybe since you got one and she knows you..then maybe she might go." She says glancing at Char
"I'm still not going. And it's not like me and Max are even friends anymore." Char states
"Now Char.." Her mom says
"Mom stop trying to make me go! I'm not going! Max going doesn't make it any better because we're not even friends anymore. We're just strangers with memories." Char exclaims
I stare down at my lap.
"Charlise. Go cool off outside." Her mom demands
Char stands up and walks away, slamming the door behind her.
"Sorry you had to see that Max. You'll do fine in England." Ms. Paella says
"Thanks. I'm gonna go talk to Char." I say
"Okay, maybe you can try to convince her. You know Max, it isn't the same without you being around." She says
"Yeah, it isn't. You guys were like my second family." I say and walk out the door
I step outside and Char's shooting hoops in her driveway.
"Hey Chara." I say
She glances at me.
"Don't call me that." She says looking away
"Why not?" I ask stepping off the porch
"Because. You lost that privilege when we stopped being friends." She states
"It wasn't my fault." I say
"Oh really? Then whose was it?" She asks getting annoyed
"Chara you know whose fault it was. Jackson messed me up inside, he practically ruined my life. I lost almost all of my friends." I say
"I said don't call me that. And Max you knew what he was like, but you fell for it anyway." She says
She tosses the ball up, it misses, I catch it and tuck in under my arm.
"Stop Max, give it back." She says
"No." I say
"Max." She says
"Chara you'll never get an offer like this one again. It's a once and a lifetime opportunity, I think England would fit you. And if you don't go you'll regret it for the rest of your life." I say
"I wouldn't regret it for a second, now give me the ball back." She says reaching for it
I step away.
"Tell me why you don't wanna go." I say
She looks at me, her lip quivers.
"It's to far away from home." She says quickly
"Somehow I know that's a lie. You've wanted to leave home since you were 10 years old." I say
"Well now I don't wanna leave." She says
"Is it because you don't want to share your art to the world?" I ask
She stares at me.
"This is ridiculous, I'm not going and that's final. You can't get inside me like you used to. Your not as special as you think Max Mills." She says
"Chara. You were like my second family when I moved here 8 years ago. I'm sorry for what happened last year. Really I am. But you have to understand that it's okay to take chances. This is your only big chance you'll get to take for awhile." I say
She stares at the ground.
"I'm not that type of person who likes to show their art to people. I always seem to find things that could be fixed, and in my eyes it always looks awful and could be fixed in so many ways. I just don't think I'm ready to share my art for those kinds of people." She says finally
"Chara, you're art is amazing. Everyone has reasons why they don't wanna show their art but if you got a letter like that then that means that those people in England love it and want to see more. You have to take a chance. And if you go with me then we can face that chance together." I say
She smiles to herself.
"Chara?" I ask
"I'll think about it. I'll get back to you okay?" She says
"You promise?" I ask
"Promise." She says
I pass her the ball, she catches it.
"See you." I say
"Bye Max. And hey, thanks for stopping by. It's good to see you again." She says
I nod. She comes over to me and kisses me on the cheek. I smile. I begin walking down her driveway and onto the road. I think I just gained back a friend..one of my favorites too..

New character, Charlise! Or Char/Chara. She'll play a role in the second book! Do you think she'll come to England with Max for their school? Do you think she'll go? Also what do you think of her? Do you think you like her? Don't forget to vote, comment, and share!💓💓

(Fall)ing for Him // Max and Harvey FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now