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Chara's POV

I sit in our hotel room reading my book, Mom's on her phone reading something. I look up from my book and stare out the window, I sigh.
"When's Max and Harvey getting back?" Mom asks
I glance at the time, 6:45pm.
"Sometime later tonight I think." I say
"Tell me Char, if you guys like each other then why aren't you dating?" Mom asks looking at me
"I don't know. A part of me thinks he still likes Camille a little bit, and the other part thinks that he's gonna find someone he likes at the school.." I say
"Char, if he likes you then he likes you." Mom says
"I just don't know. I think I'm just gonna forget about it." I say
"Char, you know that doesn't help." Mom says
"I know, I know." I say rolling my eyes
She goes back to her phone, I begin reading again. My mind wanders with thoughts while reading, I finally just give up on reading and close my book.
"What are we doing tomorrow?" I ask
"Well tomorrow we're going home remember?.." mom says
"Right.." I say quietly
I get up and begin packing some of my things.  After a few minutes there's a knock on our door, I get up and open it.
"Oh Hey Harvey." I say
"Hey." He says
"What are you doing back so early?" I ask
"Oh well Tilly wasn't feeling well.." he says
"Oh that's to bad." I say
"Yeah..so I was wondering if you wanted to come with me and Max and go like walk around and maybe get ice cream?" He asks
I look at my mom.
"It's up to you." She says
"Yeah sure, just let me get my shoes." I say
I grab my flip flops, and step outside into the hallway. Max stands with his back to the wall by his hotel room.
"Hey.." I say
He looks up.
"Hey." He says giving me a half smile
"Ready?" Harvey asks
We both nod. We walk in silence to the elevator, I glance at Max, his hands are stuffed into his pockets and his eyes are staring straight ahead. Harvey presses the button and the elevator opens, I press floor 1.
"So how was your visit?" I ask
"Good." Harvey says
I nod.
"Tilly and Leo played dollies the whole time. It was cute." Max says
I smile.
"Awh, he's such a good brother." I say
"Yeah." He says
"What'd you do today?" Harvey asks me
"Nothing really. Me and my mom hung out together and did some exploring." I say
They both nod.
"Did you find any cool things?" Max asks
I shrug.
"I guess." I say
"Ready to go home tomorrow?" He asks
"Yeah." I say
"It was fun." Harvey says
I nod.
"You guys are gonna have a great time at school." He says
"Yeah." I say
The elevator opens and we all step off. We walk out into the street, it's kind of chilly out.
"Where to?" Harvey asks
"Wherever." I say
"Lets go get Ice Cream." Max says
"Okay." Harvey says and shrugs
We walk down the street not to far to a small ice cream stop. I get Strawberry, Max gets mint, and Harvey gets chocolate.
"Thanks.." I say
"No problem." Harvey says
"I gotta use the bathroom real quick, be right back." Max says
He goes off into a small bathroom area a little ways down from the ice cream shop. It's just me and Harvey.
"Harvey I need some advice.." I say
"Okay." He says
"I don't know what to do about liking Max. I mean I like him and all but part of me thinks he still Iikes Camille some." I say
"Char, he and Camille aren't together and they don't have feelings for each other anymore. Trust me. And Max really likes you, after every he's been through." He says
"Yeah?" I ask
Harvey nods.
"I just don't know if I'm ready to date him yet." I say
"Don't worry about it okay? When the time is right you'll be together." He says
"Thanks." I say
He nods.
"How are things with you and Laney?" I ask
"Good." He says
I nod. Max returns, and we just stand there for a moment eating our ice cream.
"Wanna get back? We have a long day tomorrow." Harvey says
"Yeah sure." I say
We walk back to our hotel, taking the elevator back up. I say good night to everyone and return back to my room. Mom's packing her suitcase when I get in.
"Have fun?" She asks
I nod.
"Good. Now finish some packing we have a big day tomorrow." She says
I finish my ice cream and start packing again.
I wake up to my mom's alarm going off, she hits it off and begins to get out of her bed. I stretch and sit up, turning the lamp on too. I jump into the bathroom real quick to get ready. My mom gets in after me, I finish packing my last minute things, I zip up my suitcase and backpack. I make my bed along with my mom's. She comes out of the bathroom ready to go.
"Ready to go home?" She asks
I nod. We gather our things, and step out into the hallway, the mills family joins us a second later.
"Ready to go?" Mrs. Mills asks
My mom and I nod. We walk down to the elevator, surprisingly everyone fits in with their bags. It's a quiet ride down and walk to the streets. We wait for our cab to pick us up to bring us to the airport, I stand awkwardly next to Max.
"Wanna sit next to each other again?" He asks
"Sure." I say
He gives me a half smile.
The cab pulls up and we all get in. It's a quiet ride to the airport besides the parents talking. I stare out the window, it's dark still in London since its early in the morning. We pull up to the airport and everyone piles out, Mrs. Mills goes to check us in, we go through the same process we went through coming here. We walk up to our gate and Mrs. Mills passes out the tickets, then we sit and wait.
Max's POV

We wait, and wait, and wait for or plane. Harvey falls asleep in the chair next to me, Tilly's asleep too. I look over at Chara, she's nodding off to sleep.
"Are you tired?" I whisper to her
She looks at me and nods sleepily. I move over into the longer seat next to her, she rests her head on my shoulder, I smile. I wrap my arms around her, I feel her body slowly relax into mine, her breathing slows. I rest my head on top of hers, I close my eyes and fall asleep.

I wake up and the next thing I know I'm on an airplane. I look around, everyone's here, sleeping. Chara's still asleep on my shoulder, the last thing I remember I was in the airport. I see Mom and Dad across from us, Harvey and Tilly asleep diagonal from us and Ms. Paella in front of us.
"Dad." I whisper
He looks over at me.
"Oh you're awake." He says
"Since when did I get on the airplane?" I ask
"You and Chara looked so peaceful we didn't want to wake you guys so I carried you to the plane and Ms. paella carried Chara." Dad says
"Oh." I say
Dad nod and goes back to reading his book. I look back down at Chara, she looks so peaceful. I play with her hair twisting it around my finger. She stirs and I quickly pull my hand away, her eyes slowly open.
"Morning." I say
"Morning?.." she says confused
"Your mom carried you onto the plane, she didn't wanna wake you." I say
"Ohh." She says
She sits up and stretches. I stare at her, she's so pretty..
"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asks
"No reason.." I say looking away
I glance back at her and she staring at me this time.
"What are you doing?" I ask
"Nothing.." she says
"Are you checking me out?" I ask jokingly
"Sure we'll go with that." She says and winks
"So while we were shopping the other day I had this impulsive urge to buy something so I did. So here." I say taking out a small bag
"Max. What did you buy?" She asks
"Just open it." I say
She opens it and takes out a smaller bag.
"Are you really doing this?" She asks looking at me
I shrug
She opens the smaller bag revealing an even smaller bag.
"Max this isn't funny." She says
"Just keep going." I say
She opens the even smaller bag and pulls out a tiny box.
"This better be good." She states
She opens the box revealing a folded up envelope. She looks at me, I shrug. She carefully unfolds the envelope and out drops a ring.
"Read the note first." I say
She begins reading the note while holding the ring in her hand.
"Awww Max this is so sweet." She says
I feel my cheeks go a little red.
"So what do you say?" I ask
"Of course I'll go out with you!" She exclaims
She hugs me and slips the ring on.
"It's so pretty." She says smiling
"It was an impulsive buy." I say shrugging
She laughs.
"But really I love this. And you." She says
I blush.
"Aw thanks. I love you too." I say and smile.
GUYS NEW COVER! By AshlyBobo its the best thank you so much! She made me like 4 so I'm gonna be using all of them 😂😁 anyway
Long chapter kind of..Max and Chara! Yeahhh!! So what do you guys think? I swear this book is gonna be rlly long, we still have to get through Harvey's school tour 😂 but don't worry it's all gonna be worth it. 😁 don't forget to vote, comment, and share!💓🌸

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