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I couldn't help my feelings for Camille. I liked her in the first place, but when Max admitted his feelings only short of a few weeks ago I knew I had to step back. I knew he really meant them and I couldn't just tell him he couldn't have her when I couldn't even tell her my own feelings. I didn't mention anything to Max about my feelings, he still thought I liked Marissa anyway. But now just seeing them together makes me hurt inside. The night when Camille came here in tears...I had lied to her. I know, I know, wrong decision on my part but I couldn't help myself. I was frustrated... Max wasn't busy. He was in our bedroom crying his eyes out. I knew that they needed each other there and then but I, myself wasn't ready. I know that's selfish but what else was I supposed to do? I was heartbroken when I closed the door leaving her there in tears, but I didn't know what else to do. They deserve each other, they deserve the whole world and beyond.
I drag myself into school. People mill about waiting for classes to start. I stand by the drinking fountain on my phone. Max and Camille walk by me laughing at each other. Smiles plastered all over their faces. I sigh again, and look back down at my phone.
"Hey Harveyyyy." Someone says dragging out the Y.
I look over and see a girl I've never talked to before.
"Um hi?" I say confused
"You know me, I'm in your Science Class, I sit right behind you." She states
"Oh..yeah?.." I say still confused
"Laney Johnson." She says rolling her eyes
"Oh. Yeah..Laney.." I say starting to remember
"Well anyway, you looked down." She says
"No..I'm ok." I say
"You sure?" She asks
I knew perfectly who Laney was now. She's part of the cheer team and she's captain. Which makes her friends with the football players, making her popular, and a snob... I wasn't going to let her in on my business, she had a thing with Max awhile back, I completely forgot about her until now.
"Yeah I'm perfectly fine." I say annoyed
"Is it Max and whatever her name is? Yeah they're bothering me too. Ever since I saw them at the park last night..." Laney says trailing off
"Wait were you stalking them?!.." I exclaim
"Shhhh..I wasn't stalking. I was walking by and I happened to see them. It was a late night jog, don't judge me I'm a cheerleader, need that exercise. Anyway, I saw them so I stopped and watched. But only for 5 minutes then I left." She says
"Okay?.." I say
"I have juice with that girl Max's is with now do you want me to say anything?" Laney asks narrowing her eyes. I watch as an evil smile forms across her face
"Juice?" I ask
"Whatever, do you want me to say anything or not?" She demands
I pause for a moment. I don't want to ruin their relationship. But knowing Laney if I do tell her to say something she would turn it into an evil twist that would make me sound bad.
"No I'm okay." I finally say
"Whatever you say Harv." She says and walks away...more like skips
I roll my eyes and begin to talk to my first class.
Laney's POV

Before the start of 1st period, I find Camille in the hallway at her locker. I know what I'm about to do isn't right but I'm just so jealous of Max's new girlfriend. I don't have anything against her, my jealousy just gets the better of me. I feel bad that I'm doing this but I don't know how to do it any other way. I'm not a nice person so I don't know how nice people do things.
"Hey, Camille right?" I say acting like I don't know
"Yeah?..you're Laney right?" She asks
"Yeah. Anyway I wanted to tell you something I thought you should know." I say
"Okay?.." she says questionably
I hesitate, maybe I shouldn't do this...
"Actually never mind. It's not that important." I say
"Oh..uh..okay then.." she says
"Sorry to bother you." I say and quickly walk away
Wow did I really just do that?.. I mean I am jealous of their relationship but...I don't wanna be one of THOSE people. Not to long ago someone did that to me and my relationship. Boy do I remember how much that hurt. I guess I don't want Camille to go through the same pain I did..

New chapter for you all!💗 hope you can get some laughs, I tried to make it a little more funny than some of my other ones. New character Laney (Lay-Ne) that will be coming up more often! Leave feedback, I love reading your comments!

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