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I actually stayed up through the whole plane ride, I just stared out the window listening to music, it was quite peaceful. Max ended up falling asleep again, Harvey fell asleep along with Tilly. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who stayed up through the whole plane ride. I also watched as Max slept, he looked so peaceful, I played with his hair too. He didn't notice though. As we were landing people were starting to wake up.
"We have now landed in London, England. Thank you again for flying with us and please wait to remove your seat belts until the plane has fully landed. Thank you for flying American Eagle."
I shook Max awake, his eyes fluttered open, he stretched and sat up.
"Are we there already?" He asks sleepily
"Yes Mr. Sleepyhead." I say
He laughs.
"Did you stay awake for the whole flight?" He asks
"Yeah." I say
He nods. The plane lands and everyone takes off their seat belts and stands up. Harvey helps Tilly up, we let her go first following behind her mom and dad. I follow everyone off the plane and into the airport.
"Such a good flight." Mom says
"It was wasn't it?" Mrs. Mills says
We walk down to the baggage claim and 5 minutes later everyone has their stuff.
"There should be a cab waiting to take us to our hotel." Mr. Mills says
Everyone wanders outside, it's kind of chilly out.
"It's cold in England!" Tilly exclaims
"That's what it's like in England. Mostly chilly but in the summer it warms up." Mom says
I watch as people get into their cars or get out of their cars. Everyone has a British accent it's kind of cool.
"You and Max will be coming home with English accents." Mom says
I roll my eyes.
"She's right." Max says laughing
I roll my eyes again.
"Ah there's our cab." Mr. Mills says
We walk up to the cab, the driver gets out to help with our bags. He opens the doors for us and we get in.
"I forgot everyone here drives on the left side." I say
"It's weird!" Tilly exclaims
I laugh. I take a seat next to Harvey and Max gets in next to me.
"Did you enjoy your flight Char?" Harvey asks
"Yeah. It was relaxing." I say
"Did Max sleep the whole time?" Harvey asks glancing over at Max
He rolls his eyes.
"Yes." I say laughing
"What? I can't help that I'm a sleepy teenager." Max states
"Exactly! So why do you make fun of me when I sleep!" Harvey argues
"Because you're Harvey." He says
Harvey grunts and turns his attention towards the window. The rest of the ride is silent, we pull up to a big hotel. Everyone climbs out, an attendant meets us outside.
"You must be the Mills and the Paella's, let me show you to your rooms, I will get someone to get your bags." He says
We follow him inside and up the stairs, he stops at two doors across from each other.
"Paella's and Mills." He says
"Thank you." Mom says
He hands us the key, mom opens it. A two bedroom hotel.
"Nice." I say
I set my bag down and jump into the bed, feels nice.
"Check your bed!" Mom says
I get up and check the bed making sure there are no bugs.
"All good." I say
I walk across the hall into Max and Harvey's room, they have 3 beds and their room is a bit bigger.
"Thank god there's 3 beds because I am not squishing in with Tilly because she's a kicker." Max says
I laugh.
"Bags." Someone says
Mrs. Mills goes over to the door to collect the bags.
"So did you just say that I'm sleeping with Tilly?" Harvey asks
Max nods.
"Ughhhhh." Harvey groans
"I'm sure she's not that bad." I say
"Oh so you think." Harvey says
"What a nice room!" My mom says
"Isn't it?" Mrs. Mills says
"I was thinking we all could go get dinner somewhere." Mr. Mills suggests
"Oh that's a great idea!" Mom says
"Lets freshen up and we can go?" Mrs. Mills says
Mom nods.
"You coming back over Char?" Mom asks
"I'll be over in a minute." I say
"Char can you play dollies with me when we get back?" Tilly asks pulling at my leg
"If there's time sure." I say
"Yay! Mommy when do we get to see Leo?" Tilly asks
"Soon honey." Mrs. Mills says
I wander back over to our room. Mom's in the bathroom fixing her hair, I dig my brush out and do a quick brush of my hair. Mom comes out to brush her hair.
"What do you think of London so far?" She asks
"It's cool." I say
"I think you're gonna like it here." She says
I nod. We turn off the light and lock our room and meet the Mills outside in the hallway.
"Ready?" Mrs. Mills asks
We all nod. We begin walking down the hallway, i pull Harvey aside.
"Hey can I um tell you something?" I ask quietly
"Sure...what's up?" He asks
"Um.. well..I kind of like Max." I say
"Awww Char." He says and smiles
"Why are we awwing Char?" Max asks pulling back to walk with us
"Max did you know-" I cover Harvey's mouth
"That I like bunnies." I say quickly
"Um..no?..that's cute though." Max says and smiles
"Heheheh..thanks.." I say
I pull my hand away from Harvey's mouth.
"Why aren't you telling him?" He asks quietly
"Because I don't want to tell him!" I say
"Why?" Harvey asks
"Because!" I say
"What are you two arguing about?" Max asks laughing
"Nothing." I say a little to quickly
"Okay then..I see how it is." Max says
I roll my eyes.
"We're talking about her bunny addiction." Harvey says
I punch him.
"Ow." He says rubbing his arm
"I don't have a bunny addiction!" I exclaim
"Bunnies!" Tilly exclaims
I sigh.
"Then what were you talking about?" Max asks looking at me
"No one, nothing." I say walking away
I catch up with the parents and walk behind them not exactly listening to what their saying. Sometimes I wish I didn't have the ability to like people.
We arrive at the restaurant, it's small but it's cute. The parents sit at one table and we sit at a table behind them. Max slides in next to me and Harvey and Tilly sit across from us. I intently read the menu, it's not like i wanna sit next to Max at that moment in time. I felt selfish, awkward and shy if I told him how I felt, plus what if he doesn't even like me back? He may still having feelings for Camille or someone..

Dinner kind of just blows by, it wasn't to exciting. We walked back to our hotel, I enjoyed looking at the streets of London though. It was pretty and everyone had British accents that fit well with the city. I trudged back up my hotel room but Max pulled me back. He waited for everyone to disappear into the hotel rooms until he started talking.
"What was that earlier?" He asks looking at me searching my face
I look down at my feet.
"It was nothing okay?" I say
"It was something Chara don't lie to me." He says
"Max it's nothing for you to worry about okay?" I snap
"Why can't you just tell me?" He groans
"Because I can't!" I snap again
"Chara." He says
"No Max. That isn't going to work, just go to bed." I say
I begin opening the door to my hotel room, I glance back at Max, he's staring at me. Like dead on staring at me.
"Stop looking at me like that." I say
"No." He says
I sigh, I move away from the door.
"It's nothing personal Max. I'm just not comfortable telling you right now. When I am I will. I promise okay?" I say
"Okay.." he says quietly
I walk back to the door and slide the card through, I look back at Max.
"Chara?" He says
"Yeah?" I ask
"I like you too." He says and goes into his hotel room
He likes me too? Does he know? Did he really just fake an argument with me? I shake my head and walk into the room.
Ooo poor Chara. I'm really trying my best to finish this book and chapters so I can start drafting and writing book 2! Whooo almost to 1k votes too! That's like incredible guys! Don't forget to vote comment and share!💓

(Fall)ing for Him // Max and Harvey FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now