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Harvey's POV

"We have now arrived in Los Angeles, California. Please wait to remove seat belts until plane is at a complete stop. We want to thank you again for flying with us today."
I watch as the plane lands onto the runway, dang it's hot in Cali. As the plane stops people begin to stand up and stretch. Mom and I stand up and grab our carry on, we follow everyone off the plane and into the airport.
"We made it kiddo." She says
I nod. I follow Mom down to baggage claim, we get our one big suitcase and walk outside. Lots of Palm Trees fill the outside along with the warmth. An uber pulls up to us, I help mom get the suitcase into the trunk and climb into the back of the car.
"Welcome to LA." The driver says
"Thank you." Mom dad
"Where to?" He asks
"The Noolking Hotel please." Mom says
He nods and begins driving. I watch out the window, lots of differences between here and Maryland.
A quick 20 minute drive and we arrive at the hotel. Mom and I climb out and grab our suitcase. Mom checks us in and gets our card key, we take the elevator up to the 2nd floor.
"Room 234." Mom says
We find room 234, she slips the card through and the door makes a click sound, i push it open, looks like the one in England but smaller and a little less fancy.
"We made it." Mom says
I jump onto the bed, soft.
"Wanna call Dad and tell him we made it?" She asks
"sure." I say
I pull my phone out and dial Dad's number.
"Hello?" He answers
"Hi, we made it." I say
"Oh good, is it nice down there?" He asks
"Yeah." I say
"Okay well have fun with your tour tomorrow." He says
"Thanks." I say
"Oh and ask him how Tilly is." Mom calls
"Oh and goes Tilly?" I ask
"She's not really doing any better, coughing a lot." He says
"Awh poor girl. Tell her to feel better and we'll see her soon!" I say
"Will do. Have fun. Goodbye." He says
"Bye." I say
I hang up.
"He said have fun tomorrow. And Tilly's still pretty sick." I say
"Oh poor girl, and I'm sure we will." Mom says smiling
I nod.
"Yeah." I say
For the rest of the day me and Mom walk around LA, checking out the cool stores and stuff. I don't really find anything I like but Mom finds some things for Tilly that she may like..

As I'm looking at some of the keychains someone taps me on the shoulder, I turn around and a girl stands in front of me. Shorter than I am, brown hair.
"Hey, you didn't look like you were from here so I wanted to say hi." She says
"Um Hi?" I say awkwardly
"Sorry I didn't mean to offend you..it's just people in LA have more of a tanner skin tone..you know from all the sun. Anyway I'm Carmen." She says holding out her hand
"I'm Harvey." I say shaking it
"What brings you to the big, bright LA?" Carmen asks
"I'm um here for a school tour. For the Los Angeles, California School of Art and Talent." I say
"Ohh, hey I go there now. It's pretty cool." She says
I nod.
"It's not as bad or as stressful as you think. You can kind of do whatever you want. You can walk to your own classes..you can eat wherever, it's pretty fun." She says
I nod.
"You look familiar do I know you from somewhere?.." she asks studying my face
"No..I don't think so.." I say
"Don't you have a girlfriend named Laney?" She asks squinting her eyes
"Yeah?.." I say
"Ohhh now I know who you are. Yeah me and Laney go wayyyyyy back. She used to live here in LA until she moved a few years ago. She's sent me pictures of you.." Carmen says
"Oh.." I say
"She's a good girl, treat her well." She says
I nod.
"So Harvey I think I'm gonna get these soaps did you find anything?" Mom asks coming up to me
I glance at her and shake my head. She looks at Carmen.
"Oh Hello." Mom says
"Hi, I'm Carmen." Carmen says sticking out her hand
Mom shakes it.
"I was just telling Harvey here that I go to the LA School of Arts and Talent too." She exclaims
"Oh that's great, maybe he'll see you in the fall." Mom says
"Definitely. Well I have to go, it was nice meeting you!" Carmen says and runs off
"She's a nice girl." Mom says
"Yeah she's kind of upbeat and peppy." I say
"Nothing wrong with that." Mom says going to the checkout
"She knows Laney. They go wayyyy back." I say dragging out the y like Carmen did
"Oh really?" Mom asks
"Yep. Apparently Laney used to live in LA, she moved a few years ago." I say
"Well that's interesting." Mom says
I nod. She checks out and we wander out of the store.
"Lets get some dinner and we can head back." Mom says
I nod. We walk a little farther up the street until we find a small restaurant to eat at.

After our dinner we walk back to the hotel. We take the elevator back up and Mom slides the card through. I collapse onto my bed.
"Harvey take your shoes off." Mom says
I slip my shoes off and let them fall to the floor. I curl up into the blankets with my clothes still on.
"You're not changing?" Mom asks
"I'm too tired." I say sleepily
"Alright, well I guess you should get your sleep, you have a big day tomorrow." Mom says
I slowly close my eyes, I let myself drift to sleep..
Laney's POV

"I met him and introduced myself..he didn't seem to thrilled about meeting me.." Carmen says through the phone
"That doesn't matter, just make sure you keep him in the right crowd." I say
"Right, right. But his roommates.." she trails off
"I already have that taken care of." I say
"I can't believe you're doing this Lane." She says
"He can't fall with the wrong crowd because if he does he'll never be the same. Never. I'm just trying to keep him safe." I say
"You're a good person Laney. Remember that." Carmen says
"I'll try." I say
NEW CHARACTER CARMEN! She'll play a role in the next book too. Yes you guys are probably confused very much, but it will start to make sense later on..😂 don't forget to vote, comment, and share! 💗🌸

(Fall)ing for Him // Max and Harvey FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now