~ bonus chapter 1

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Bonus chapter; END Chapter 42, when Max and Chara go to hang out, this is what happened
Max's POV

After having an argument about what we should do we just decided to get ice cream to start, my treat. Of course she argued but it was my treat, it had been awhile anyway. Now we sit quietly at a small table outside the store.
"This is nice, I missed this." I say
"Yeah..it's been awhile.." she says quietly
"Yeah.." I say
There's silence for another few moments.
"I'm um..sorry for last year." I say
"Don't. You know it's over. It's done with. Move on." She says in a rush
"Chara, I'm just trying to apologize." I say
"I said don't call me that. And Max you do remember what happened right? You do know what happened to us?.." she asks leaning over the table
Of course I do. I remember every dang detail.


"You know the new kid Jackson?" I ask Chara as we walk down the hallway to our lockers
"I guess?.." she says
"He seems kind of cool. He's in a few of my classes and always seems to be pulling these funny jokes and stuff." I say
"Oh I'm sure the teachers LOVE that." She says emphasizing the word love
"Oh they do." I say laughing
She rolls her eyes.
"Oh come on it's funny." I say shrugging
"Just don't become apart of it. You know how much trouble you would get in." She says waving her finger in front of me
I make an oops face.
"Max?!" She exclaims
"We're hanging out tonight it's no big deal. If he's that much trouble I won't hang out with him." I say shrugging
"You shouldn't do it. You know what he'll make you do??" She asks looking at me
"We're just gonna play video games. That's what he said." I say
"That's what he said, but that's not what you're gonna do." She says
"You can't control who I hang out with. Plus you're not my only friend." I snap
She looks away, hurt by what I just said, dang it. I hurt her feelings.
"Chara, I didn't mean it like that.." I say trying to take back the damage I just made
She shakes her head.
"Whatever. Have fun hanging out with your new friend." She says walking away
Ouch. That one kind of hurt. I sigh.


I lean back in my chair, the beginning of our friendship falling apart. I made the wrong decision that day.. I should've listened to Chara. I'm such an idiot.
"Now you know what I mean." She says reading my facial expression
"Char, I was 13 and I didn't know what I was doing. He was a whole year older what do you expect?" I say
"But you were smarter than that." She says
"I'm sorry." I say
She glances up at me.
"Don't worry about it okay? Just try and forget it and lets have fun today. We haven't seen or talked to each other for a whole year." She says smiling
"Alright." I say smiling

We end up going to the mall and having a lot of fun. Trying on clothes and almost getting kicked out of stores. It's probably the most fun I've had in awhile.
"Max I can't believe you got kicked out of there." Chara exclaims coming up next to me
"Oops." I say shrugging
She laughs
"Is this the kind of thing you and Jackson did cause that's actually kind of fun." She says
"Not exactly..but don't you be turning bad." I say
"I'm not. I'm just saying." She says still laughing
We walk down a little farther until Chara suddenly stops me.
"Shit, hide me." She says quickly
"What? Why?" I ask Watching as she runs to hide behind me
"My Ex is right there." She whispers pointing to a boy standing with a few friends in front of a store
"Which one is he?" I ask
"The one with the blue-green shirt." She whispers
I glance over and see a not very tall skinny kid with blonde hair. He and his friends begin turning in our direction.
"Maxxx he's coming what do we do?" Chara says in a panic
"Follow my lead." I say
Chara steps out next to me and I quickly put my arm around her and pull her close to me.
"Start walking." I whisper
We begin walking, catching the glance of her ex and his friends.
"Charlise?" He asks
"Hey Charlie." She says smiling
"Who's..who's that?" He asks pointing to me
"Max." I say
"Oh aren't you the guy who ditched Chara for that Jackson kid?" He asks rudely
Ouch, that stung a little.
"Well aren't you that kid who broke up with Chara?" I ask
"Chara?" He asks
"Oh sorry, that's just what I call her." I say
"Whatever. Bye." He says and walks away
We both breathe out
"Thanks.." she says
I remove my arm from her shoulder.
"No problem." I say
She smiles causing me to blush. We continue on in our adventures of the mall.

We stop at Chara's house after a long day.
"Hey thanks for today Max. It's been awhile." She says gently punching my arm
"Yeah I had fun too." I say
We do a quick hug, I take a step back.
"I'll see you later." She says
She walks up her driveway and slips back inside. I begin walking back up to my house.
Annnd that's the end of bonus chapter one! A little flashback of Max and Chara's past. What did you guys think of this? Let me know what other bonus chapter's you'd like to see! 😁 don't forget to vote, comment, and share! 💖

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