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Laney's POV

It was a quick game, we won 5-1. While we were doing the halftime show I had spotted Harvey in the crowd of people, his eyes were on me intently. He didn't look okay. And I knew he needed help.
I find him after the game walking by himself.
"Harvey!" I call
He turns around.
"I don't wanna talk to you Laney." He says
"Harvey please?" I say
"Why did you tell my brother to 'talk to me' I'm fine." He says using air quotes
"You're not and I know it. I'm just trying to look out for you." I say
"Why? You don't even care." He says
"Harvey listen to me. There IS something wrong with you and your brother thinks so too. He thinks I'm the only way to get to you." I say
"I'm destructive Laney. I don't want to destroy anyone that's in my path." He says and starts to walk away.
"You're not the destructive one Harvey. I am!" I yell
He stops and turns back around.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" He yells
I pull him away from everyone and to a quieter place.
"The only reason me and Max broke up is because I have Borderline Personality Disorder. I was emotionally a mess and unstable. I have impulsive behavior, self body image trouble. I was destructive. I didn't want to hurt Max or destroy him, so I made us break up before things got worse." I say
"You seem fine now.." He says
"But I'm not. Look into my eyes, you see the destruction?" I ask
He stares into my eyes, I stare into his. I see his storms in his eyes, I see it all.
"Yeah.." he says quietly
"Exactly. Harvey I know what it's like. It's okay, I'm here for you." I say
"But it's not something that either of us can fix." He says quietly
"Maybe it is." I say
"It's not." He says looking down at the ground
"Just tell me what it is and maybe I can help." I say
"Max and Camille." He says
"What about them?" I ask
"Everything." He says
"What do you mean?" I ask
"I like Camille. I've liked her for who knows how long. But I've been so afraid to tell her how I feel, then Max comes in and says he likes her. It sounded shady but he really did like her, so I stepped back and let him like her." He says
I take it all in for a moment.
"I'm sorry Harvey. I really am." I say and hug him
"But the problem is Max doesn't even know I like her. So I have to hide my feelings. If I say something I could ruin their relationship." He says once we let go
I nod.
"Please don't tell Max or Camille. Or anyone. I don't want them to know." He says
"Okay. I promise." I say
The next day at school Max approaches me.
"What did Harvey say? Did you talk to him?" He asks
I look at Max. For some reason I can see storms in his eyes too.
"Um yeah he didn't say much. But I'll keep talking to him." I say lying
"Okay. Thanks Laney." He says
I nod. He walks off back down the hallway. I sigh, if only I could tell Max, I mean he does deserve to know, he's Harvey's twin. But I promised Harvey I wouldn't tell, I promised.
I see Harvey in 2nd period. I take a seat next to him.
"Hey Harvey.." I say
"Hey Laney." He says giving me a weak smile
"How are you doing?" I ask
"Okay." He says and shrugs
I nod.
"How long exactly are you going to hide this from Max?" I ask
"As long as I can." He says
"Harvey...you do understand that holding it in will only make things worse. You do know that right?" I ask looking at him
"Don't remind me Laney. I know it all, I know all of the consequences, I'm just not ready to face them yet." He says
I nod.
"Ok. Whenever your ready I'll be here for you." I say
He nods slowly.
"Just don't destroy yourself over this." I say and start working

Hola! Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a real thing and if any of you or people you know suffer from any mental illnesses I'm always here to talk if you need to just get stuff out💗 Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter, do you think Harvey will destroy himself over this? Comment what you think!

(Fall)ing for Him // Max and Harvey FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now