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Harvey's POV

"Did you get an invitation from Lacy for her big end of the school year party?" Laney asks while eating popcorn with her legs crossed sitting my couch
"Yeah, so did Max." I say
"Are you going?" She asks
"I don't know." I say shrugging
"Come on Harvey, it will be fun! And I promise I won't do anything. Cross my heart hope to die." She says
"I'll think about it." I say
"Better make that quick, her party is in two days." She says
"Yeah, yeah." I say waving the thought away
"So what was that whole thing with Camille?" Laney asks
"I don't know, she wouldn't let me come with her and Max, some private thing I guess." I say
Laney nods.
"Didn't they break up?" She asks
"Yeah." I say
"Would you try to date her now that she's not with Max?" Laney asks carefully
"I don't know...I mean it's kind of disrespectful to my brother since they just broke up, and I don't know how comfortable Camille would feel." I say
"You still have feelings for her right?" Laney asks
"Kind of I guess." I say
She nods slowly.
"I see what you mean." She says
"Yeah.." I say
"But hey, you don't need a girl to make you happy Harvey. There's so much more in life." She says
"Yes I know." I say and laugh
She laughs too. I hear the door open and close, Max's back. I hear footsteps come closer.
"Oh hey Laney, Harvey." He says
"Hey." I say
"Hey Max." Laney says cheerfully
"What are you guys doing?" He asks
"Watching TV, and talking." I say
"And eating popcorn!" Laney adds
"Cool, I'm going upstairs to get some homework done, if you guys don't mind." He says
"No it's fine." I say
He hustles up the steps, I hear the bedroom door close.
"He seems tired.." Laney says
"Yeah, long day." I say
"That's for sure." She says
I laugh. Laney's phone starts going off on the table. She gets up and grabs her phone to answer it.
"Hello?" She answers
"Oh hey mom." She says
I watch as she listens to her mom talking, she catches my glance and winks at me. I smile.
"I mean, can I?" She asks
There's pause.
"If you want me to, Mrs. Mills doesn't mind." She says
Another pause.
"Yeah. Yeah ok. Bye, love you." She says and hangs up
"Who was that?" I ask
"My mom, she was asking if I was coming home or staying over." Laney says
"What did you say?" I ask
"I'm staying." She says
"Cool." I say
She climbs back over the couch and gets comfortable again. I stretch out on the couch and rest my feet in her lap.
"Ew Harvey get your dirty feet off of me." She says
"Please? They're clean I promise I showered this morning." I say
"Fine." She says rolling her eyes
I smile, she gives me a sarcastic smile back.
"Laney, you're my best friend." I say
"Awww thanks." She says and gives me a real smile
I smile back. All this smiling makes my mouth hurt.
2 chapters in a row! To make up for not updating yesterday, a little Harvey and Laney action. Do you still ship #Larvey or #Carvey? 🤔 Don't forget to vote comment and share!💗💗

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